Pathological increase in intraocular pressure and insufficient blood supply to the optic nerve are primary risk factors for the onset of glaucoma. The tolerance of the optic nerve to pressure damage is also related to the occurrence and development of glaucoma. Professor Wang Tao

Pathological increased intraocular pressure and insufficient blood supply to the optic nerve are the primary risk factors for the onset of glaucoma . The tolerance of optic nerve to pressure damage is also related to the occurrence and development of glaucoma. Professor Wang Tao, director of the glaucoma department of Beijing Tongren Hospital, emphasized during a live popular science interview with People's Good Doctor that any obstruction in the aqueous humor circulation pathway can lead to pathological changes caused by increased intraocular pressure. However, some patients also have normal intraocular pressure. glaucoma.

In terms of etiology, genetic factors cannot be ignored. The glaucoma-related genes of the previous generation are passed on to future generations, which is a very important pathogenesis.

In addition, the gene itself is normal, but in a certain link of inheritance, such as during pregnancy, the mother is exposed to some external viruses, bacteria, drug factors, or some trace elements in the environment, which causes gene mutations and normal gene expression. There is a problem, which will also be encountered in clinical practice.

The age-related reasons are particularly evident in patients with angle-closure glaucoma . As we age, the structure of the entire eye changes, especially the structure of the anterior segment of the eye, such as the relaxation of the suspensory ligament. Furthermore, as age increases, cataracts become more and more mature. The symptoms of maturity are that the entire lens becomes larger and thicker, and the zonules relax. These factors are the main factors that cause angle-closure glaucoma.

Of course, there are secondary factors. There are many causes of secondary glaucoma, such as systemic diseases, such as diabetes , hypertension which will cause fundus bleeding and new blood vessels. Sexual hyperplasia. Eye trauma, depending on the degree and location of the trauma, can also cause corresponding symptoms such as angle recession glaucoma, lens related glaucoma, or inflammatory glaucoma.

Nowadays, as more and more digital products are used, their use time is getting longer and longer. Will this induce glaucoma? Professor Wang Tao said that long-term use of electronic products is just a trigger. If there were no genetic and age-related factors mentioned above, looking at a mobile phone would lead to glaucoma.

However, based on factors such as genetics, age, and chronic diseases, long-term use of mobile phones and other electronic products, especially in very dark environments, may be a major inducement to the occurrence of glaucoma. It is emphasized here that it is a cause, not a pathogenesis.