Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi

2024/07/0212:03:32 sports 1951

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, which is also a skill passed down by fishermen from mouth to mouth - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain.

According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fish will basically not open their mouths. If the breeze blows at this time, the fish will seem to change their appearance and their activity will be greatly enhanced.

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi - DayDayNews

So we speculate based on this, the so-called wind may refer to the size of the wind, or which direction the wind is blowing from?

But in fact, this view is very one-sided and cannot fully explain the true meaning of this sentence. You know, whenever there are fish in the water, the area of ​​​​the water will definitely not be too small, and a relatively large open space will be formed on the water. This will extend the meaning of wind.

In fact, in the above experience, the wind refers to the following three points:

  1. From which direction does the wind blow?
  2. Is the wind strong or weak?
  3. This is also something that fishermen ignore. What changes will this wind bring to the temperature?

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi - DayDayNews

1. Direction. Many fishing friends may not understand why they need to look at the direction of the wind when they go out to catch fish.

Let’s take an example. For example, there is a gust of wind at night, and the wind direction is south. Theoretically, we have to consider this situation: the wind affects the direction of the water flow, and the fish will follow the water flow caused by the wind. Going forward, there must be enough oxygen in the upwind direction. It is a paradise for fish schools, and the number of fish will only increase rather than decrease.

In this case, if fishing friends want to choose a fishing spot, they must find this direction according to local conditions.

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi - DayDayNews

2. Wind force

In fact, this is what we often call strong wind and small wind. In professional terms, the level of wind will affect the fish we catch. Wind force level three is a good helper for us when fishing in summer, because the weather is relatively sultry and the temperature is very high. Level three wind can not only blow away the high temperature, but also bring oxygen into the water, increasing the activity of fish. It will be greatly enhanced, which is a good time for us fishermen to fish. However, with winds between Level 3 and Level 5, fishermen must carefully consider whether to go out, and there is a probability of failure when casting the rod.

If the wind strength exceeds Level 5, it is recommended that fishermen not go out, because it is absolutely impossible for you to harvest a fish in such strong winds unless it is blown in front of you.

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi - DayDayNews

3. Wind temperature

I believe that all fishermen must be very concerned about the weather forecast. We often hear the host broadcast such situations: at what time period, where will the cold air enter from, and what area will it have a certain impact on? ?

Actually, this is talking about the wind temperature. Wind temperature is divided into two categories, cold wind and warm wind.

In fact, these two styles are of certain help to us fishermen. Let’s take warm wind as an example first: if warm wind blows in summer, what brings the warm wind? It's a cloud.

What does the air pressure of a cloud look like? It's low pressure.

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi - DayDayNews

Only such clouds can form warm wind. If the warm wind blows, it means that it will rain soon. The rainfall will bring oxygen from the air into the water through the rain, and the oxygen in the water will increase greatly, and the fish will Very active, of course, this premise is that it doesn’t rain too much. If it is a cold wind, the effect will also be very good, because cold wind usually accompanies the change of seasons, and fish that are about to enter cold weather will be actively foraging frequently to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Therefore, if fishermen seize the opportunity, the harvest will naturally not be small. The experience passed down from ancient times is very reasonable. Fellow fishermen, mastering the wind conditions can help us better understand the fish conditions of the day and be fully prepared for rod-connecting and protection.

Experienced fishermen all know this saying, and this is also a skill passed down from mouth to mouth by fishermen - fishing without looking at the wind will come and go in vain. According to our daily fishing situation, if there is no breeze on the water surface in summer, the fi - DayDayNews

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