Abstract: The "golden ear" parasitizing on mulberry trees, if you are lucky enough to come across it and take it home, it is as rare as Ganoderma lucidum. Mulberry trees are a relatively common tree in rural areas. Although few people plant mulberry trees in their yards or in fro

2024/06/2520:30:33 science 1981

summary: The "golden ears" parasitic on the mulberry tree , if you are lucky enough to come across it and take it home, are as rare as the Ganoderma lucidum

mulberry tree. This is a relatively common tree in the vast rural areas, although few people are there. Mulberry trees are planted in the yard or in front of the house, but there are still many wild mulberry trees in the countryside.

Although the mulberry tree is not taken seriously by people nowadays, the fact that it is a treasure cannot be ignored. And if you have a business sense, not to mention selling other things, its leaves are also very valuable.

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The author has a friend whose child raised several silkworms this year, and he bought mulberry leaves online for these silkworm babies . Because of the high cost of keeping fresh and delivering mulberry leaves purchased online, a purchase of several kilograms at a time costs tens of yuan. We also joked with him that this is not raising silkworms at all, it is simply raising a " gold-eating beast ".

In fact, this kind of behavior of children is understandable. In the past, we who were born in the 70s and 80s raised silkworms. In order to pick mulberry leaves, we could travel long distances and climb trees to pick them.

Of course, the value of the mulberry tree is not just these. Its fruits mulberries have now become rare fruits. Even the leaves can be eaten as vegetables and used to make tea. In addition, there are many treasures on mulberry trees. Among them is a kind of "golden ear" that lives on mulberry trees. It is as rare as Ganoderma lucidum and is naturally valuable. Have you ever encountered it?

What are the "golden ears" on the mulberry tree?

Because many people planted mulberry trees in the past, and there were many wild mulberry trees in the mountains, it is estimated that many people have seen this "golden ear" on the mulberry trees, and it is not an ordinary parasitic fungus, it is the famous Phellinus .

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Phellinus mulberry is also called parasitic on mulberry, mulberry yellow mushroom, mulberry , tree chicken, Hu Sunyan , needle layer fungus, etc. It is a kind of rust leather that is parasitic on mulberry trees. Fungi belonging to the genus Phellinus in the family Poraceae.

I believe many people have heard of the name Ganoderma lucidum. It is one of the four popular "elixirs" among the people. Phellinus linteus looks somewhat similar to Ganoderma lucidum. Nowadays, its rarity is about the same as Ganoderma lucidum, and it is also the same. It has precious medicinal value that cannot be ignored.

Many people have seen this kind of thing before, but did not recognize it, let alone its value, so they often ignored it as an ordinary parasitic fungus, or destroyed it directly. This is not surprising. After all, Phellinus linata was not well-known in the past, and its value among the people was not highly valued.

The author remembers that there were dozens of wild mulberry trees in the back mountains when he was a child. At that time, he saw this kind of "golden ears" on the mulberry trees and picked them back out of curiosity. But the adults all said that this thing was not a mushroom or agaric, and it was not edible. They also told us to throw it away.

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It's a pity now that I think about it. Later, when the village developed the planting of orange trees and Camellia oleifera trees , this area of ​​mulberry trees was cut down, and now no mulberry trees have been seen for many years.

In fact, Phellinus linata, as a fungal plant, has strict environmental requirements for its growth. Generally, it will only grow in a suitable environment. At present, its distribution in China is concentrated in South China, North China, and Southwest China. If it grows wild, it is mainly found in some inaccessible deep mountains and old forests.

It is worth mentioning that Phellinus linteum not only grows on mulberry trees, but also grows on pine trees, poplars , willows, black birches and white birches , but their value is not as good as that of mulberry trees. It's just high.

The "golden" Medicinal fungus

Phellinus linteus is a fungus that can be used as medicine, and it also has high medicinal value. In fact, Phellinus linteus has a long history of being used as medicine in my country. As early as 2,000 years ago, the ancients had recognized its medicinal value and used it as medicine.

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This was recorded in the first ancient pharmacological classic "Shen Nong's Materia Medica": " Mulberry ears can replenish qi and relieve hunger, lighten the body and strengthen the will. It is a valley." It can be seen that in the pre-Qin period, the ancients had already Use it as medicine.

Many later medical classics also have records of Phellinus linteus. For example, the famous "Compendium of Materia Medica" has a more detailed record of Phellinus linteus: "The mulberry trees are parasitic (mulberry ears). The mulberry trees below are all soft ears." The name, Phellinus huang and the following are all names of hard rice, and its functions are the same. "

In addition, it is found in "Ben Cao Tu Jing", "Sheng Hui Fang", "Zi Yao Qi Fang", "Yi Jian Fang for Health", etc. Other prescriptions include information on how to use Phellinus linteus and its symptoms. In modern times, the "Dictionary of Chinese Medicine" and "Chinese Materia Medica" have also included the medicinal material Phellinus linteus, and also recorded the ingredients, pharmacology and compound prescriptions of Phellinus linteus in detail.

However, in recent years, there are fewer and fewer wild Phellinus linteus. Firstly, it is very harsh on the growth environment. Secondly, there are not as many mulberry trees as before, and the environment has also changed, which is not conducive to the growth of Phellinus linteus. . Of course, it also has a lot to do with its rising price and excessive mining.

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This has also caused the price of Phellinus linata to continue to rise. Currently, even the cheapest Phellinus linteus on the market can be sold for five to six hundred yuan per catty, and if it is of high quality, it will cost thousands of yuan per catty, and Still in short supply.

However, it should be noted that in recent years, with the in-depth research on Phellinus linteus, major breakthroughs have been made in artificial cultivation. By extracting high-quality strains from wild Phellinus linteus and cultivating it on mulberry trees, Phellinus linteus can be artificially cultivated. Its shape is similar to Ganoderma lucidum and its color is golden yellow, but the effect is naturally not as good as the wild one.

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In addition, there is another thing to note. In recent years, some fake Phellinus linteum has appeared on the market, which grows on poplar or willow trees. Although it looks very similar to Phellinus linteus, its shape is different. It is not so regular, the color is not golden, but mostly gray-black, and smells strange. Of course, its medicinal value is also greatly reduced, so you should be cautious if you buy it.

is good, I will share it with you today. After reading the article, remember to give it a like. If you think it is valuable, you can also forward and share it. Have you ever seen wild Phellinus linata? If you see this kind of "golden ear" on a mulberry tree in the future, remember to pick it and take it home. Its rarity and value are not inferior to those of Ganoderma lucidum!

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