"We have completed the task with 10 points. We have completed the task two rounds ahead of schedule. Our goal is 1 point per round. There is no big problem in relegation with 34 points in the league. When we return to Dalian's home court, there is a high possibility of staying in

2024/07/0204:56:32 sports 1784

"We have completed the task with 10 points. We have completed the task two rounds ahead of schedule. Our goal is 1 point per round. There is no big problem in relegation with 34 points in the league. After returning to the home court of Dalian , there is a high possibility of staying in . Chinese Super League , this is the goal we strive for. "ā€”ā€” Xie Hui

For each club, the most important thing at the moment is stability. All salaries of Dalian people will be paid this year! According to reporter Jia Yanfeng's recent live broadcast, it was confirmed with the Dalian club and players that all Dalian people's salaries have been paid this year. "It is reported that the wages of Dalian people this year are the funds raised by the current management, and the funds promised by and Wanda have not arrived." Reporter Jia also said that the wages owed to Dalian people last year have not been paid, and the main recipients of the arrears are Release players.

Many players including Li Shuai, Boateng and other players filed appeals for arbitration, but the arbitration results were not implemented. Reporter Jia said that local players are owed a lot of specific wages, and foreign players are owed even more huge amounts of wages. Some local players have appealed to the court. This is the main problem of Dalian Club. Previously, this part of the funds would be borne by Wanda Group . Currently, the Dalian Club is communicating with Wanda and hopes to resolve it before July 31.

Even if what the person revealed is the truth, it will be very difficult for Wanda. After all, they promised to continue to inject capital into Dalian Peopleā€™s operating expenses for the next three years, and also donated the Dalian Peopleā€™s Football Youth Training Base worth 1.6 billion, assuming all debts for the past 20 years, and will proceed in a planned manner. After all, this is not a small amount, all Problems cannot be solved all at once. Dalian people let all walks of life and fans see the hope of Dalian football in the first stage, hoping that everything will develop in a good direction.

Dalian people no longer have to worry about point deductions due to the U23 player policy. On the one hand, the club staff will carefully summarize it. On the other hand, Dalian national players Chen Rong and Wang Jinshuai were recruited and received U23 exemptions. In the new U21 national team training list announced by the Chinese Football Association, Shanghai Shenhua has the largest number of players, with 5 selected, while Shandong Taishan and Beijing Guoan have 3 each. Shenzhen team, Wuhan Changjiang team, Zhejiang team, Dalian people, and Jiangbei North Gate each have 2 people. U23 exemptions have covered most of the Chinese Super League.

Some Dalian fans said, "Now I am exempted from the exemption!" Since the U23 exemption covers "most of the Chinese Super League", not the entire Chinese Super League, then there are still those who do not enjoy the exemption. They are the three towns of Wuhan and Shanghai. Haigang and Shenzhen teams, these three teams have no national players recruited, and in the second stage of the Chinese Super League, it is still mandatory to use U23 players in the league. In addition, the second phase of the Chinese Super League has finally ushered in a home and away game system. The situation of the Shanghai duo is not optimistic. Their application for home games has been officially rejected. They are unlikely to play home games in Shanghai and are considering choosing home games in surrounding cities.

Shanghai Shenhua played well in the first stage, ranking fourth in the standings with 21 points. The team has basically completed the replacement of the old with the new, and Xia Chuang will continue to optimize and adjust. According to "insiders", Peng Xinli, Zeng Cheng, Qin Sheng may leave the team. Compared with last season, Peng Xinli's form has declined significantly. Qin Sheng did not play, but received two yellow cards on the bench. Dalian people are temporarily unable to bring in foreign players, and the domestic players will be adjusted. Wang Jinshuai was recruited by the U21 National Youth Team. Zhang Chong is still the main goalkeeper. Is Zeng Cheng an appointment?

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