The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu

2024/07/0221:11:32 sports 1552

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu - DayDayNews

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradually lurked in the water, waiting to emerge again at night.

Carp have become diurnal and nocturnal. If we want to harvest big carp, we must choose night fishing. Next, I will share with you several night fishing methods. If you choose the fishing method, I believe you will be able to get a big harvest. increase.

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu - DayDayNews

1. Choose the right fishing tackle

Carp can be found in all major waters. Of course, friends from the south may not like it because the taste of carp is not as delicate as that of sea fish. However, carp is an omnivorous fish after all and is very strong. If we want to pull the carp with high impact, we must choose a strong line group.

Generally speaking, for large carps of about four to five kilograms, it is best to choose a bus line of about No. 3 or 4, a sub-line of about No. 2 or 3, and Iseni of No. 4 to 5 for the fishing hook.

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu - DayDayNews

2. How to choose fishing spots?

Night fishing should also pay attention to the selection of fishing spots. Many fishing friends may have misunderstandings. They think that the temperature is suitable for night fishing and it is dark, so it does not matter which fishing spot you choose. In fact, fishing spots are not just chosen randomly. They must be judged comprehensively based on the wind, direction and temperature of the day. If the weather temperature of the day is between 25 and 35 degrees, the carp will be very active. This is the temperature that carp likes best.

If it is a windless night, I suggest you not to have too much hope.

So what kind of weather and fishing position should we choose to go fishing? It is necessary to choose a fishing spot that is sunny, has a little wind, has a suitable temperature, and is away from the wind. If all four points are met, the fish in this place will be very active.

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu - DayDayNews

3. Choosing bait

Carp being omnivorous does not mean that it likes everything. Its taste is related to its size. Generally, older carp are more alert and prefer to eat vegetarian food, such as corn, wheat grains, and homemade bait. I like it, but I don’t like eating those synthetic commercial baits.

Generally speaking, younger carp still pay more attention to meat and fish. In this aspect, they can be appropriately matched with insects, animal liver, etc. If they are older carp, then plain bait will be your best choice.

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu - DayDayNews

4. How to judge whether you are hooked?

Everyone knows that carp is cunning, so when it eats bait, its float will move very little.

Generally, if you find that the float moves up and down, but does not sink obviously, it basically means that the carp has arrived and is wandering around your bait, trying to eat it tentatively, but it has not completely bitten the hook. If the float slowly moves up, or suddenly sinks when it is floating, black float , at this time, we must seize the opportunity and immediately lift the rod to stab the fish, but remember not to use all the force to avoid using too much force, which will cause the fish to panic. Just cut your thread and run away. If you have successfully hooked the fish at this time, congratulations, the next step is the crucial step - walking fish .

The temperature in summer is so high that many fishermen and fish have changed their habits. The fishermen who usually sat on the river bank during the day gradually disappeared and switched to night fishing. The fish that used to be active and accepted food from passers-by gradu - DayDayNews

Use up all the energy of the fish. This process should be long enough and patient. When the fish is exhausted, pull it to the shore, hold the net bag in one hand and the pole in one hand, and perform a set of smooth movements, and the carp will be successful. The earth becomes your net. Dear fishing friends, these four points shared today are all necessary skills for night fishing. Come on, fish at night, and your harvest will be worthy of your efforts!

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