As we all know, if you don’t live well during the Dog Days, you will easily get sick and leave root causes of diseases in the human body, such as heat stroke, cardiovascular disease, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer heat prevails, and when it invades the hum

2024/06/2712:14:33 regimen 1553

China Traditional Chinese Medicine Newspaper

As we all know, if you don’t live well during the Dog Days, you will easily get sick and leave root causes of diseases in the human body, such as heat stroke, cardiovascular disease, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer heat prevails, and when it invades the hum - DayDayNews

As we all know, if you don’t live well during the Dog Days, you will easily get sick, leaving root causes of diseases in the human body, such as heat stroke, cardiovascular disease, etc. The dog days of summer are coming. Master these five health tips to help you survive the dog days in good health.

Heatstroke prevention

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer heat prevails and invades the human body. It is common for to open up and cause excessive sweating. Excessive sweating leads to a decrease in body fluids. If body fluids are not replenished in time, high fever, irritability, dizziness, headache, and poor appetite will occur. , or even coma and blood pressure drop.

recommends: Avoid direct sun exposure during outdoor activities. Working bare-chested in the scorching sun can easily cause skin burns and heat stroke. 12 noon to 3 pm is the most vulnerable time period for heat stroke, so try to avoid going out as much as possible. Replenish water in time, small amount and often, to strengthen room ventilation and cooling.

Protection against cold

In summer, it is not only necessary to prevent heatstroke, but protection from cold is equally important. With the improvement of living standards, people now have air conditioners, refrigerators and other "magic tools" to escape the scorching summer. They use air conditioners to enjoy the coolness and eat cold drinks excessively. Over time, the internal Qi is deficient, and the wind and cold take advantage of the deficiencies to invade and cause diseases. Body heat, headache, no sweat, aversion to cold, joint pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain and diarrhea are the main symptoms. The elderly, children and people with weak constitutions should be particularly careful.

recommends: You should not be too greedy for cold food in summer, pay attention to the nutritional balance of your diet, and be neither picky nor picky about food. The use of air conditioners and fans should be moderate, and the temperature should not be too low. It is best to control it at around 26 degrees, and it should not be blown directly on the head.


There is a lot of rain in summer and the humidity is high. The body is most likely to be invaded by dampness when it is raining, wading or taking a bath. In addition, you don't pay much attention when eating, and you like to eat fatty, sweet, and greasy foods, and eat too much raw and cold foods, which can easily lead to spleen malfunction, and eventually lead to the ingrowth of moisture. When moisture stays in the body for too long, it often causes health problems such as abdominal distension and abdominal pain, indigestion, dermatitis and eczema , listlessness, weakness in limbs, unformed stools, and even arthritis.

recommends: Keep the living environment dry and ventilated. Keep doors and windows closed on rainy days. Open windows promptly for ventilation after sunny weather. If the indoor humidity is too high, you can use the dehumidification mode of the air conditioner or a dehumidifier to remove moisture. Eat a reasonable diet and eat less high-fat foods. , high-calorie food; carry rain gear when going out to prevent getting caught in the rain, and do not sit in a cold and humid place when traveling.

Yang Qi

Yang Qi is the guarantee of our health and the source of vitality for our body. Health experts of all ages have attached great importance to Yang Qi, believing that sufficient Yang Qi in the body is the prerequisite for health and longevity. In summer, the yang energy in the human body is the strongest. However, uncontrolled eating of cold drinks, blowing air conditioners, and excessive greed for coldness can also damage the yang energy.

recommends: Go to bed late and get up early, avoid staying up late; eat mainly light foods, don’t be greedy for cold food, eat more low-fat, high-protein foods, and eat less spicy, fatty, sweet and thick food; intestinal infections are more common in summer, so pay attention Eat a hygienic diet and avoid eating out; insisting on physical exercise will help improve the body's immunity. However, when exercising, be careful to avoid hot periods and strenuous exercise. The elderly may choose to play Baduanjin .

Nourishing Spleen and Stomach

Many people are troubled by the "bitter summer" in the dog days of summer, with taste and loss of appetite. Therefore, maintaining the spleen and stomach is also the focus of summer health care.

recommends: The diet in summer should be "less bitter and more pungent". Eat bitter foods such as bitter melon and bitter vegetables in moderation to clear away the heat of the summer heat. However, do not eat too much bitter food to avoid damaging the spleen and stomach. You can also eat some flavored foods appropriately. Foods that are pungent and invigorating the spleen, such as onions, ginger, coriander, shepherd's purse, etc., can not only wake up and strengthen the spleen, but also increase appetite. At the same time, eat some sour and salty things in moderation to achieve the effect of controlling sweat and protecting yin.

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