Mild Milan fans. Although I used the attributive word "mild", perhaps pleading or begging is more appropriate. Milan fans in Italy are not doing well either. They are helping Milan in their own way. I want to help too, but I logged in The Twitter Security Bureau is always looking

2024/07/0104:31:32 sports 1622

relatively mild Milan fans

Mild Milan fans. Although I used the attributive word

Mild Milan fans. Although I used the attributive word

Mild Milan fans. Although I used the attributive word

Although I used the attributive word "mild", maybe pleading or begging is more appropriate. Milan fans in Italy are not doing well. They are helping Milan in their own way, and I want to help too. , but when I log in to Twitter, the Security Bureau always looks for me, hey.

The current asking price of Milan for Leo's contract extension is 6 million. Of course, this is the news that Milan's asking price is 6 million. Casey's contract renewal tells us that the rumored asking price of Milan is full of water. Leo has said before about the renewal price. The expectation is to renew the contract for 6 million. If it is really this price, it may have been signed by now. Milan fans are very upset because of the acquisition of Caclaire. Personally, I am no longer willing to read the information. The screen is filled with the news of Caclaire. The more I read The more angry he gets, can Comrade Leo do something to make Milan happy?

I am really in a bad mood recently, so I would like to say a few words here that I have always wanted to say but have not said. I have forwarded my posts to NetEase, QiuDi, Hupu, , Sohu and . I have seen them all and taken screenshots of them. I just wanted to laugh and pass it by, because my original intention of posting the message was to hope that Milan fans can see the most authentic content. It’s not about what I want. If I want, I can directly write about my professional stuff, psychology’s current audience Much higher than football. But when I am in a bad mood, I will also be affected by my emotions, and I will probably complain or directly sue, so please have the most basic respect for people who repost my posts. Otherwise, add the name of the platform and repost, otherwise add the author. Write your name and transfer!

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