According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by h

2024/06/2002:47:32 regimen 1386

According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by his coworkers. Although The hospital tried its best to save her, but she still passed away. A man in Zhengzhou, Henan Province suffered from heat stroke and was sent to the ICU ward for rescue. At that time, his body's core temperature reached 42.3°C. In addition, West China Hospital admitted three transferred patients with heat stroke on July 10, one of whom died due to a serious condition.

According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by h - DayDayNews

What is heat stroke and why is it so severe?

"Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke in China" states that heat stroke is a serious and fatal disease caused by thermal damage factors acting on the body, usually due to long-term exposure to a hot environment or strenuous exercise or labor. The imbalance of heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by the disease causes the core temperature to rise above 40°C, which in turn leads to abnormalities in the central nervous system, manifesting as convulsions, coma and other symptoms.

Most people may not be familiar with heat stroke, but most people know about "heat stroke". In fact, heat stroke is the most serious and dangerous form of heat stroke, with a high mortality rate because the body's core temperature is very high after a person suffers from heat stroke. It is as if the internal organs have been "boiled" by water, and patients often die of multiple organ failure in the end.

According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by h - DayDayNews

Who is prone to heat stroke?

According to the cause of heat stroke, we can analyze that two groups of people related to farmers are susceptible to the disease:

One is migrant workers engaged in heavy physical work. Due to the lack of skills and academic qualifications, farmers often work in cities to engage in heavy physical work, such as construction workers, decoration workers, porters, etc. These all require strenuous labor. When the temperature is high, the heat production of the body exceeds the heat dissipation, which will cause the body to lose weight. Heat stroke occurs due to an imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation.

According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by h - DayDayNews

Second, farmers working in the fields. Compared with migrant workers who work for others, farmers who still work in rural areas do have relatively more freedom. They can work in the fields in the morning and evening when the temperature is low, and go home to rest when the temperature is high at noon. However, some farm work still needs to be carried out at high temperatures. People who are exposed to high temperatures for a long time may suffer from heat stroke, and severe cases may suffer from heat stroke.

In addition to the above two groups, the elderly, children, and people with underlying diseases are also high-risk groups for heat stroke, because the body resistance of these groups is relatively weak and they have insufficient resistance to high temperature weather. Excessive height can easily cause heat stroke.

According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by h - DayDayNews

How to prevent heat stroke?

The first thing is to reduce outdoor work and high physical labor. If you must do outdoor work or high physical work, you need to pay attention to rest. Do not expose your body to the outdoors for a long time, especially during high temperatures at noon. You should rest indoors to reduce Outdoor time.

Secondly, even if the elderly, children and people with underlying diseases do not engage in outdoor activities or work, they still need to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling at home. If you have symptoms of heat stroke such as nausea, vomiting, chest tightness , etc., you should seek medical treatment in time.

According to media reports, a series of patients have been diagnosed with heat stroke in recent times. The reporter learned from Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province that a 49-year-old worker suddenly fainted while working in the workshop and was sent to the hospital by h - DayDayNews

Finally, you can take appropriate medications to prevent heat stroke or heat stroke. Groups and migrant workers who work outdoors for a long time or still need to do heavy physical labor in hot weather can drink glucose water, vitamin C water or Huoxiang Zhengqi water in hot weather, and take Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules and other drugs to prevent heatstroke. Or heat stroke.

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