At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest "perigee" to the earth in the whole year, about 357,000 kilometers. By 2:38 am on the 14th, the moon, the earth and the sun were aligned in a straight line. At this time The moon was the roundest and golden yellow, so what peop

2024/06/2721:31:33 science 1132

At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest

html At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest "perigee" to the earth throughout the year, about 357,000 kilometers. By 2:38 am on the 14th, the moon, the earth and the sun were aligned in a straight line. At this time The moon is the roundest and golden yellow, so what people call " super moon " appears.

During the election campaign, Chief Executive Lee Ka-chiu disclosed that when he was a junior high school student at Wah Yan College in Kowloon, he was the founding vice-president of the school's astronomy society.

Li Jiachao, who is studying science and is very interested in "astronomy", naturally did not miss the opportunity to watch the "super moon".

At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest

He did not forget to check in on Facebook last night and share the "super moon" he saw with netizens.

But speaking of the "full moon", in traditional Chinese culture, it is always inseparable from the image of "reunion".

At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest

Therefore, under Li Jiachao’s Facebook page, some netizens also commented: They hope to be able to “reunite each other”, which further triggered netizens’ inquiries about the quarantine-free customs clearance date.

Hong Kong’s epidemic situation has reached the 3,000 mark again

Yabo’s two exhibition halls may be reopened

However, the epidemic situation in Hong Kong is now severe. Yesterday (13th), the number of confirmed cases reached the 3,000 mark again, with 3,154 reported confirmed cases, of which 2,943 were local cases; Today (14th), there were 3,674 new confirmed cases, including 3,417 local cases.

Hospital Authority General Administrative Manager (Patient Safety and Risk Management) Helena Ho said yesterday that the number of confirmed patients currently hospitalized in public hospitals has increased to 1,000, and the number of newly admitted patients is still increasing. The situation is worrying.

She even mentioned that the authorities may consider taking back the two AsiaWorld-Expo pavilions currently used as respite care centers from the Social Welfare Department.

Lu Chongmao said that people may be able to arrive in Hong Kong without quarantine in November

The new Director of the Medical and Health Bureau, Lu Chongmao, also mentioned that according to the government’s internal assessment, Hong Kong is expected to usher in another wave of epidemic peaks in September, with a maximum of 10,000 by then. The patient needs to be hospitalized.

The severe epidemic has undoubtedly once again cast a haze on customs clearance.

However, regarding the issue of "quarantine-free arrival", Lu Chongmao gave positive feedback in an interview with the English-language South China Morning Post.

He revealed that the Monetary Authority plans to hold an international investment summit in early November. Although people arriving in Hong Kong will need to undergo nucleic acid testing , they do not rule out that they can change from hotel quarantine to medical surveillance . During this period, high-risk activities are prohibited, such as Bar entry is prohibited.

The purpose of the "red and yellow code" is not to trap people

but to give people freedom

Why under the severe epidemic situation, Lu Chongmao said that overseas people arriving in Hong Kong may be exempted from quarantine in November?

It turns out that in order to better control the epidemic, the Medical and Health Bureau is already studying the launch of Hong Kong’s health code/red and yellow code system.

Lu Chongmao also explained yesterday that the red/yellow coding of and is not to restrict citizens’ freedom, but to enhance freedom. He explained that the purpose of these measures is "really out of good intentions and to help passengers."

At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest

The Secretary for Medical and Health inspects the Shenzhen Bay Port testing process (Photo from the Information Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

Assigning yellow codes to arrivals in Hong Kong prohibits them from entering high-risk places, which actually helps shorten their hotel quarantine period.

Specifically, people arriving in Hong Kong were originally required to be quarantined at designated points. After the red and yellow codes were introduced, arrivals who needed to be quarantined may not be able to engage in high-risk activities because they were assigned the code , and instead were placed under "quarantine supervision". After being released from prison, he will only need medical supervision after arriving in Hong Kong. During this period, he will not be allowed to go to bars or other places.

However, Lu Chongmao also pointed out that it is still necessary to study the latest data on the confirmed rate of nucleic acid tests submitted by overseas arrivals on the third day of hotel quarantine before deciding whether to change the quarantine rules. The relevant direction may be to "5+2", " 3+4” or even “0+7” isolation measures.

In addition to restricting arriving passengers, Lu Chongmao also pointed out that the "red and yellow code" policy is to contain cases as early as possible to prevent the government from tightening social distancing measures again.

When asked whether Hong Kong is copying the Macau model and whether the red and yellow codes are similar to related systems in the mainland, Lu Chongmao responded, "I have never copied others, I just learned from others. The purpose of the red and yellow codes is not to confuse people." people, and only want to identify those who are truly at risk.”

He said that Hong Kong enjoys a wide range of freedoms under the principle of " one country, two systems ". The central government will not blindly require Hong Kong to follow the mainland's epidemic prevention policies, but he agrees that Hong Kong should conduct more tests in order to better isolate cases. And ensure that society does not have to tighten epidemic prevention measures again.

In addition, he also said that the requirement for nucleic acid testing for immigrants will be retained, but does not rule out considering relaxing other measures, including canceling designated isolation and replacing it with medical monitoring.

(Editor: Shen Yuqing)

At 5:06 pm on July 13, the moon moved to the closest

This article is a new media article in Hong Kong's " Economic Herald ".

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