The 2022 World Women's Volleyball League Finals ended the competition for the quarter-finals. Among the eight teams, only the Japanese women's volleyball attackers did not rank among the top 10 scorers. The Italian women's volleyball team's support Egonu scored in the match again

2024/07/0107:38:33 sports 1985

The 2022 World Women's Volleyball League Finals ended the competition for the quarter-finals. Among the eight teams, only the Japanese women's volleyball attackers did not rank among the top 10 scorers. Italian women's volleyball team 's response Egnu and China The women's volleyball team scored 36 points in the game, ranking first in the scoring list. The Chinese women's volleyball team's Gong Xiangyu scored 20 points, and Brazil's support Kissi and Serbia's support Bu Bu Jerica is tied for sixth place, and Brazilian women's volleyball team 3 main wing attackers Gabi, Kissi and Bergman all rank among the top 10, becoming the team with the most balanced firepower.

The 2022 World Women's Volleyball League Finals ended the competition for the quarter-finals. Among the eight teams, only the Japanese women's volleyball attackers did not rank among the top 10 scorers. The Italian women's volleyball team's support Egonu scored in the match again - DayDayNews

Egonu, the top star of the Italian women's volleyball team, shined on the offensive end in the first game of the finals. He scored a super high score of 37 points and became the real anchor of the team. In the first two games, the Chinese women's volleyball team maintained the opening score. Every time the two sides competed, Egonu could always break the Chinese team's first pass with strong jumps, severely damaging the Chinese women's volleyball team's self-confidence. At the critical point at the end of the game, the Italian setter Marino Whether Husband or Oro was on the court, they were all chasing passes to Egonu. Egonu was also more ambitious. He allowed mistakes and blocks at the beginning. At the end of the game, he was almost able to make the final decision on the key goals. In the end, he ended up with 37 points (67 deductions, 33 hits, 4 shots). ) topped the scoring list.

The 2022 World Women's Volleyball League Finals ended the competition for the quarter-finals. Among the eight teams, only the Japanese women's volleyball attackers did not rank among the top 10 scorers. The Italian women's volleyball team's support Egonu scored in the match again - DayDayNews

The offensive and defensive core of the Brazilian women's volleyball team Gabby ranked second in the scoring list with 23 points (48 deductions, 22 of 1 block). This Vakif Bank 's number one attacker became the captain of the Brazilian team during the Paris Olympics. Sister's status is unshakable. In the match against the Japanese team, Gabby performed impeccably on both the first pass and the offensive end. The other two wing scorers of the Brazilian team also ranked in the top 10. Among them, the young backup player Kissi ranked sixth in the scoring list with 20 points (36 dunks, 16 of 4 blocks), and the main attacker Julia Bergman had 17 points (30 dunks, 14 blocks). 1 serve and 2 blocks) ranked 9th. The biggest discovery of the Brazilian team this year is Kissi. This left-hander has good offensive firepower, but his stability needs to be strengthened. Bergman gradually defeated Gabi in the competition for the diagonal position. Dareit became the main starter and his performance became more and more mature.

The 2022 World Women's Volleyball League Finals ended the competition for the quarter-finals. Among the eight teams, only the Japanese women's volleyball attackers did not rank among the top 10 scorers. The Italian women's volleyball team's support Egonu scored in the match again - DayDayNews

Gong Xiangyu, the supporter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, became the team's scoring leader. He scored 20 points against the Italian team (34 deductions, 18 for 2 blocks). He changed his role as a support player during the two Olympic cycles in Rio and Tokyo and gradually became the core of the team's offense and defense. Li Yingying, who mainly plays , scored 16 points, and tied for 12th place in the scoring list with Japan's Lin Qinai.

The 2022 World Women's Volleyball League Finals ended the competition for the quarter-finals. Among the eight teams, only the Japanese women's volleyball attackers did not rank among the top 10 scorers. The Italian women's volleyball team's support Egonu scored in the match again - DayDayNews

Ranking third in the scoring list is Serbia's rookie attacker Lozo. Lozo, who started for the first time in the Serbian women's volleyball team, won Lazovic in this world league. became the team's offensive and defensive core, defeating United States 3-2. The women's volleyball team scored 22 points in the first game (38 deductions, 15 of 3 serves and 4 blocks), beating the sixth-ranked reliever Bujelica with 20 points (48 deductions of 17, 3 blocks) and became the team's first scoring guarantee.

In addition, ranking in the top 10 in the scoring list is the 4th American main attacker Robinson with 21 points (39 deductions, 17 of 4 blocks) and the Thai main attacker Aye Chalapong with 21 points (44 deductions of 20, 1 shot). 9 Turkey Assistant attacker Aida tied for 9th with 17 points (18 dunks, 12 hits, 3 serves and 2 blocks). Turkey supported Karakult with 17 points (34 dunks, 15 hits and 2 blocks)

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