Orbital fracture patient Duoji (third from left) sent a banner and a khata to President Wu Tong (third from right) and medical staff to express his gratitude. Red Net Moment News, July 15 (Correspondent Wen Bo) A Tibetan young man from Aba Prefecture suffered a severe orbital fra

Orbital fracture Patient Duoji (third from left) sent banners and khatas to President Wu Tong (third from right) and medical staff to express his gratitude.

Red Net Moment News, July 15th (Correspondent Wen Bo) A Tibetan guy from Aba Prefecture suffered a severe fracture of the orbit of his right eye due to trauma, and is at risk of blindness at any time. Due to the difficulty and complexity of the operation, the local hospital was unable to treat him and he sought medical treatment in many ways to no avail. After being recommended by others, the patient came to Aier Eye Hospital Sichuan Eye Hospital and found the hospital’s orbital disease team. Finally, he was successfully treated under the diagnosis and treatment of Vice President Wu Tong. . Currently, the patient is recovering well and was discharged successfully.

A Tibetan boy's right eye was injured and nearly blind.

A Tibetan boy, Duoji (pseudonym), fell and was injured in an accident, causing swelling and pain in his right eye and the right side of his face. He immediately rushed to the local hospital for treatment. After a facial CT examination, it was found that Duoji's right eye and right side of his face were injured. Lateral maxillary sinus burst fracture, upper wall, lower wall and lateral wall fracture fragments were displaced, maxillary sinus hemorrhage, severe fracture of the lateral wall of the right orbit, fracture of the right zygomatic arch, extensive swelling of the right maxillofacial soft tissue, if not If treated promptly, there is always the risk of enophthalmos causing blindness, and the situation is very critical.

The local hospital recommended immediate referral to a higher-level hospital for treatment, but due to the difficulty of the operation, Dorje's eye disease was not effectively treated. After being recommended by someone, the patient came to Aier Eye Hospital Sichuan Eye Hospital for treatment. The patient was admitted to the outpatient department of the hospital with "right eye-orbital bone fracture".

The human orbit is similar to a semi-enclosed space surrounded by thin bone walls. The lower and inner walls of the orbit are very thin. When a strong impact force comes from the front of the eyeball and is larger than the area of ​​the orbital mouth, the eye is like an "earthquake", the tissue "collapses", and the weak part of the orbital bone wall is prone to fracture.

If the orbital fracture is not treated with timely plastic surgery, it may cause the left eyeball to retract, extraocular muscles , nerves, etc. to become incarcerated at the fracture. In severe cases, it may cause difficulty in eyeball rotation, diplopia, , or even worse. Causes blindness.

In order to provide timely treatment to the patient, Director Wu Tong arranged surgical treatment after fully explaining and communicating with the patient. Before the operation, President Wu Tong convened the heads of various departments to formulate a surgical plan for the patient and repeatedly checked the surgical details to ensure that the operation could proceed smoothly.

Renyi’s experts and ophthalmologists carry out precise rescue efforts

Due to the increased volume of the orbital cavity and tissue adhesion after a fracture, the eyeball may subsequently become sunken or displaced. What the doctor needs to do at this time is to carry out precise rescue - repair the orbit, save the eyeball, and preserve vision. The operation mainly consists of the following steps.

The first step is to clean up the residue, that is, remove the broken bones and bone residue formed after being hit by external forces.

The second step is to build the "wall frame", that is, use artificial bone walls to accurately repair the fracture break and "save" the sunken eyeball back to improve the appearance and visual dysfunction.

seems to be a simple step, but due to the complex eye structure, every detail is thrilling to operate. During the operation, Dr. Wu Tong used skillful techniques to separate tissues, perform right orbital wall repair + artificial bone wall implantation, fixation, flushing, suturing, and bandaging. He cooperated with the medical staff in the operating room to advance the surgery, which was originally scheduled for one hour. Finished in 40 minutes.

After the operation, Duoji’s right eye recovered well and his vision recovered. In order to express his gratitude to the experts for their benevolence and the medical staff's meticulous care, Duoji sent a banner and a khata to President Wu Tong and all the medical staff in the ward to express his gratitude.

About orbital fracture

Orbital fracture is one of the common diseases in ophthalmology outpatient and emergency clinics. Its clinical manifestations include common enophthalmos, limited eye movement, diplopia, etc. In severe cases, eyeball displacement, orbital deformity, Sensory nerve disorders and visual impairment greatly affect the quality of life and physical and mental health. Experts remind you to pay attention to preventing eye injuries in daily life. Once an orbital fracture occurs, you need to seek medical attention and receive timely treatment as soon as possible.