In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu

2024/06/3022:18:32 sports 1624
In the

video, a sweet-looking female anchor who is dressed innocently is holding a shark as tall as a person in her arms!

Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water and grilled half before devouring it, some netizens in the comment area questioned: Are you eating Great White Shark ? That is a national second-level protected animal !

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

On July 12, 2022, Tizi, a eating and broadcasting celebrity with 1 million fans, posted a video.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

In the video, the petite and cute Tizi appears in front of the camera holding a shark. In order to show everyone the length of the shark, she even lied down and compared the length with the shark.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

Later, Raizi sawed the shark into two pieces, boiled the upper half and grilled the lower half.

This video received 7.7W likes. Just when Tizi was secretly happy looking at the data, an unusual comment appeared in her comment area:

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

"First of all, the tail fin is similar to a crescent moon, and it is directly locked on the genus Rat Shark Among the five members of , based on the body shape and pectoral fin length, we can directly exclude the mako shark brothers. There are no white spots behind the pectoral and dorsal fins, the body color is gray, and the caudal peduncle has a unilateral process. We can exclude the porbeagle shark and The possibility of salmon shark, this is great white shark undoubtedly. "

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

This comment immediately pushed the title to the forefront, why? Because the great white shark is a national second-level protected animal , according to the " Criminal Law ", illegal consumption of endangered wild animals will be sentenced to more than five years fixed-term imprisonment .

In this regard, some netizens commented: Oil is the best, chili pepper is the best, now I am also the best.

However, Tizi replied to reporters: If you buy it through regular channels, it is not a great white shark, but a sharp tooth shark . Those people (netizens) are slandering! I will find a lawyer.

However, her defense cannot prove her innocence, because she neither gave the purchase channel nor refuted the characteristics of great white sharks pointed out by popular science bloggers. Just a verbal explanation cannot convince the majority of netizens.

Netizens did not buy her defense, and even asked: Is the purpose of hiring a lawyer to find a way to reduce her sentence?

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

Let’s not ask whether the shark Tizi ate was a great white shark.

Judging from other videos posted on her personal homepage, Tizi is not a positive “food anchor”.

In her video, Zizi set up a large pot very "boldly", poured a bucket of cooking oil into it, and then poured the large seafood she found into the oil to fry.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

is different from the cooking methods of many anchors. Raizi does not tell netizens how to process this ingredient. At what degree Celsius should the oil temperature be controlled?

only fried for a few seconds before switching the screen, directly showing everyone the state of the food after it was cooked, and then began to bite the seafood with a ferocious look.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

often ends up covered in chili peppers and oil stains.

looks very exaggerated and makes people feel uncomfortable.

Take a look at the ingredients that are put into the pot: crocodiles, snakes, giant salamanders , and rare golden salamanders .

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

is more like a "protected animal list" than an ingredient list.

Of course, not all types of animals are protected animals. Animals bred on a large scale can be eaten normally, such as artificially bred giant salamanders.

But regardless of whether it is artificially raised or not, eating these simply prepared ingredients without any aesthetic feeling is really the video quality that a food blogger should have?

However, such a low-quality video can actually gain In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews million fans , which has to make people question the supervision of the platform.

Currently, all the videos on Tizi’s homepage are no longer available for viewing. Netizens speculate that she hid the videos herself.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

Some time ago, the relevant departments have dealt with the chaos of eating and broadcasting caused by "extravagance, wastefulness, and overeating".

However, there will be Internet celebrities like Tizi who use ingenious methods to circumvent supervision, but in fact Tizi’s videos are still on the edge of “beautiful girls eating a lot of wild animals” to attract attention.

The COVID-19 epidemic is still recurring. What if a fan watches the blogger's video and then wants to eat "game"?

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

Not to mention the negative guidance effect she will bring to underage viewers by eating a lot of food with a ferocious look on her face.

Mr. Yuan ’s efforts to “fill the bellies of the Chinese people” have been diluted by the extravagant and wasteful behavior of such novelty-seeking Internet celebrities.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

If the future of the motherland grows up in such an environment, then the efforts of vigorously promoting "diligence and thrift" in the past ten years will also be in vain.

A reporter interviewed the manager of the seafood market where Tizi was located. He said: She would buy things here, but she would also drive and bring things here to take pictures. Our does not sell sharks , and her sharks look frozen at first glance.

Another expert said: The shark in the video can be identified as great white shark larvae . There is no shark named sharptooth shark in mainland my country.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

At present, the public security organs of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province said that they are investigating, while Tizi said that he had not received any contact from the police. The evidence currently available to

is not conducive to Tizi, and Tizi did not answer further questions from reporters.

Let’s not mention whether Tizi actually ate the national second-level protected animals, but what behind her bottomless live broadcast reflects the fact that a small number of people completely ignore the possible consequences of the video in order to attract attention, traffic, and make money. adverse effects.

Similar food anchors include the no longer popular " Office Ono ". She was once a top food anchor surpassing Li Ziqi , but because she was involved in a "two underage girls imitating videos of homemade popcorn, Inadvertently causing a fire " killed one and injured another " murder case, and the entire network deleted his works, eventually losing traffic.

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

Office Ono's decline is sad, but what is even more heartbreaking is the loss of a young life.

can only say that fortunately no one wants to imitate Tizi’s eating and broadcasting videos, but the video content of the anchor must be regulated!

In this regard, the platform has no role to play.

On the other hand, anchors must also realize that while they gain a lot of attention and can make money, they also need to take on the responsibility of establishing correct values ​​and guiding fans to be positive.

As the saying goes: with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

The Internet provides a broad platform where everyone can show themselves on this big stage, but the more people pay attention, the heavier the additional responsibilities.

Internet celebrities who attract much attention are easily loved by people, especially minors. They cannot distinguish right from wrong well, and they are eager to receive attention, trying to imitate Internet celebrities to gain a lot of attention.

As public figures, Internet celebrities set benchmarks for the future of these motherlands with every word and deed.

The more fans a blogger has, the more cautious he or she should be in what he says and does, and reflect on whether his behavior has harmful inducements; reflect on whether his videos contain dangerous factors; and reflect on whether his words will bring about adverse consequences.

The most important thing is that abide by the red line of the law .

In the video, a innocently dressed and sweet-looking female anchor actually held a shark as tall as a person in her arms! Just when the female anchor cut it in half, boiled half in water, and grilled half before devouring it, there were comments in the comment section Netizens qu - DayDayNews

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