Gao Yongzhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master. Graduated from Jiamusi University School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree. Graduated from Harbin Medical Uni

2024/06/2114:44:33 regimen 1808

Lisiya must be familiar to you, right? What harm will happen if the tooth is not removed in time?

64-year-old Ms. Liu did not remove the buried ridge teeth early when she was young. As a result, she developed a huge tumor in her mandible in her old age and had to be surgically removed as a last resort.

Gao Yongzhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master. Graduated from Jiamusi University School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree. Graduated from Harbin Medical Uni - DayDayNews

Two years ago, Ms. Liu suddenly developed a tumor about the size of a "soybean grain" in the left lower back tooth area, but she didn't pay much attention at the time. Later, it gradually increased in size and I took many anti-inflammatory drugs, but no improvement was seen. Since the tumor did not affect the patient's life, he never sought medical treatment. Until a month ago, the tumor had grown to about the size of an "egg yolk" and had seriously affected the patient's eating, swallowing, and speaking. The patient was in great pain and anxious. I went to many hospitals and was told that the tumor needed to be surgically removed. Since the tumor had invaded the inferior alveolar nerve canal in the mandible, it could easily cause bleeding during the operation. It could also easily cause damage to the mandibular nerve after the operation, resulting in lifelong numbness of the lower lip. , the operation is very difficult, but surgical treatment is also a necessary method. After many inquiries, I learned that the Department of Stomatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University has superb surgical skills and a good reputation! Then he was transferred from Qiqihar City to Fularji District for medical treatment.

Gao Yongzhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master. Graduated from Jiamusi University School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree. Graduated from Harbin Medical Uni - DayDayNews

html On July 7, Ms. Liu came to our hospital for medical treatment in the first dental department. After examination by Deputy Director Gao Yongzhi, it was found that Ms. Liu's wisdom teeth had been buried in the mandible for many years and had not erupted, resulting in a huge odontogenic mandibular tumor. At the same time, Oral surface tomography revealed that the tumor had invaded the inferior alveolar neural canal. After Gao Yongzhi reported the case to director Wang Jinshan, the two formulated a detailed surgical treatment plan and admitted the patient to the hospital for treatment.

Gao Yongzhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master. Graduated from Jiamusi University School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree. Graduated from Harbin Medical Uni - DayDayNews

Preoperative examination

html On July 8, after the patient completed various examinations, he underwent "left mandibular tumor resection" under general anesthesia . After more than an hour of surgery, the tumor in the patient's mouth was successfully removed, and the tumor was removed to the maximum extent. Protects nerves and blood vessels. After the operation, the patient had no bleeding in the surgical area, no numbness in the lower lip, and recovered his swallowing and pronunciation functions. The patient was full of praise for the technical level of the First Department of Dentistry in our hospital, and repeatedly praised: I chose Qiyi Affiliated Hospital, and visiting the First Department of Dentistry was the wisest choice.

Gao Yongzhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master. Graduated from Jiamusi University School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree. Graduated from Harbin Medical Uni - DayDayNews

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Medical popular science

Should wisdom teeth (corresponding teeth) be pulled out? What are the dangers?

For wisdom teeth (corresponding teeth) that have erupted normally and have a certain occlusion, without their own pathological changes, and without any uncomfortable symptoms, are they No need to remove it. But unfortunately, as humans evolve , the eating structure becomes more and more refined. Most wisdom teeth do not erupt in place and will become impacted. If such impacted wisdom teeth are not discovered and removed early, it will affect the health of people. We are close to the health of the teeth and the health of the opposing jaw teeth, which can lead to, for example, caries on the second molar (the last big tooth except the third molar), periodontal damage to the deep periodontal pockets in the distal area, and even damage to the second molar. Loose and falling out, some wisdom teeth can also cause food impaction, causing critical caries. Some wisdom teeth affect our normal bite, causing our teeth to be misaligned, causing our bite relationship to be bad, resulting in temporomandibular joint The problem with is that for some deeply buried wisdom teeth, if they are not discovered in time, they will remain in the jaw for a long time and can easily lead to odontogenic lesions, such as our jaw cysts and even odontogenic tumors, which will bring serious consequences. , so for wisdom teeth, we need to conduct an examination when we are 16 to 18 years old. If we find that they are impacted and cannot erupt normally, they should be removed in time to avoid subsequent adverse effects on adjacent teeth and other oral health. .

Expert profile

Gao Yongzhi, Deputy Director of the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, Deputy Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master. Graduated from Jiamusi University School of Medicine with a bachelor's degree. Graduated from Harbin Medical Uni - DayDayNews

Gao Yongzhi, deputy director of the First Department of Stomatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Qi Medical University, deputy chief physician, associate professor, master's degree Bachelor's degree from Jiamusi University School of Medicine, Master's degree from Harbin Medical University 2015-2016 Peking University School of Stomatology Advanced study in oral and maxillofacial studies The Department of Surgery

specializes in: dental treatment, tooth extraction, dental implants, as well as various difficult impacted teeth , oral and maxillofacial tumors , infection, and trauma surgeries.

Contact number: 13796878176

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