Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet

2024/06/1816:43:32 regimen 1791

Summer has arrived, and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant.

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

Many friends with diabetes also like to drink mung bean soup, but the question arises: Will drinking mung bean soup increase blood sugar?

In the hot summer, can diabetic patients relieve the heat by drinking mung bean soup? Does drinking mung bean soup have a big impact on blood sugar? Let's hear what the doctors have to say.

1. Mung bean soup is ordinary, but it has many benefits!

Mung bean is a very common whole grain in daily life. In summer, mung bean soup has a very high appearance rate. It is a great way to relieve the heat in the hot summer. In addition to relieving summer heat, what other effects does mung bean soup have? What benefits can it bring to the human body?

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

1. Prevent three highs

Regular drinking of mung bean soup can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol , thereby lowering blood lipids. At the same time, mung bean soup is a diuretic, which also increases its blood pressure lowering effect to a certain extent, and mung beans themselves do not contain too much sugar. Therefore, drinking more mung bean soup can effectively prevent three highs!

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

2. Replenish water and trace elements

You sweat a lot in summer, and trace elements such as water and potassium will be excreted from the body. Mung bean soup is rich in trace elements.Drinking more can effectively replenish these trace elements !

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews. Relieve indigestion

In the hot summer, many friends will suffer from "bitter summer". Even after eating, they may suffer from indigestion. Drinking a bowl of mung bean soup at this time can effectively relieve the symptoms. Because mung beans contain a variety of substances that can stimulate nerves and increase appetite.

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

4. Protect the kidneys

Regular drinking of mung bean soup can also protect the health of the kidneys. Because mung bean soup is a diuretic, drinking mung bean soup regularly can protect the kidneys.

2. Although mung bean soup is good, don’t be greedy!

Mung beans are very rich in protein, B vitamins and minerals and other nutrients . The fat content is low, mainly some unsaturated fatty acids .

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

Mung beans are cold in nature, so in hot summer, mung bean soup has become a natural way to relieve summer heat. At the same time, the calories of mung bean soup per 100 grams are only about 45 calories. By comparison, the calories of steamed buns are about 150 calories per 100 grams. The calories of mung bean soup can be said to be very low.

Therefore, when the weather is hot, drinking mung bean soup can relieve the heat. Diabetics can also drink some, because the sugar content of mung bean soup itself is not high, so it has little impact on blood sugar.. It is also low in calories and can help diabetics effectively control their weight.

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

But in daily life, in order to make the mung bean soup taste better, when cooking mung bean soup, it is often boiled for a long time.

In this way, the starch in the mung beans will precipitate, which means that more carbohydrates can directly enter the human body through drinking, which greatly increases the risk of blood sugar elevation .

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

Therefore, patients and friends can drink mung bean soup, but it must be in moderation and not too much. At the same time, when cooking mung bean soup, do not cook it for too long, because boiling it for too long will cause the starch in the mung bean to transfer to the soup. Drinking the mung bean soup that has been cooked for a long time will speed up the rise of sugar.

At the same time, during the day, after drinking mung bean soup, you must reduce the intake of other staple foods. Because mung beans, as a kind of whole grain, can also be regarded as a staple food. Therefore, in order to avoid consuming too many carbohydrates, you need to reduce the intake of other staple foods.

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

3. Mung bean soup is delicious, how to make it?

Generally speaking, cleaning the mung beans and then soaking the mung beans in water for 3 to 4 hours can effectively reduce the time it takes to cook the mung beans. The soaked mung beans are usually cooked in more than ten or twenty minutes.

People with diabetes should be careful not to have the idea that "the longer you cook the mung bean soup, the better it will be." The reason is as mentioned above. Long-term cooking will cause a large amount of starch in the mung bean to precipitate, which will increase blood sugar levels. High risk .

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

At the same time, diabetics must control the amount of mung beans when cooking mung bean soup! The ratio of mung beans to water can be controlled at 1:10. And be sure not to add additional sugar when cooking mung bean soup!

If you want to enrich the taste of mung bean soup, you can also add coix seed, lily , lotus seeds and other ingredients to the mung bean soup. Whether the mung beans are cooked can be judged by the state of the mung beans. Generally speaking, boil the mung beans until they bloom.

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews


In short, drinking mung bean soup in summer has many benefits and is very healthy. Generally speaking, diabetic patients do not need to have taboos on mung bean soup, but they should pay attention to the cooking time and method when drinking mung bean soup.

Summer has arrived and the weather is very hot. At this time, many friends will choose to boil a pot of mung bean soup and chill it in the refrigerator. It can be used to relieve the heat when you are hot and thirsty. The taste is also sweet and fragrant. Many friends with diabet - DayDayNews

First of all, diabetic patients need to control the cooking time when cooking mung bean soup, and the time should not be too long. Secondly, you need to keep the original taste of mung bean soup and don’t add additional sugar!

Therefore, diabetic patients can enjoy the delicious taste of mung bean soup ! Just grasp the principle of moderation of “everything in moderation” and enjoy the coolness of summer!

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