As the old saying goes, "It's cold in the 39's and hot in the 3's." Today has officially entered the dog days. Dog days are divided into the first, middle and last days, and are the hottest period of the year. Fu refers to the period when Yin Qi is forced by Yang Qi to hide under

2024/06/3017:33:32 regimen 1973

As the old saying goes, "It's cold in the 39's and hot in the 3's." Today has officially entered the dog days. The dog days of summer are divided into the first, middle and last days, and are the hottest period of the year. Fu refers to the period when Yin Qi is forced by Yang Qi to hide underground, which is characterized by high temperature, high humidity, and low air pressure for a total of 40 days. This kind of climate is particularly annoying, and the slightest movement will make you sweat. In addition to drinking more water and using more sun protection, you should also pay attention to your diet. Eat less fatty, greasy, and spicy foods, and eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables. Bao Ma recommends that everyone "eat 1 meat and 2 melons" and don't do 3 things to survive the dog days safely.

Eat 1 meat: chicken

There is a popular saying in the folk saying, "Eat chicken in the first period, eat duck in the second period." Today, when entering the first period, of course eating chicken is indispensable. During the dog days of summer, human body wears out a lot and nutrients are lost. Coupled with poor appetite, pork is too greasy, and beef and mutton are expensive, so eating chicken has become the first choice for many people. When eating chicken, you have to eat a rooster, because when you eat it in Futian, it means "called chicken", and "called chicken" refers to the rooster. Of course, these are folk sayings. As the saying goes, "the customs vary from ten miles to ten miles, and the customs vary from hundred miles to hundreds." Not everyone eats roosters in every place.

Recommended recipe: Lychee braised chicken wings

As the old saying goes,

Ingredients: 200 grams of lychees, 300 grams of chicken wings, green onions, ginger, garlic , cooking wine, balsamic vinegar, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking oil, millet pepper , black sesame seeds

① We select high-quality lychees, peel off the shells, and put them into a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of salt, top up with water, and soak. This can sterilize, prevent getting burned, and taste better.

As the old saying goes,

Add 1 spoonful of flour to the lychee shell , knead for a while, and rinse thoroughly. Pour the lychee shells into the pot, cover with water, and cook over high heat for 2 minutes. Take out the lychee shells, filter the water and set aside.

As the old saying goes,

③ We wash the chicken wings and cut them into slices to make them more flavorful. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the chicken wings and fry them, then stir-fry quickly for a while after both sides are set.

As the old saying goes,

④ Pour in the light soy sauce, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar to enhance the aroma and remove the fishy smell, and simmer for 1 minute. Add onion, ginger and garlic and continue to stir-fry for a few times. Pour in boiling water to cover the chicken wings, bring to a boil over high heat and then reduce to medium to low heat.

As the old saying goes,

⑤ When 1/3 of the soup is left in the pot, add salt to taste, simmer for 2 minutes, add the lychees, turn up the heat and stir-fry for a few times. Sprinkle some millet pepper and chopped green onion to garnish and serve.

As the old saying goes,

Tips: Fruits should be put last in dishes because they have high water content. Adding them too early will mask the taste of the ingredients.

Food 2 Melon

The first melon: Bitter Melon

As the saying goes, "Bitterness in summer is better than nourishment." That is to say, after entering summer, eating some bitter ingredients appropriately, such as bitter melon, lettuce, lettuce, etc., are beneficial to the summer. benefit. Because most of these ingredients are cooling in nature, the bitter elements they contain can enhance appetite and eliminate the troubles caused by high temperature.

Recommended recipe: Baked Bitter Melon with White Jade Egg Yolk

As the old saying goes,

Ingredients: 1 bitter melon, quail eggs As the old saying goes, 00 grams, salted duck eggs 2 egg yolks, millet pepper, garlic, light soy sauce, salt, cooking oil

① We soak the bitter melon in light salt water , brush it with a brush to remove impurities, etc. in the gaps. Cut off the head and tail of the bitter melon, then cut it in half, scrape off the white flesh inside and rinse it. Put the bitter melon slices into a plate, add a spoonful of salt, mix, and marinate for 10 minutes.

As the old saying goes,

②Wash the surface of the quail eggs and put them into the rice cooker steamer. While the rice is cooking, steam the quail eggs together. When the rice jumps to the keep-warm state, take out the quail eggs. Peel off the shells and place on a plate.

As the old saying goes,

③Crush the salted duck egg yolk into fine pieces, then chop the millet pepper and garlic into fine pieces. Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the egg yolks and stir-fry.

As the old saying goes,

④ When you smell the aroma of egg yolk, pour in the washed bitter melon, millet pepper and minced garlic, turn up the heat and stir-fry. When the bitter melon is ripe, it can be scooped up and placed between the quail eggs.

As the old saying goes,

The second melon: Cucumber

People often say "eat buds in spring and melons in summer". As a kind of melon, cucumber has always been favored by people.There are several reasons for this: 1. Its price is close to the people; 2. Cucumbers are rich in water and can be eaten in various ways; 3. Cucumbers have high nutritional value. You can eat some cucumbers appropriately during the dog days of summer, which will be of great benefit to your body.

Recommended recipe: Cucumber scrambled eggs

As the old saying goes,

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 3 eggs, cooking wine, salt, light soy sauce, garlic, cooking oil

① We break the eggs into a bowl and add 2 drops of vinegar to remove the smell. Stir evenly, pour into the pot, and quickly stir-fry into egg chunks. Soak the cucumber in light salt water and brush the surface with a brush. After washing, take it out and slice it into a bowl. Add a spoonful of salt, mix, and marinate for 10 minutes.

As the old saying goes,

② Rinse the cucumbers with water several times after pickling them, then pour them into the pot and fry. When the color of the cucumber deepens, add minced garlic, salt, and light soy sauce to taste. Stir fry for a few times, then add the eggs and stir fry.

As the old saying goes,

③After the cucumber is ripe, it can be served.

As the old saying goes,

Don’t do three things

The first thing: go out shirtless and sleep without clothes

When the weather is hot, many male friends like to go shirtless when they go out for a walk or enjoy the cool air. In fact, this not only allows the sun to hit our skin directly, but also makes us prone to mosquito bites, which is not good for our health.

Everyone likes to sleep with the air conditioner on when the weather is hot. Some people like to sleep without any clothes on because they feel it is very cool. In fact, it is easy to let cold air enter the body by doing this, and you will catch a cold if you are not careful. Try not to go shirtless when going out, wear pajamas when sleeping, and cover your stomach.

The second thing: Do not replace boiled water with drinks

After entering the dog days, we will sweat a lot every day, and we need to add enough water. Some people like to use drinks, beer, etc. instead of boiled water. In fact, this is not advisable. Drinks and other drinks contain a lot of sugar, which not only prevents thirst, but also increases the burden on the body and makes it easy to gain weight.

The third thing: Don’t eat raw pickled seafood

Because the weather is hot, cooking is more difficult. Many people like to eat raw pickled seafood, but my mother recommends not eating it. Although a large amount of high-strength white wine, garlic, pepper, etc. are added during pickling, what should I do if there are parasites? Besides, eating too much of these ingredients will irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause bloating and diarrhea.

Conclusion: Today is the dog day, remember to do a good job in preventing heatstroke and cooling down. In terms of diet, "eat 1 meat and 2 melons", resolutely avoid doing 3 things, and spend the dog days peacefully. I am a mom, an office worker who likes to make meals. Working around the stove, pots and pans every day makes me tired but happy at the same time. All recipes are original and no transfer or plagiarism is allowed. If you like it, please like, collect, forward and follow me!

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