Li Siguang, a Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist, said: The cosmic phenomena we see today all happened many years ago. Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years away, tens of thousands light years away, and hundred

2024/06/3008:15:32 science 1564

Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist Li Siguang said: The cosmic phenomena we see today are all events that happened many years ago.

Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years, tens of thousands of light years, and hundreds of millions of light years away. When these light rays are transmitted to the earth and are seen by us, it actually happened a long, long time ago. Something happened.

Li Siguang, a Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist, said: The cosmic phenomena we see today all happened many years ago. Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years away, tens of thousands light years away, and hundred - DayDayNews

This is a photo of the SMACS 0723 galaxy cluster located 4.6 billion light-years away from Earth in the southern part of the constellation Flying Fish.

The universe is so huge that the earth is just a grain of dust.

Time is so long, life is just a moment.

Hongmeng is vast. Looking at the present moment from the space field of the universe, human beings are still in their infancy.

It takes only a moment to explore the distance from the timeline of the universe. Everything is far away and out of reach.

Li Siguang, a Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist, said: The cosmic phenomena we see today all happened many years ago. Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years away, tens of thousands light years away, and hundred - DayDayNews

In the far-infrared band of The Southern Ring nebula, which is 2,000 light years away from the earth, the double star structure can be seen.

Even if the flight speed reaches the speed of light, the travel time for human body to reach the currently observable celestial bodies will still take several seconds. Tens of billions of years.

Li Siguang, a Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist, said: The cosmic phenomena we see today all happened many years ago. Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years away, tens of thousands light years away, and hundred - DayDayNews

"Stephan's Quintet" galaxy group, Stephan's Quintet,

So only two hypotheses can be established -

1. Light is curved, and the universe is also curved, so we can pass through something like a wormhole in a limited time Passage, entering a seemingly distant space;

2. All physical movements are accompanied by the three concepts of mass, time, and speed. The only thing that can transcend this dimension is consciousness, because the arrival of ideas only occurs in an instant.

Li Siguang, a Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist, said: The cosmic phenomena we see today all happened many years ago. Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years away, tens of thousands light years away, and hundred - DayDayNews

The Southern Ring Nebula (The Southern Ring nebula), which is 2,000 light-years away from the earth, has a near-infrared band.

​From this we can draw the following conclusion -

1. Human beings are still in a low-dimensional state of existence;

2. Human beings are constantly evolving During evolution, whether it is a living body or a conscious body;

3. The existence of the physical state is only a realistic representation of the existence of the universe. Only the existence of the conscious state is the ultimate energy that can communicate, connect, and integrate the universe;

4. Like the physical form Just like existence, ideology also has the existence of rich and colorful consciousness such as individuals and groups;

5. The physical body is the base of consciousness, and consciousness is the extension of the physical body. Evolution and improvement need to be practiced diligently in the continuous cycle of destruction and rebirth. , to the lofty and lofty;

6. Material disillusionment, consciousness is eternal.

Li Siguang, a Chinese astronomy, geology and paleontologist, said: The cosmic phenomena we see today all happened many years ago. Because many celestial bodies are hundreds of light years away from us, thousands of light years away, tens of thousands light years away, and hundred - DayDayNews

The Great Carina Nebula (Carina Nebula) 8,500 light years away from the Earth

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