Can Cai Bin take the women's volleyball team to new heights in the world? As the Italian team won another game, the score was fixed at 22:25 for the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. In the quarter-finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team

2024/07/0115:52:32 sports 1116

Cai Bin bring women's volleyball team to new heights in the world? As the Italian team won another game, the score was fixed at 22:25, Chinese Women's Volleyball Team . In the quarter-finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to its old rival with a score of 1:3. The Italian team missed the chance to advance to the top four, thus ending the journey of this World Women's Volleyball League. It is regrettable to lose, but it is an honor to lose. The new Chinese women's volleyball team is going through a period of growing pains. Although they had defeated their opponents 1:3 in the group stage, they faced an Italian second team. Now they lost to their opponents again by the same score. Facing Egnu , as always, jumped hard and dunked hard. The ball was fast and heavy. Without the two core players Zhang Changning and Zhu Ting , the Chinese women's volleyball team was unable to recover and ultimately lost.

Can Cai Bin take the women's volleyball team to new heights in the world? As the Italian team won another game, the score was fixed at 22:25 for the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. In the quarter-finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team  - DayDayNews

As many as 9 players in this Italian team have participated in the Tokyo Olympics, but this brand-new Chinese women's volleyball team only has Gong Xiangyu and Yuan Xinyue are the main players in the Tokyo Olympics. When the opponent changes players like a lantern, they will fight with each other. When facing off against the Chinese women's volleyball team, which had only one lineup, Cai Bin faced doubts about using one lineup to conquer the world, but he had no choice but to do so. After the Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team went through a blood change, but the young players Cai Bin recruited were not able to handle the task.

Therefore, the loss of the Chinese women's volleyball team is inevitable in the end. For the Chinese women's volleyball team, losing is not unacceptable. After all, if the Chinese women's volleyball team wants to realize the replacement of old and new in the new cycle, losing is inevitable, and such a young team, under the guidance of Cai Bin, now has a new lineup and tactical system, forming a team based on Li Yingying After 12 group matches and one top 8 match, the Chinese women's volleyball team, which uses as its core, has become more cooperative as a whole.

Can Cai Bin take the women's volleyball team to new heights in the world? As the Italian team won another game, the score was fixed at 22:25 for the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. In the quarter-finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team  - DayDayNews

In the future, as Zhu Ting and Zhang can return one after another, the strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team will be even higher, and they will be more confident to challenge the world's strong players. However, this beautiful wish is not easy to realize, because the World Women's Volleyball Championship will be held in September and it is unlikely that Zhu Ting will participate. Originally, Zhu Ting's recovery after surgery was very satisfactory, and it is very likely that she will catch up with this time. However, since Zhu Ting has signed a contract with Scandicci Club, Zhu Ting will represent the club in the new season, which also makes her return to the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team uncertain.

Can Cai Bin take the women's volleyball team to new heights in the world? As the Italian team won another game, the score was fixed at 22:25 for the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. In the quarter-finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team  - DayDayNews

If Zhu Ting was absent due to official duties, then Zhang Changning delayed her return to the women's volleyball team due to personal reasons. Originally, her wedding to Wu Guanxi was scheduled for May, but now it has been postponed to July. So from now on From completing her wedding to finishing a series of vacations and then to her recovery training, it is very likely that she will miss the World Championships.

Through this comparison, it is not difficult to see that the reason why Zhu Ting has become a superstar in the Chinese women's volleyball team is not only because of her outstanding strength, but also because of her sense of responsibility. Zhang Changning really needs to learn this, so when the time comes, she will compete in the World Championships with the current lineup. What results can the Chinese women's volleyball team achieve? How do you treat the absence of Zhang Changning and Zhu Ting? Welcome to leave a message to discuss

Can Cai Bin take the women's volleyball team to new heights in the world? As the Italian team won another game, the score was fixed at 22:25 for the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team. In the quarter-finals of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team  - DayDayNews

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