Text/Deng Qilingtu/Interviewee provided Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation, recording the rich experience and theoretical knowledge of the Chinese nation’s long-term fight against diseases. At present, traditional Chinese medicine is attracting more

2024/06/2800:59:32 regimen 1430

text/Deng Qiling

pictures/provided by the interviewee

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation, recording the Chinese nation’s rich experience and theoretical knowledge in fighting diseases for a long time. At present, traditional Chinese medicine is attracting more and more people's attention, and a group of doctors who inherit and develop traditional Chinese medicine have emerged in Dongguan. Ruan Yongqi, deputy director and chief traditional Chinese medicine physician of Dongguan Southeast Central Hospital, is one of them. He studied under Li Ke, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in the country, and has rich clinical experience. He treats every patient seriously and is good at using pure Chinese medicine methods to treat acute, severe and difficult diseases to protect the health of patients.

Text/Deng Qilingtu/Interviewee provided Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation, recording the rich experience and theoretical knowledge of the Chinese nation’s long-term fight against diseases. At present, traditional Chinese medicine is attracting more  - DayDayNews

Team Ruan Yong

Learned pure Chinese medicine from famous doctors

Team Ruan Yong became associated with Chinese medicine through his own personal experience. When Ruan Yong was a child, he had a high fever and pain all over his body. The doctor at the health center prescribed him several doses of traditional Chinese medicine. After drinking a dose of Chinese medicine, he broke out in a sweat and his fever immediately subsided, and the pain disappeared. "At that time, I felt that Chinese medicine was so magical, and I determined to become a Chinese medicine doctor to treat diseases and save people." Since then, he and Chinese medicine have formed an indissoluble bond.

Since graduating from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1993, Ruan Yongqi has been engaged in clinical work in traditional Chinese medicine. In the early days of his medical career, he realized that school education was only basic education, and the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine he learned was just "a drop of water in the ocean of traditional Chinese medicine." From 2005 to 2008, he went to Shanxi many times to visit Li Ke, a nationally famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor, and invited Li Ke to Dongguan for consultation many times. The most impressive time for him was when the father of a hospital employee suffered from cor pulmonale and required long-term treatment with a variety of Western medicines, but the efficacy was poor. The patient had chest tightness and obvious asthma. His activities were obviously limited and he could not get out of bed to walk. He could only lie in bed all day. It happened that Li Ke came to Wanwan for a consultation, and the employee asked Li Ke to treat his father. After his father took Chinese medicine three times, his asthma was significantly relieved and he was able to get out of bed and walk around. "Through this incident, I decided to take the path of pure Chinese medicine treatment." Ruan Yongqiu said that in 2008, they held an international Chinese medicine academic training class in Tangxia. The speaker was Li Ke. At that time, Singapore , About 500 people from Chinese medicine practitioners from Malaysia, Canada, and other parts of the world came here to listen to Li Ke’s lecture. “The scene was very shocking, which made me more determined to follow the path of pure Chinese medicine treatment.”

After hard work, Team Ruan Yong finally got his wish. , worshiped Li Ke as his teacher, and under Li Ke's guidance, he mastered pure traditional Chinese medicine methods to treat acute, critical and various difficult diseases. For example, he understood that stroke is because the turbid yin steals the position of yang, so it is necessary to discharge the turbid yin and replenish the yang energy. In addition, he became a disciple of Liu Mingwu, a nationally renowned cultural scholar, who understood Chinese medicine from the source and discussed yin and yang and the five elements from astronomy and calendar to consolidate the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine. These two teachers had a huge influence on his medical career. The combination of practice and theory improved his traditional Chinese medicine skills.

Text/Deng Qilingtu/Interviewee provided Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation, recording the rich experience and theoretical knowledge of the Chinese nation’s long-term fight against diseases. At present, traditional Chinese medicine is attracting more  - DayDayNews

Team Ruan Yong performs acupuncture treatment on patients

Specializes in treating difficult, acute and critical diseases

The therapeutic effect is the "touchstone" to test a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner's medical skills. Team Ruan Yong, who has been practicing medicine for many years, has been praised by many patients for his therapeutic effects of pure traditional Chinese medicine. According to his recollection, there was once an old lady in her 70s who suffered from a meningioma and had three surgeries in Guangzhou. Due to postoperative infection, the patient's body was swollen, and despite the use of various antibiotics, the patient still had a high fever. He also developed multiple organ failure and was unable to eat. For this reason, the hospital ICU issued a critical illness notice . For hospice care , the patient was transferred back to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Dongguan Southeast Central Hospital. In view of the patient's condition at that time, Ruan Yong's team prescribed a dose of traditional Chinese medicine "Pege Jiuxin Decoction" and delivered the decoction into the patient's body through a gastric tube. After the first dose, the patient's body temperature dropped to 38 degrees Celsius, indicating that TCM treatment was effective. After taking the second dose, the patient's fever subsided to 37 degrees Celsius. After five or six days, the patient's body began to reduce swelling, opened his eyes, could stand up, began to speak, and finally recovered and was discharged. There is more than one case like

. Previously, a strange "patient" came to Team Ruan Yong's consultation. He was not here to see a doctor, but to ask for a prescription.After some conversation, we learned that the "patient's" father had a cerebral hemorrhage, and a large hospital in Shenzhen required a craniotomy. However, the old man had multiple underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and so on. The operation risk was very high, and his family members did not agree. After the operation, the old man was taken home and fell unconscious in bed. The "patient" learned that Ruan Yong was Li Ke's apprentice, so he took the old man's examination report and rushed from Shenzhen to Tangxia, Dongguan to find him for a prescription. "I prescribed three doses of traditional Chinese medicine, one dose a day." Ruan Yong team said that the good news is that on the first day, the old man started to have bowel movements; on the second day, the old man could eat liquid food; on the third day, Ruan Yong team came to see the doctor in person At this time, the elderly can slowly walk out of the bedroom with the support of family members.

Ruan Yongqi said that he is clinically good at treating critical and difficult diseases such as stroke, lung disease, acute and chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, hepatobiliary disease, kidney disease, diabetes, ventilation, tumors, immune system diseases, etc. "In the face of critical illness, through pure Chinese medicine treatment, patients who originally had no hope were brought back from the death line and the hope of life was rekindled. At this time, I will have a special sense of accomplishment and mission." He said explain.

Text/Deng Qilingtu/Interviewee provided Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of the Chinese nation, recording the rich experience and theoretical knowledge of the Chinese nation’s long-term fight against diseases. At present, traditional Chinese medicine is attracting more  - DayDayNews

Team Ruan Yong receives patients

Dedicated to the inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine

In addition to clinical work, Team Ruan Yong is also the leader of the hospital's traditional Chinese medicine science department, leading the development and growth of the department. He believes that the key to the development of the department is talents, and the department insists on combining talent introduction and training. In order to cultivate clinical talents with traditional Chinese medicine thinking, the department has invited Professor Fan Dengmai of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine to teach the classic theories of Chinese medicine every Monday for more than ten years, and invited nationally renowned Chinese medicine experts to the department to pass on their experience and treasures, which has greatly improved the quality of medical care. The personnel’s theoretical level of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical diagnosis and treatment capabilities. Now the department has built five Dongguan famous doctor studios and one Li Ke traditional Chinese medicine academic school inheritance studio, and has trained a group of practical hard-core traditional Chinese medicine doctors. Currently, there are 8 doctors, 12 masters, and 18 people with senior professional titles in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, forming a reasonable talent echelon. In addition, the Dongguan National Research Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Guangdong Medical University has been established, with four specialties of traditional Chinese medicine, geriatrics, colorectal and rehabilitation, and will soon open an acupuncture department and a disease prevention department. Team Ruan Yong believes that the development of the discipline is inseparable from high-level scientific research, and a virtuous cycle in which "clinical research drives scientific research and scientific research promotes clinical practice" must be formed.

In addition, Team Ruan Yong is committed to inheriting and promoting traditional Chinese medicine. He established the "Huangdi Neijing Academy" and the "Li Ke Traditional Chinese Medicine Academic Inheritance Base" in the hospital. He believes that "Huangdi Neijing" is the basis of the classic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and Li Ke is one of the outstanding contemporary representatives of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of critical, severe and difficult diseases. The experience of famous doctors in the past tells us that following famous teachers, reading classics, doing clinical work, communicating more, thinking frequently, and summarizing often are the only ways for Chinese medicine to become successful. He said that his master Li Ke particularly emphasized returning to the classics of traditional Chinese medicine, insisted on using the true dosage of the prescriptions in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", and in long-term clinical practice, he summed up valuable experience in the safe and effective use of toxic traditional Chinese medicines in the treatment of critical illness. He inherited Li Ke's clinical experience in treating serious illnesses and achieved good results in treating serious illnesses. For this reason, their department insists on solving difficult problems in traditional Chinese medicine as a breakthrough point, and builds the department into a base for the treatment of difficult and critical diseases with traditional Chinese medicine.

According to Ruan Yongqi, it is very important for Chinese doctors to have traditional Chinese medicine thinking, and they must always adhere to using traditional Chinese medicine thinking to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases. As long as the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine is used and various modern advanced diagnosis and treatment methods and treatment techniques are used, it is still traditional Chinese medicine; on the contrary, if the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine is not used, even if Chinese herbal medicine is used, it is not traditional Chinese medicine. Various modern advanced treatment methods and treatment technologies are an extension of the four diagnosis and clinical diagnosis and treatment techniques of traditional Chinese medicine. He said: "It is my greatest happiness to see patients recover and be discharged from hospital. It is my lifelong pursuit to contribute a small amount to the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine!"

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng Pai

Editor-in-chief | Zhang Degang

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