According to the "Daily Star" news on July 13, a former engineer who claimed to have worked in Area 51, an alien gathering area, revealed that the United States is imprisoning aliens.

2024/06/2416:31:32 science 1398

According to the "Daily Star" news on July 13, a former engineer who claimed to have worked in Area 51, an alien gathering area, revealed that the United States is imprisoning aliens.

Bill Uhouse's report revealed that he worked at a secret military base in the United States and that there really were aliens there.

This alien expert seems to know more about the situation of in the 51 area and the experiments conducted there than ordinary people.

According to the

The reason why the public does not know that there are aliens here is because of former President Eisenhower (Eisenhower).

Uhouse spoke publicly about his life at the military base on multiple occasions, and although he died in 2009, he continued to expose conspiracy theorists around the world.

reports indicate that Uhaus and other engineers are working on dismantling alien technology, with military officials and engineers reverse engineering the alien technology they find.

According to the Latest UFO Sighting Report, Uhouse said: "On the technology side, we are working with alien races."

According to the

The aliens at the base are believed to be EBEs ( Extraterrestrial Entities ). House studied them with a team of engineers at the Area 51 base.

In order to monitor aliens, they created three different categories, in which "greys" are divided into three levels: small, medium and high.

Uhouse claims a peace agreement has been signed between the United States and the United Nations .

According to the

The agreement was signed by the United Nations and then-President Dwight Eisenhower, which the former engineer believed was the reason Area 51 kept access to new technology secret.


Well if they are they're not making a very good job of it..

Well, if this is indeed the case, then they are not doing a very good job of it.

(Source: Daily Star)

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