Since July, many places in China have launched "steaming and grilling mode" and high temperature warning signals have been issued one after another. A terrible disease under high temperatures has begun to frequently hit the hot searches, attracting everyone's attention. It is hea

2024/07/0109:09:32 regimen 1588

htmlSince 17 months

many places in China have started "steaming and grilling mode"

High temperature warning signals have been issued one after another

Since July, many places in China have launched

Under high temperatures

A terrible disease

has begun to frequently hit the hot search

attracting everyone's attention

It is with a high mortality rate Heat stroke !

Since July, many places in China have launched

"Heat stroke" is a type of severe heat stroke

According to the "Chinese Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke" first published in the online version of " PLA Medical Journal" in 2019, heat stroke is caused by thermal damage factors. Serious and fatal diseases caused by the body refer to the imbalance of heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by exposure to hot environments or strenuous exercise.

Since July, many places in China have launched

Typical symptoms are an increase in core temperature >40°C, central nervous system abnormalities, such as mental status changes, convulsions or coma, accompanied by multiple organ damage, and severe cases are life-threatening.

The difference between heat stroke and ordinary heat stroke

When the body is exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the body's heat production and heat dissipation lose balance, leading to temperature regulation disorders, sweat gland failure, and people will suffer from heat stroke.

Since July, many places in China have launched

Heat stroke is generally understood to be the most dangerous and serious form of heat stroke. Has a high case fatality rate.

Since July, many places in China have launched

The biggest difference between heat stroke and ordinary heatstroke is mainly reflected in whether consciousness is lost or is being lost.

Since July, many places in China have launched

Those who are prone to heatstroke are mainly people who work outdoors in high-temperature environments, as well as the elderly and young children with underlying diseases.

How to prevent heat stroke?

In view of the extremely high mortality rate of heat stroke, prevention is very necessary.

In fact, there are two main points to prevent heat stroke -

Drink more water! ! !

Regardless of the amount of exercise, it is recommended that you do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. For people who need to perform physical labor and need to increase the amount of water they drink, they can drink some sports drinks .

Since July, many places in China have launched

But you need to pay attention to drinking water in small amounts and often to avoid drinking a large bottle at once. Drinking large amounts of water in a short period of time may cause hyponatremia (commonly known as water intoxication), which is also a disease that may cause severe reactions.

Where to stay cool?

Once the temperature rises to 32°C, electric fans have little effect on reducing the occurrence of heat stroke. And more than one study has shown that not blowing air conditioning will actually increase the occurrence of heat-related diseases and the risk of death after heat stroke.

caused the death of at least 80 people during the 1999 heat wave in Chicago, USA. After reviewing and analyzing related cases, researchers came to one conclusion: having a properly working air conditioner is the key to preventing heat-related diseases during this heat wave. The most important protective factor against death.

Since July, many places in China have launched Since July, many places in China have launched

The weather is hot

Please pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling~

(Please forward it to the people you care about soon)

Since July, many places in China have launched

"Shanghai Science and Technology" is compiled from Xinhuanet, China News Network, Shanghai Association for Science and Technology

Editor: Shi

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