As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be

2024/06/2110:18:32 regimen 1799

My neighbor, Uncle Liu, is 62 years old this year. He pays great attention to health every day. He can often be seen exercising in the park of the community. Recently, I found him doing an exercise that I have never seen him do before- hanging on the horizontal bar. , when I first came here, I thought Uncle Liu was too busy and wanted to try a new way of exercising.

After questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt pain in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by excessive exercise, so he I rested at home for a few days, but the symptoms did not ease , and there were still signs of getting worse . So he asked his son to take him to the hospital.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Through some related examinations, the doctor found that there was a problem with Uncle Liu's lumbar disc , and there was a protrusion of , which caused pain. However, the situation was not serious, so he prescribed some medicine and asked him to press time to take. After Uncle Liu returned home, he cooperated very well with the doctor and took the medicine on time and in the right amount every day. But he didn't know where he got the news that hanging the horizontal bar could cure lumbar disc herniation, so he started hanging the horizontal bar every day.

Speaking of lumbar disc herniation, it is estimated that many people have been deeply troubled by this disease. These patients may often be advised to "hang on the parallel bars" when seeing a doctor, saying that it can cure lumbar disc herniation, and even some The patient still adheres to this "good habit" after the symptoms disappear.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

So, can hanging the horizontal bar often treat lumbar disc herniation ? Are there any benefits? With these questions in mind, read the following carefully and the doctor will explain everything clearly to you.

What is lumbar disc herniation?

Everyone may have experienced back pain , whether they are a hobbled old man or a strong young man. In fact, low back pain is just a symptom, not an independent disease. When it comes to low back pain, many people may first think of lumbar disc herniation . Indeed, lumbar disc herniation is a very common disease in the spine department. In spine clinics, lumbar disc herniation accounts for more than 80% of patients seeking treatment for lumbar spine problems.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

As a common disease in the spine department, with the arrival of an aging society, aging causes degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc , and the number of elderly patients with lumbar disc herniation is gradually increasing. Moreover, due to the bad living habits of some young people, the occurrence of lumbar disc herniation is becoming more likely to occur in younger people.. This shows that the probability of lumbar disc herniation is very high. So why do more and more people suffer from lumbar disc herniation? What is lumbar disc herniation?

The intervertebral disc is an annular structure located between each lumbar vertebrae. It is mainly composed of annulus fibros , nucleus pulposus and cartilage plate . When our human body carries out daily activities, the intervertebral disc can play the role of buffer Function, thus protecting our spine . However, if the body is kept in an incorrect posture for a long time or is impacted by some external force, it may cause the annulus fibrosus to rupture, and the intervertebral disc will be squeezed out, which will cause varying degrees of pain when the nerves are compressed. This is the formation process of lumbar disc herniation.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Lumbar disc herniation can be divided into 4 types, namely intervertebral disc bulge, herniation, prolapse and dissociation . The severity of these 4 types of diseases is different, and they may all cause damage to nerve roots A certain amount of compression will cause patients to have varying degrees of waist pain . Some patients' low back pain will also spread to the lower limbs, causing pain and numbness in the legs.

Chronic fatigue, colds, trauma, etc. may cause damage to the intervertebral disc, and the occurrence of lumbar disc herniation is a relatively slow process. Therefore, when some people experience symptoms of waist and leg pain in the early stages, they do not pay special attention to it until the body Only when the pain is unbearable will you seek medical treatment. At this time, the intervertebral disc disease may be very serious, and treatment will only "treat the symptoms but not the root cause", which is difficult to cure.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Once suffering from lumbar disc herniation, few people will be completely cured after treatment. Under normal circumstances, it only temporarily controls the condition and relieves pain. When some triggers occur, is easy to relapse. So, for patients with lumbar disc herniation, will horizontal bars really be useful?

What are the benefits of hanging horizontal bars on lumbar disc herniation?

Hanging horizontal bar is a sport that everyone is familiar with. It is very common in various parks. Many patients with lumbar disc herniation are looking forward to using this method to treat the disease, and the effects vary. It is not unreasonable to use hanging horizontal bar to treat lumbar disc herniation. Let the doctor explain it to you.

The so-called hanging horizontal bar is actually a kind of self-traction treatment for patients with lumbar disc herniation, which is a kind of physical therapy . By suspending the body, you can increase the lumbar intervertebral space , thereby forming a negative pressure in the intervertebral space. Under the action of negative pressure, the ligaments that restrain the intervertebral disc will be in a tight state , which is conducive to protruding the nucleus pulposus. The distance between the joints and facet joints is increased.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Therefore, hanging horizontal bars can relieve lumbar disc herniation to a certain extent. It is true that some patients have reduced the congestion and edema of protruding lumbar spine through this method, and the surrounding muscles have also been relaxed. However, there are also many friends who feel that no matter how hard they try, the results are not satisfactory, the symptoms of intervertebral disc herniation are not resolved, and new problems arise, so they think this is a big scam. What's going on?

In fact, when we say that the hanging horizontal bar can treat lumbar disc herniation, it is based on comparing the ideal and standard state of . In other words, there are many things we need to pay attention to when doing the horizontal bar hanging, such as exercise. The amplitude, time, , etc., if these factors are not controlled well, they will not be effective.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

However, many people just think that they just need to hang every day. During the exercise, the details are not handled well, such as the range of exercise is too large or the exercise time is too long , these are detrimental to the lumbar spine. Restoring will not only fail to achieve the therapeutic effect, but may also lead to new lesions in the lumbar spine.

One thing that is very important is that when pain occurs, you must not perform horizontal bar hanging exercises. This will aggravate the condition and cause serious consequences. Therefore, you cannot blindly treat lumbar disc herniation by hanging horizontal bars, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Since regular horizontal bar hanging has a certain effect on the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. So, if you insist on hanging the horizontal bar every day, can the symptoms of lumbar disc herniation be cured without medication?

If you insist on hanging the horizontal bar every day, can the symptoms of lumbar protrusion be cured without medication?

When it comes to this issue, we still have to analyze it rationally. Some patients see that other people's conditions have been well relieved through this method, but the medicine they have been taking for a long time is not very effective, so they will just hang on to the horizontal bar, and even stop taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor. After eating it, I firmly believe that hanging the horizontal bar every day can cure lumbar disc herniation. If you think so, you are totally wrong.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

We can't just think that because a few people can alleviate their condition through this method, we once thought that 'as long as we insist on hanging on the horizontal bar, lumbar protrusion symptoms can be cured without medication', this is unscientific , although some people do use this method. The condition improved after that, but if we say it is a cure, it is still far from being cured. This is just an auxiliary treatment method that can help with the treatment, but cannot completely cure it .

Regarding the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, first of all, cannot be separated from the drug . Since lumbar disc herniation may cause inflammation of surrounding tissues, you can appropriately take the chondroprotective agent , which has a certain degree of anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Cartilage decomposition . When the condition is more severe and affects basic daily life, surgery will be performed to treat . However, weak traction therapy can only be used as an auxiliary treatment for and , and is mostly used in the recovery stage.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Therefore, when facing lumbar disc herniation, you must undergo regular treatment and do not choose treatment methods blindly. In order to effectively improve or cure lumbar disc herniation, the following points must not be ignored.

The correct approach for patients with lumbar disc herniation

The first thing is to rest in bed . Bed rest is the most basic approach during the acute attack of lumbar disc herniation. Adequate rest can relieve the congestion and edema of symptoms around the lumbar spine, reduce the inflammatory response , so that The herniated intervertebral disc can be restored; in addition, the edema of the nerve roots caused by movement can also be reduced or avoided, thereby reducing pain. Most patients will experience relief from their symptoms with a certain period of bed rest.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

The second step is to carry out appropriate drug treatment. After suffering from lumbar disc herniation, certain drug treatment is indispensable. Doctors usually recommend that you take some painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs , which can reduce pain and tissue edema. However, it should be noted that analgesics can only relieve pain and cannot be used as the main drug for treatment. If the symptoms are not relieved after 3 days of continuous use, stop taking them. It is best to go to the hospital for treatment. Doctor's help.

As a result, after questioning, I learned that some time ago, Uncle Liu felt soreness in his waist the day after every exercise, which did not go away for several days. He thought it was caused by overexercising, so he rested at home for a few days. , but the symptoms have not be - DayDayNews

Finally, there is rehabilitation physiotherapy , which is also very critical. It can promote local blood circulation and is conducive to the recovery of nerve root function. massage is a very good way, but when massaging, the technique must be correct, the intensity must be moderate, and the force must not be too strong. In fact, massage has no direct effect on the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, but it can relieve the symptoms of low back pain caused by lumbar herniation, so it can still be used appropriately.

is written at the end

All in all, lumbar disc herniation is not a so-called "difficult disease", but if you don't pay attention to it in the early stage, it will still cause a lot of trouble to people's lives as the disease progresses, so it must be We should pay attention to the early treatment of lumbar protrusion .

[Reference materials]:

[1] Wang Yan, Xiang Hongfei, Haiyong, Chen Bohua. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disc herniation in the elderly [J]. Chinese Electronic Journal of Geriatric Orthopedics and Rehabilitation , 2021, 7 (03):132-139.

[2] Zhong Mingshan. Hanging horizontal bar to cure mild lumbar disc herniation[J]. Contemporary Aging, 2015(3):2.

[3] Yao Gonghe. Treatment of lumbar disc herniation Choice of methods[J]. Chinese Orthopedics, 2009.


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