We all know that the dog days of summer are hot, but in fact this is also a good time to maintain health and treat diseases. Don’t miss it. Starting from July 16, the 2022 "winter disease and summer treatment" is about to begin. Jimu News reporters specially visited Cheng Bingjie

Jimu News Reporter Chen Lingyan

Correspondent Bei Lan Zeng Zuokuan

Intern Deng Xingli Li Yuhang

We all know that the hot days of summer are hot, but in fact this is also a good time to maintain health and treat diseases. Don’t miss it.

Starting from July 16, the 2022 " winter disease and summer treatment " will be launched. Jimu News reporters specially visited Cheng Bingjie, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Hubei Provincial Third People's Hospital (Provincial Zhongshan Hospital), and asked her to talk about several hot issues. .

"Treatment of Winter Diseases in Summer", in addition to application, also includes Sanfu moxibustion, scraping, acupoint application, ear acupoint pressure beans, oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine, etc., in conjunction with Sanfu Patch, it can target different physical characteristics and health needs. In order to achieve twice the result with half the effort. For example, for people with weak and cold constitutions, doctors use moxibustion acupoint application to dredge the meridians and help patients achieve the effect of dispelling cold and removing dampness.

However, I would like to remind everyone that you must go to a regular hospital for professional doctors to select and operate.

This year, in order to raise everyone’s awareness of Sanfu Patch and encourage more people to seize the good opportunity of health care, the Third People’s Hospital of Hubei Province (Zhongshan Hospital of Hubei Province) will give away 600 sets of patches for free at the application site. Zhongfu and Mofu are a set, all are given away.

At the same time, the "Jimu Health" public account of the Jimu News Medical and Health Affairs Department has teamed up with many local hospitals to give away goodies such as three compresses and sachets to help everyone "treat winter diseases in summer." Scan the QR code on the poster below to participate!

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