Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui

2024/07/0211:54:33 sports 1759

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, the Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and staying calm is the key to victory

In the match between the Chinese Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, due to the second quarter Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui were both expelled, which put the Chinese men's basketball team in danger. Du Feng bluntly said after the game that it was because of the expulsion of two players, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui, that the team had difficulties in rotating the lineup. Du Feng said, The two of them could have been calmer, and that way the fight wouldn't have been so difficult. Du Feng wasn't blaming others, it was a fact.

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui  - DayDayNews

The outside world also generally believes that Zhao Rui is indeed not calm enough, has a too big temper, and does not change his old habits. Some people say that looking for Swiss was spoiled by Du Feng. There are different opinions. Indeed, for the honor of the national team, Zhao Rui should calm down and put away his anger. Press down and discuss with the referee in nice words. Even if the referee makes a misjudgment, the team should not negotiate with the referee, let alone criticize the referee angrily. The referee has great power and can make a small move or deflect the whistle. , it will make people feel frustrated and go around, and at least they will lose a few points, and at most they will directly defeat you. In history, few people who compete with referees have achieved good results, except of course Jordan.

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui  - DayDayNews

Similarly, Sun Minghui also needs to calm down. In the game against the Bahrain men's basketball team, Sun Minghui helped Zhao Rui eat a "T" first. Sun Minghui became more and more angry as he thought about it. When there was 3 minutes and 18 seconds left in the second quarter, Sun Minghui , deliberately knocked down the opponent's player from behind, got another "T" and was expelled. Looking at Sun Minghui's appearance at that time, he didn't want to fight and walked into the locker room without looking back. Sometimes some things are really annoying, but This is not a personal matter. When you play for the national team, you represent the image of the country. The national team should be the priority. Personal anger is nothing in the face of the national interest. For the national interest, can't you tolerate this anger?

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui  - DayDayNews

Tonight the Chinese men's basketball team VS Chinese Taipei, we must learn from the lessons of the World Cup preliminaries. I remember clearly that in the fourth quarter of the second game with Chinese Taipei, the two sides clashed three times, one between Xu Jie and Chinese Taipei On the 15th, once Ren Junwei knocked over the opponent's defensive player erratically, and another time there was a fierce conflict between Sun Minghui and Zhang Zhenya of Chinese Taipei. At that time, the arms of both parties were entangled, and even Zhang Zhenya had an obvious arm. He made a move, but Sun Minghui was not calm and pushed his opponent angrily. His move was so big that he was caught by the referee.

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui  - DayDayNews

Others do small tricks to play tricks on you, luring you into being deceived in order to win in chaos. As a veteran player who has been on the battlefield for a long time, he should be able to see through this method, but our players are always uncool and get angry at every turn. , get angry and complain about the referee, do you think this is CBA? There are referees in China who are pampering you and opening up the rules, but this is an international competition and the referees are all foreigners. Will he pamper you? Compete with the referee, but The power lies in his whistle. The one who suffers must be you. If you piss off the referee, once the referee has an opinion on you, you will be the one to suffer. The referee's biased whistle means that the opponent has an extra helper. Five can beat six. Well, think about it carefully. If you don't calm down, you will hurt yourself, and it will affect the national team. The gain outweighs the loss.

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui  - DayDayNews

We have already experienced their methods of creating chaos in the Chinese Taipei World Preliminaries. They have strong fighting ability and many arm-twisting movements. Facing such an opponent, what we need most is calmness. As the saying goes, "forbearance" has a knife on its head. , A little impatience can lead to big plans. The game against Bahrain is a lesson learned from the past. National interests are more important than personal unbearable anger. Which is more important? You should have a steelyard in your heart. Therefore, under the absolute strength of the Chinese men's basketball team, what they need most is calmness. , this will be the sharpest weapon for the Chinese men's basketball team to defeat Chinese Taipei.

Chinese Men’s Basketball Team VS Chinese Taipei Preview, Chinese Men’s Basketball Team remains calm and does not look up is the key to victory. In the match between China Men’s Basketball Team and Bahrain, with an 18-point lead and an absolute advantage, Zhao Rui and Sun Minghui  - DayDayNews

(text, Feng Zhui Yanyun talks about basketball)

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