Recently many people have had accidents due to heat stroke. Heatstroke is usually not serious if you can cool down within 30 minutes. If heat stroke develops, emergency treatment is required. Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergenc

2024/06/2414:53:33 regimen 1436

Recently, many people have had accidents due to heat stroke . Heatstroke is usually not serious if you can cool down within 30 minutes. If heat stroke develops, emergency treatment is required.

Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency. If you suspect someone has heat stroke (also called heat stroke), call 120 immediately and provide first aid until paramedics arrive.

Heat stroke can cause death or damage to the brain and other internal organs. While heat stroke primarily affects people over the age of 50, it can also affect healthy young athletes.

Heat stroke usually develops from milder heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps , heat syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion . But it can happen even if you have no previous signs of heat injury.

Recently many people have had accidents due to heat stroke. Heatstroke is usually not serious if you can cool down within 30 minutes. If heat stroke develops, emergency treatment is required. Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergenc - DayDayNews

Heat stroke is caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures - often combined with dehydration - causing the body's temperature control system to fail. The medical definition of heat stroke is a core body temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, with complications involving the central nervous system occurring after exposure to high temperatures. Other common symptoms include nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness or coma.

Are there different types of heatstroke?

There are two types of heat stroke:

  • Exertional heat stroke: This form of heat stroke is usually the result of overexerting the body in hot and humid conditions. It can develop within a few hours.
  • Non-exertional heat stroke: Also known as classic heat stroke, this type can occur due to age or an underlying health condition. It tends to develop over a few days.

Are heat stroke and heat stroke the same thing?

Heat stroke and heat stroke are both types of hyperthermia . If left untreated, heat stroke can develop into heat stroke. But heat stroke is not as severe as heat stroke, does not cause neurological problems, and is usually not life-threatening.

How to prevent heat stroke?

In most cases, heat stroke can be prevented by:

  • Avoiding strenuous physical activity in hot and humid conditions.
  • Drink sports drinks , light salt water or broth.
  • If you must work or exercise in a hot environment, gradually acclimate your body to the warmer temperatures over a few weeks.
  • Never leave children (or pets) in an enclosed, hot space, such as a car.
  • Stay in an air-conditioned or well-ventilated area during a heat wave.
  • If you are going out in hot weather, wear light, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing

Recently many people have had accidents due to heat stroke. Heatstroke is usually not serious if you can cool down within 30 minutes. If heat stroke develops, emergency treatment is required. Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergenc - DayDayNews

What first aid can help with heat stroke?

  • Blow air onto the patient while you moisten the patient's skin with water from a sponge or garden hose.
  • Apply ice packs to the patient's armpits, groin, neck, and back. Because these areas are rich in blood vessels close to the skin, cooling them may lower body temperature.
  • Immerse the person in a cold shower or bathtub.
  • If the person is young and healthy and suffers heat stroke during strenuous exercise (so-called exertional heat stroke), you can use an ice bath to help cool the body.

After recovering from heat stroke, you may be more sensitive to heat over the next week. Therefore, it is best to avoid hot weather and strenuous exercise.

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