Recently, the Nanyang Municipal Health and Sports Committee commended the city’s advanced units and individuals in the city’s elderly health work and elderly health services in 2021. Dengzhou People's Hospital was awarded the "Advanced Unit for Elderly Health Services in Nanyang

2024/06/3017:18:32 regimen 1800

Recently, the Nanyang Municipal Health and Sports Committee commended the city’s advanced units and individuals in the city’s elderly health work and elderly health services in 2021.

Dengzhou People's Hospital was awarded the "Advanced Unit for Elderly Health Services in Nanyang City in 2021", and Zeng Limin, the head of the hospital's Quality Control Department, was awarded the "Advanced Individual for Elderly Health Services in 2021".

Recently, the Nanyang Municipal Health and Sports Committee commended the city’s advanced units and individuals in the city’s elderly health work and elderly health services in 2021. Dengzhou People's Hospital was awarded the

Since the launch of elderly health services, Dengzhou People's Hospital has taken better meeting the elderly's health service needs as the starting point and effectively enhanced the elderly's sense of gain and happiness as its goal. In the elderly health services, medical care Combining , palliative care and other aspects to explore and innovate, establish and improve the aging work system, vigorously carry out aging publicity and education, constantly optimize the layout of elderly medical resources, strive to promote the in-depth integrated development of medical care, and solidly promote various aging health work.

Recently, the Nanyang Municipal Health and Sports Committee commended the city’s advanced units and individuals in the city’s elderly health work and elderly health services in 2021. Dengzhou People's Hospital was awarded the

Recently, the Nanyang Municipal Health and Sports Committee commended the city’s advanced units and individuals in the city’s elderly health work and elderly health services in 2021. Dengzhou People's Hospital was awarded the

Recently, the Nanyang Municipal Health and Sports Committee commended the city’s advanced units and individuals in the city’s elderly health work and elderly health services in 2021. Dengzhou People's Hospital was awarded the

The honor is both encouragement and encouragement. In the future, the hospital will further promote and improve the long-term mechanism of respecting and caring for the elderly, strengthen the construction of geriatric medical disciplines, continue to improve the green channel management of emergency and critically ill patients, and continue to provide convenient services such as registration and medical treatment for the elderly. Green channel; continue to give full play to medical advantages, focus on the health service needs of the elderly population, improve health service levels, continue to enrich and deepen the construction of the connotation of health services for the elderly, carry out the work of respecting and caring for the elderly in depth and long-term, and promote the cause of aging in the new era and We will make new contributions to the high-quality development of the elderly health work and by accelerating the construction of healthy Dengzhou. (Wang Wei Shen Xiao Zheng Xue)

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