Introduction: It resembles copper money grass and is commonly known as "tiger grass". It is both edible and medicinal. Do you know it? Our country is a country with a large population, and we are both descendants of the Yan and Huang people. In our world, there are many people wh

2024/07/0203:21:32 science 1211

Introduction: It resembles copper money grass and is commonly known as "tiger grass". It is both edible and medicinal. Do you know it?

Our country is a country with a large population, and we are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor. In our world, there are many people who look alike. When walking on the road, I often see someone with a relative or a friend, but when I get closer, I realize that I have the wrong person. I think many people will have this experience.

We humans are like this, and so are plants. Moreover, there are no fewer types of plants than humans. There are also many plants that look very similar. It doesn't matter if people admit it wrong, but if plants admit it wrong, it will be a big problem. Because there are thousands of plants, some of them are poisonous.

The plant that the author shared with you today is very similar to another plant in nature, Coppergrass. You must have guessed that this plant is the centella asiatica that we are very familiar with.

Introduction: It resembles copper money grass and is commonly known as

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However, in our hometown everyone likes to call it Qian Chi Kou, why is it called such a strange name? This is because its leaves are heart-shaped and look like copper coins, but there is a hole missing in the leaves, so it is named Qian Chisou.

In fact, it has a more famous alias among the people. According to legend, a tiger rolled in pain on the grass after being injured. The grass happened to be covered with centella asiatica. After the friction, the juice flowed to the injured area of ​​the tiger, and it actually healed the injury. Promotes wound healing, hence the name "tiger grass".

Qian Chisou It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family Centella asiatica. It can be found everywhere in rural fields, gardens, grasslands, roadsides, etc. Farmers often step on it. It has strong vitality and can reproduce. It is also vigorous, and even if only a small broken rhizome is broken, it can flourish and regenerate. It is a very common weed in rural areas.

Its stems are very long and slender. It is an extremely short plant that looks useless when growing by the roadside. And its flowers are smaller, with small purple flowers. If you don't pay attention, you can't see it at all, because it is too small.

Introduction: It resembles copper money grass and is commonly known as

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Although the money chisel is short in appearance, its role cannot be underestimated, and many people know it and often see people picking it in life, especially some elderly people who love it very much. . The young leaves of

can be used to make wild vegetables. They are often used to make soups in daily life, such as lean meat soup, bone soup, beef soup, egg soup, chicken soup, etc., which are delicious and unique. Flavor.

Every summer, people rush to pick the raw materials of herbal tea and use it to boil water for drinking. It has a good effect of relieving heat and quenching thirst. Drinking a cup of this natural herbal tea in the hot summer can clear away heat and reduce internal heat. , very suitable for summer, and is also the most commonly used herbal tea in the south.

Qian Chisou is not only edible, but also has high medicinal value. It has been used for a long time in the history of our country. The whole plant can be used as medicine. It has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, and can be used for colds, fever, damp heat It has curative effect on , , jaundice, , heat stroke, diarrhea, carbuncle, swelling and poison.

Introduction: It resembles copper money grass and is commonly known as

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At the same time, the chisel is also antibacterial, promotes the growth of granulation , ulcer healing and the orderly growth of connective tissue . It can inhibit the growth of keloid and promote the healing of chronic ulcers. It is good for The skin has a very good protective effect.

Dear friends, is there such a money chisel in your hometown? It resembles copper money grass and is commonly known as "tiger grass" among the people. It is both edible and medicinal. It is also a commonly used raw material for herbal tea among the people. Do you know it?

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