Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing is as scheduled! If you have any novel and interesting information, please leave a message or private message to share it with me. I will definitely reply~ Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping? When a bird squats in a tree, the flexo

2024/06/2615:42:33 science 1162

Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing,

is here as scheduled!

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welcome to leave a message or share it with me via private message. I will definitely reply~

·Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping?

When a bird squats in a tree, the flexor muscles of its paws contract, locking it firmly to the branches.

But the bat’s hind leg muscles are very underdeveloped and cannot do this. Moreover, the bat's hind legs are very small and cannot gain enough speed to fly by jumping or running. The flying organ of the bat is a thin and hairy membrane supported by the forelimbs, which is called a chiropterus. Its power is far incomparable to that of birds' wings full of muscles and feathers.

Therefore, the best way for bats is to rest at a high place and gain the initial power to fly by falling. The extensor muscles of the bat's paw are usually in a relaxed state, so its paw is usually held. When it wants to attach to a high place, it only needs to use its extensor muscles to open its claws and grasp the attachment point.

Therefore, when the bat hangs upside down, all its muscles are in a relaxed state, as comfortable as we are lying on a bed.

Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing is as scheduled! If you have any novel and interesting information, please leave a message or private message to share it with me. I will definitely reply~ Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping? When a bird squats in a tree, the flexo - DayDayNews


· The ugliest plant in the world?

If you see this plant for the first time, you will probably mistake it for a fungus.

It is the only angiosperm that has no leaf structure at all. It uses underground rhizome-like taproots to absorb nutrients from the host. The aboveground part is just a bunch of fleshy flowers, like the fruiting body of some mushrooms.

Although the name of fungus flower has a flower character, it is completely inconsistent with the beautiful image of a flower in our imagination. Its flesh is thick and fleshy, its surface is covered with pimples, its color is dark red, its upper part is cracked, and it emits a foul odor. With disgusting elements in it, it’s no wonder some people call it “the plant from hell.”

In addition, fungus flower has the smallest chloroplast gene discovered so far. They have also evolved insect-catching structures similar to those of carnivorous plants, and their flowers have a weak thermogenic effect that helps emit scent.

Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing is as scheduled! If you have any novel and interesting information, please leave a message or private message to share it with me. I will definitely reply~ Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping? When a bird squats in a tree, the flexo - DayDayNews

Good | Strange | Shrimp | Cold | Knowledge | Knowledge |

· What does air conditioning energy efficiency mean?

For ordinary fixed-speed air conditioners, the energy efficiency ratio of to is an important indicator that reflects the energy saving level of the air conditioner. The energy efficiency level divided accordingly provides a basis for us to choose energy-saving products.

For speed-controlled air conditioners, the energy efficiency label uses "cooling seasonal energy consumption efficiency (SEER)" or "annual energy consumption efficiency."

These three energy efficiency labels are divided into three levels: 1, 2, and 3. Level 1 represents the highest energy efficiency, and the levels decrease in order. In terms of energy consumption, level 1 is the lowest and goes up in order. Among them, Level 2 is the energy-saving evaluation value, which is the minimum energy efficiency ratio allowed for energy-saving air conditioners.

Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing is as scheduled! If you have any novel and interesting information, please leave a message or private message to share it with me. I will definitely reply~ Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping? When a bird squats in a tree, the flexo - DayDayNews

Good | Strange | Shrimp | Cold | Knowledge | Knowledge |

·How is the thick ice in Antarctica formed?

After repeated measurements and verifications, scientists finally came up with a measurement result: the average thickness of the ice in the center of Antarctica reaches 4,000 meters.

The formation process is as follows: within a certain period of time, snowflakes fall to the Antarctic continent and accumulate layer by layer. As the snow becomes more and more, the ice and snow above begins to squeeze the ice and snow below, and the air is squeezed out. The snow changes from the initial six-sided scattering shape to the final squeeze and disappears, and then turns into spherical snow particles.

grain of snow is further squeezed by its own gravity, and the grains of snow are close to each other, forming a hard ice surface over time. The snow above is increasing, and the ice below is also increasing, and due to climate factors, the ice cannot melt in large quantities. Eventually, the ice thickens and ice caps appear.

Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing is as scheduled! If you have any novel and interesting information, please leave a message or private message to share it with me. I will definitely reply~ Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping? When a bird squats in a tree, the flexo - DayDayNews

Good | Strange | Shrimp | Cold | Knowledge | Knowledge |

· What is the shelf life of cooking oil?

Generally, we generally recommend that cooking oil be used up within 3 months after opening, because cooking oil also has a shelf life.

There are many factors that affect the shelf life of edible oil. The most important ones include the type of oil, the antioxidants added to the oil and the storage environment. After opening, even if we tighten the bottle cap, we cannot isolate the contact between air and oil. The contact area between

and oxygen and too many times of opening the bottle will promote the oxidation and rancidity of oil, accelerate the decline of edible oil quality, and its shelf life will also be shortened.

Today’s curious shrimp knowledge sharing is as scheduled! If you have any novel and interesting information, please leave a message or private message to share it with me. I will definitely reply~ Why do bats hang upside down when sleeping? When a bird squats in a tree, the flexo - DayDayNews


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