The Chinese women's volleyball team did not achieve very good results in this women's volleyball league and was eliminated by the Italian team in the quarterfinals. Then the Chinese women's volleyball players will return to China for isolation. This time the Chinese women's volle

2024/07/0123:08:33 sports 1427

The Chinese women's volleyball team did not achieve very good results in this women's volleyball league and was eliminated by the Italian team in the quarterfinals. Then the Chinese women's volleyball players will return to the country for isolation. This time the Chinese women's volleyball team has adjusted A young version of a lineup. There is indeed a big gap between this young lineup in this women's volleyball league. Although the players are very hardworking, in the international arena, compared with the United States, Italy, Brazil Compared with these strong teams, the gap is still very obvious.

The Chinese women's volleyball team did not achieve very good results in this women's volleyball league and was eliminated by the Italian team in the quarterfinals. Then the Chinese women's volleyball players will return to China for isolation. This time the Chinese women's volle - DayDayNews

The Chinese women's volleyball team did not advance to the semi-finals this time. Cai Bing was scolded the most Cai Bin is the newly appointed head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Cai Bin is also very hard-working and leads Chu Shang to the next game. The current lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team It's not particularly tidy, with mostly young players. As a relatively experienced head coach, Cai Bin led the Chinese women's volleyball team once again not advancing to the semi-finals, which also made many Chinese fans sad, so many people are calling Cai Bin out of class. Cai Bin is already over 60 years old. He resigned as the head coach of the Jiangsu Women's Volleyball Team and joined the national team. After only three months of training with the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team, he led the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team to compete. His results were not special. Ideal, but Cai Bin has already made a great contribution to the Chinese women's volleyball team!

The Chinese women's volleyball team did not achieve very good results in this women's volleyball league and was eliminated by the Italian team in the quarterfinals. Then the Chinese women's volleyball players will return to China for isolation. This time the Chinese women's volle - DayDayNews

Then if Cai Bin dismisses get out of class, who is the most suitable head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team? Now everyone is wondering whether Lang Ping or An Jiajie can come back to coach the Chinese women's volleyball team, which may be of greater help to the Chinese women's volleyball team in the next games. The Chinese women's volleyball team is also currently in a period of growth and rise. The Chinese women's volleyball team did not achieve very good results in this women's volleyball league and was eliminated by the Italian team in the quarterfinals. Then the Chinese women's volleyball players will return to China for isolation. This time the Chinese women's volle - DayDayNews

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