2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States

2021/10/1412:20:02 science 361

2021 Nobel Prize in Economics has been announced, three American university professors jointly won the award .

These three university professors are:

Card from " _6strong1span _strong4span _strong4span _strong4span _strong9 of the University of California Berkeley 4span _strong4span_strong9)

from " MIT " 's Joshua D·Angrist from "span4span _strong9s _strong9s _strong9s _strong9s _span 4 Stanford University" 's Guido W. Imbens (Guido W. Imbens).

They conducted pioneering research on "the impact of the labor market on the minimum wage, immigration, and education", and laid a scientific framework for the conclusion that such research cannot use traditional methods.

Their research has improved the ability of researchers from all walks of life to answer key daily questions. For example, will raising the hourly minimum wage affect social employment? How does immigration affect regional salaries and employment levels? How does a longer education affect someone's future income?

In the past, in the face of these daily problems, researchers did not have very strict scientific methods to study causality.

2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States - DayDayNews

Source: Reuters

Almost all the winners of the world span strong_spanstrong_strong_ strong 6th spanstrong strong6 Top universities everywhere .

Among the top 30 universities with the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in the world, American universities take 2/3 of the seats ,Outstanding performance in natural and science awards, economics awards, literary awards and other awards.

Among them, " Harvard University " in the total number of Nobel Prizes, Nobel Prize in Chemistry , Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine In seven awards including the Bell Prize in Economics, and the Nobel Peace Prize, ranked first .

To a certain extent, this ranking reflects the education level of each university , scientific research level , strong1spanstrong_spanstrong and other information can also be used as research environment for students We choose school , , employment reference factors.

2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States - DayDayNews

The following is the ranking of the top 30 universities with the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in the world.And the ranking of the university with the largest number of awards among these 30 universities. total number


number 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States - DayDayNews

Natural Science Award

the largest number of 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States - DayDayNews

economics prize most

2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States - DayDayNews

number of literary awards


2021 Nobel Prize in Economics announced, two-thirds of the world’s most Nobel Prize winners are in the United States - DayDayNews


1- This article source: Wikipedia

2 -The list only counts individual winners, and does not count the award-winning institutions and related persons within the organization

3- The same winner may be included in the calculation of two or more institutions

4- The other awards are counted among the top 30 universities in total

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