July 16, Beijing time. Since the Purple and Gold Dynasty created by O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, the league has never had a dynasty era of three consecutive championships. Even the Lakers, who are as strong as Kobe Bryant, and the Warriors of Curry and Durant, cannot do it. To win thr

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Beijing time on July 16th, since the Purple and Gold Dynasty created by O'Neal and Kobe , the league has never had a dynasty era of three consecutive championships, even the Lakers who are as strong as Kobe, Curry and Durant Both the Warriors and were unable to win three consecutive championships because it was not only a matter of technique and tactics, but also the fatigue, injuries, and instability that reached their peak in the third year.

July 16, Beijing time. Since the Purple and Gold Dynasty created by O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, the league has never had a dynasty era of three consecutive championships. Even the Lakers, who are as strong as Kobe Bryant, and the Warriors of Curry and Durant, cannot do it. To win thr - DayDayNews

Let’s talk about Kobe’s Lakers. In 2009 and 2010, Kobe and Gasol won two consecutive championships, creating a glorious era for Kobe. In 2011, Kobe naturally hopes to win three. If he wins consecutive championships, then he and basketball god Jordan have established two dynasty eras, and their historical status will inevitably improve a lot.

However, the Lakers were unexpectedly swept out by the Mavericks 0:4 in the Western Conference semifinals. The loss was acceptable, but it was a sweep. The difference is obvious to all, and it is not a matter of luck. The Mavericks eventually won If the Lakers win the championship, then Kobe will establish another dynasty and it will be even greater.

July 16, Beijing time. Since the Purple and Gold Dynasty created by O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, the league has never had a dynasty era of three consecutive championships. Even the Lakers, who are as strong as Kobe Bryant, and the Warriors of Curry and Durant, cannot do it. To win thr - DayDayNews

Why is there such a big gap between the Lakers and the champion Mavericks? Although the Lakers are the defending champions, various problems have emerged in the third year. The first is physical and mental fatigue, which makes this Lakers team not look particularly strong. It is very difficult to win the championship. .

Secondly, although the Lakers have retained the team's lineup, the team's lineup is aging seriously. Kobe and Gasol are 32 and 30 years old respectively. Artest and Odom are both 31 years old. Years old, plus Fisher was 36 years old at the time, this starting lineup can be said to be very old.

July 16, Beijing time. Since the Purple and Gold Dynasty created by O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, the league has never had a dynasty era of three consecutive championships. Even the Lakers, who are as strong as Kobe Bryant, and the Warriors of Curry and Durant, cannot do it. To win thr - DayDayNews

If old age can still be overcome through willpower, injuries are an invincible factor. A serious knee injury accelerated Kobe's decline. Kobe's poor performance naturally strengthened the Lakers' combat effectiveness. Gasol was also injured and was completely defeated by Nowitzki . Coupled with the Mavericks' three-point accuracy, the Lakers' three-pointers were abnormal, and they eventually lost sadly.

Therefore, even if the Lakers beat the Mavericks, they will not be able to win the championship, because this Lakers team has lost the strength to win the championship. It is really very difficult to establish a dynasty team. It is not only a matter of strength, but also various factors. A factor.

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