Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this "talent" has no technical requirements, in order to win attention, many people use their brains to "eat randomly", or eat weird ingredients, or specifically challenge the capacity of their gastrointestinal tract. The

2024/07/0213:25:33 science 1304

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

Live broadcasts can make money as long as there is traffic and goods, so live broadcasts of various contents have become popular, which naturally includes food bloggers commonly known as mukbang. Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this "talent" has no technical requirements, in order to win attention, many people use their brains to "eat randomly", or eat weird ingredients, or specifically challenge the capacity of their gastrointestinal tract. There is no shortage of behaviors such as wasting food and violating public morals, so the country has strictly controlled and regulated this before.

However, can make a lot of money without having to work. Naturally, nothing can stop some people, so mukbang has never disappeared. It’s just that some people have regulated it, some have restrained it, some have sidelined it, and some people continue to be reckless.

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

An internet celebrity named Tizi from Nanchong, Sichuan is a famous food blogger with millions of fans. Recently she ate a protected animal a man-eating shark . After someone pointed it out, she lied and said that what she ate was not a phagocytosis. The human shark is actually the artificially bred sharp-toothed shark , and countered that "those people are talking nonsense" and tried to deter others from questioning it with threatening language such as "we are also looking for a lawyer here" .

Let us return to the beginning of the event.

There was originally a mukbang video posted by Tizi on the Internet. In the video, Tizi came to a store and asked if his "big product" had arrived. He opened a package and found a huge shark inside, which attracted a lot of attention. Few people watched. Afterwards, Tizi and others transported the shark to the countryside and took a photo with the shark while lying on the ground. In the picture, Tizi's height was almost the same as the length of the shark. Later, some people cut up the shark, boiled it, grilled it, and finally ate the shark covered in seasonings.

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

What makes people speechless is that the subtitles of "artificially bred for consumption" are written in the video screen.

After this video went online, a popular science blogger immediately pointed out that the shark that was roasted and eaten with grapes was an internationally endangered wild animal, the man-eating shark, which is equivalent to , a national second-level protected animal, .

In response, Tizi said that the shark grilled in her video was a "sharp tooth shark" and that she purchased it through formal channels. She also said, "We are also looking for a lawyer here. Those people are talking nonsense." "

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

However, the food videos of Tizi were cleared afterwards, and the various things I had eaten before, including giant salamander and other videos, could no longer be seen. But the Internet has memory, doesn't it?

So, what kind of animal is the sharp-toothed shark that Tizi is talking about?

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

Sharptooth Shark: No One Eats Me

Sharptooth Shark is an animal of the order Carcharhinidae and the family Carcharhinidae. It has a slender body, a broad and flat head, a depression above and below the base of the tail, and a wide but extremely narrow snout. It is short and inhabits coastal waters, sea-facing reef areas or lagoon areas. It mainly eats fish, octopus, lobster or crab. It is worth mentioning that after inquiries, the author has not yet found relevant information on raising sharptooth sharks in captivity and providing them with meals.

Popular science bloggers pointed out that what Raizi ate was not a sharp-toothed shark, but a man-eating shark. The famous name of the sharp-toothed shark is the large-mouth sand bar shark. It is found in the South China Sea of ​​my country and the southern waters of Taiwan. The maximum body length of the large-mouth sand bar shark is 1 meter, and the average adult body length is 0.6-0.9 meters. .

We can clearly see in the video that the raisin and the shark are lying together and compared. The raisin is the height of a normal woman, can it be more than 1 meter?

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

Man-eating shark: The sharp-toothed shark and I don’t look alike.

If it is unknown whether the sharp-toothed shark can be eaten, the man-eating shark must not be eaten. The man-eating shark is a large and ferocious shark of the family Mackerelidae and the genus . It has a spindle-shaped body, a thicker trunk, a short and pointed snout, and a ferocious nature. It preys on various fish, sharks, Stingrays, cephalopods, crabs, seabirds, turtles, seals, dolphins, whales, etc. are also known as the great white sharks.

Is the sharp tooth shark or the man-eating shark in the video? In fact, there has been accurate research and judgment. Mr. Zhou Zhuocheng, chairman of the Native Aquatic Biology and Water Ecology Professional Committee of the China Fisheries Association, said that the shark in the video is a man-eating shark, a national second-level protected animal.

Originally, mukbang was just about showing food, but since this

According to the law, man-eating sharks must be thrown into the sea regardless of life or death after being caught. It is illegal to land, sell, and buy them. And man-eating sharks, like hairtail, cannot be artificially cultured.

Mr. Zhou Zhuocheng is an industry expert, so he has proven that he is lying.

Yesterday (July 15), the police in Nanchong, Sichuan stated that they were investigating the blogger's use of sharks and salamanders as food. According to He Wenli, political commissar of the Forestry, Food, Drug, and Environmental Protection Detachment of the Nanchong Municipal Public Security Bureau, the investigation of such cases must first find expert identification from qualified professional authoritative institutions, and secondly, investigate the relevant personnel. #Internet celebrity eating great white shark#

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