GenoCare's single-molecule gene sequencer was approved by the NMPA. On July 14, the official website of the State Food and Drug Administration released the medical device approval document. GenoCare 1600 single-molecule gene sequencer of Tongchuang Weiye member company passed the

2024/06/2904:12:32 science 1697

GenoBio single-molecule gene sequencer was approved by NMPA.

GenoCare's single-molecule gene sequencer was approved by the NMPA. On July 14, the official website of the State Food and Drug Administration released the medical device approval document. GenoCare 1600 single-molecule gene sequencer of Tongchuang Weiye member company passed the - DayDayNews

htmlOn July 14, State Food and Drug Administration official website released the medical device approval document. Tongchuangweiye member company GenoCare 1600 single-molecule gene sequencer passed was reviewed by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and approved for clinical application. The approval of GenoCare 1600 for clinical application is an important milestone in the development of GenoCare. From starting the research and development of GenoCare 1600 to obtaining the NMPA marketing approval, it is a key step in the clinical layout and promotion of GenoCare's domestic sequencing platform in the field of reproductive health.

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