Editor's introduction: July is the time for gardenias. The fragrant fragrance of flowers permeates the campus where joy and reluctance are intertwined. In recent years, gardenia is actually not only a graduation flower, but also a beautiful thing that has the same origin as medic

2024/06/2117:21:33 regimen 1319

Editor's introduction: html July is the time for gardenias . The fragrant floral fragrance permeates the campus where joy and reluctance are intertwined. In recent years, gardenia is actually not only a graduation flower, but also a beautiful thing that has the same origin as medicine and food.

Editor's introduction: July is the time for gardenias. The fragrant fragrance of flowers permeates the campus where joy and reluctance are intertwined. In recent years, gardenia is actually not only a graduation flower, but also a beautiful thing that has the same origin as medic - DayDayNews

Folklore of Gardenia

Legend has it that Gardenia is one of the seven fairies. The lonely life in heaven made her yearn for the beauty of the world, so she descended to earth and turned into a tree. She happened to be seen by a farmer. Alone and living in poverty, he moved the small tree back home. Under his care, the tree became full of vitality and bloomed with many small white flowers in summer.

In order to repay the kindness of the farmers, Gardenia transformed into a human being to wash and cook for the owner during the day, and at night she turned into a gardenia flower and filled the courtyard with fragrance. Soon, all the neighbors knew that gardenias were the incarnation of flower fairies, so every household planted gardenias. Women in the village all wore gardenias on their heads. From then on, the whole village blossomed with flowers and filled the world with fragrance.

Editor's introduction: July is the time for gardenias. The fragrant fragrance of flowers permeates the campus where joy and reluctance are intertwined. In recent years, gardenia is actually not only a graduation flower, but also a beautiful thing that has the same origin as medic - DayDayNews

Editor's introduction: July is the time for gardenias. The fragrant fragrance of flowers permeates the campus where joy and reluctance are intertwined. In recent years, gardenia is actually not only a graduation flower, but also a beautiful thing that has the same origin as medic - DayDayNews

Medicine and food have the same origin

Traditional Chinese medicine has had the theory of "medicine and food have the same origin" since ancient times. "For food, patients eat it as medicine", which talks about the relationship between food and diseases.

Ancient doctors applied the "four properties" and "five flavors" theories of traditional Chinese medicine to food, believing that each food also has "four properties" and "five flavors". Both medicine and food come from nature, medicine is derived from food, and the two complement each other. food therapy uses the same principles as drug therapy, that is, medicine and food have the same origin, medicine and food have the same function, and medicine and food have the same principles. Understanding the "source of medicine and food", the kitchen can also become a "health pharmacy".

▶Clinical Application

Medicinal Gardenia is the dried and mature fruit of the Rubiaceae plant Gardenia. It is a traditional Chinese medicine with a bitter taste and cold nature. It has the effect of purging fire and removing troubles, clearing away heat and promoting diuresis , cooling blood and detoxifying. It is used for fever upset, damp-heat jaundice, stranguria syndrome, astringent pain, blood heat, vomiting, red and swollen eyes, and fire sores. It can be used externally to eliminate ulcers. It relieves swelling and relieves pain, and cures sprain and contusion pain.

. Treat colds, phlegm in the lungs, excess fire , and cough due to lung heat: 3 gardenia flowers, decoct them with a little honey.

2. Eye redness, swelling and pain: use 9 grams each of gardenia and chrysanthemum, skullcap , gentian , licorice 6 grams each, decoct it with water.

3. Sores: Use gardenia leaves to squeeze juice and apply it on the red and swollen sores. The effect will be visible in 7 to 10 days.

4. Dull voice: 5 to 7 gardenia flowers, brewed in boiling water, instead of tea.

5. Nosebleeds : Roast gardenia flowers and grind them into fine powder. Blow a small amount into the nasal cavity each time and press it with a sterile cotton plug; or 10 grams each of gardenia and sophora flower , decoct in water for 15 minutes. Minutes, instead of tea.

6. High blood pressure : Drinking tea made from gardenia leaves has the effect of lowering blood pressure.

7. Tracheitis : 10 grams of gardenia, 330 grams of fresh gardenia root, decoction in water.

Editor's introduction: July is the time for gardenias. The fragrant fragrance of flowers permeates the campus where joy and reluctance are intertwined. In recent years, gardenia is actually not only a graduation flower, but also a beautiful thing that has the same origin as medic - DayDayNews


▲ " Materia Medica Newly Edited ": dispels heat in dampness, eliminates the yellow disease of five fistulas, and stops cholera tendons.

▲ "Compendium of Materia Medica": Treats vomiting blood, epistaxis, bloody diarrhea, bleeding, bloody stranguria, injury and blood stasis, typhoid fever, headache due to heat, hernia, and burns caused by soup.

▲" Shen Nong's Materia Medica ": Mainly responsible for the five internal evil qi, heat in the stomach, red face, wine sores, and white leprosy.

▶Delicious diet

. Gardenia porridge

Take 100 grams of stem rice to cook the porridge, and take another 5 grams of gardenia, grind it into fine powder, when the porridge is almost ready, add the gardenia powder and cook it briefly.Consume 2 times a day for 2 to 3 days.

It can clear away heat and relieve fire. It is suitable for jaundice hepatitis, cholecystitis as well as red and swollen eyes, acute conjunctivitis and so on. However, this porridge should not be taken with large amounts of food for a long time, and should not be used by people who usually have diarrhea.

2. Gardenia scrambled eggs

100 grams of gardenia, remove impurities and wash, blanch briefly in boiling water, cut into pieces; beat 3 eggs; add gardenia into the eggs, stir evenly; put in the pot Add oil, heat until 80% hot, add gardenia flowers and eggs, stir-fry until cooked, add salt, stir-fry evenly.

can clear away heat, nourish the stomach, widen the intestines and promote qi. is suitable for stomach heat, bad breath, gum swelling and pain, and difficulty in defecation.

Warm reminder: Gardenia is bitter and cold in nature and can easily hurt the spleen and stomach. Therefore, people with spleen deficiency and loose stools need to use it with caution.

contributed by Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Yu Qiuhong

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