The brand list was officially released, and a total of 128 brands were selected after a national brand collection, candidate list announcement, voting and selection. Tongxinluo Capsule was born in 1996. It is the first innovative patented traditional Chinese medicine developed by

2024/07/0218:58:32 regimen 1848

On the evening of July 14th, 2022 Chinese medicine ? The brand list was officially released, and a total of 128 brands were selected after a national brand collection, candidate list announcement, voting and selection. Including three sub-brand lists: hospital terminals, retail terminals, and grassroots terminals. Tongxinluo Capsules and Lianhua Qingwen Capsules developed by Yiling Pharmaceutical were ranked on the hospital terminal and retail terminal brand lists respectively.

The brand list was officially released, and a total of 128 brands were selected after a national brand collection, candidate list announcement, voting and selection. Tongxinluo Capsule was born in 1996. It is the first innovative patented traditional Chinese medicine developed by - DayDayNews

Tongxinluo Capsule was born in 1996. It is the first innovative patented traditional Chinese medicine developed by Yiling Pharmaceutical. It is currently developed with the company's Shensongyangxin Capsule and Qili Qiangxin Capsule , referred to as "Tongluo "Three Treasures" has become a leader in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease drug market, benefiting tens of millions of people every year.

In 2019, the project "Construction of the Pulse Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and its Guidance for the Prevention and Treatment of Microvascular Disease" won the first prize of the annual National Science and Technology Progress Award, which was the only National Science and Technology Progress Award in the field of life sciences that year. Tongxinluo Capsule is one of the main innovative drugs studied in this project. This award explains the unique advantages of Tongxinluo Capsule in treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, giving it higher brand value and allowing its market share to rise rapidly. In the ranking of internal medicines for cardiovascular diseases in the public medical market in the first half of 2021, Tongxinluo Capsules ranked second.

Lianhua Qingwen is an innovative patented traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of colds, flu, and COVID-19. It has been rated as a household medicine by the Beijing Evening News for ten consecutive years. Not only on the retail side, in the first half of 2021, the sales of proprietary cold medicines ranked first in the public medical market. In April 2020, the "Research and Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Lianhua Qingwen in the Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia " project won the first prize of the Hebei Province Science and Technology Progress Award. In addition to domestic use, it has been approved in nearly 30 countries and regions around the world. It was launched on the market and became one of the representative drugs of the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine.

The award of this award proves that the innovative patented traditional Chinese medicine produced by Yiling Pharmaceuticals is widely recognized for its efficacy and the brand effect is fully released. It is also the result of its consistent insistence on scientific and technological innovation and the embodiment of its scientific and technological strength.

This article comes from financial information

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