I had a misunderstanding recently, and I can't let it go without vomiting. When I was invited to give an online lecture on a continuing education topic, I mentioned in the treatment operation part of the acupuncture "... use a surgical marker to point acupoints..." Unexpectedly,

2024/06/1812:24:33 regimen 1294

I had a misunderstanding recently, and I can't let it go without vomiting. When I was invited to give an online lecture on a continuing education topic, I mentioned in the treatment operation part of the acupuncture

I had a misunderstanding recently, and I can't let it go without vomiting. When I was invited to give an online lecture on a continuing education topic, I mentioned in the part about the treatment operation of small needle knife "...use a surgical marker to point acupoints..." Unexpectedly, someone left a message on the spot asking: "Surgery The marker is so soft, does acupuncture work?" This made me a little dizzy, but during the lecture, I tried my best to hide my surprise and explained plainly: "The acupuncture we are talking about is to apply the technique on the selected acupoints. Draw a circle and mark the part. "

In fact, I knew in advance that the level of this lecture was not particularly grassroots. The participants were all colleagues who had been engaged in clinical work in traditional Chinese medicine for many years, and everyone had high academic qualifications. The lecture was based on This information was prepared, but why did such a misunderstanding occur? After thinking about it, the reasons are nothing more than: first, the lecturer is stingy and conservative; second, the education sticks to the books and lacks expansion; third, the listener has different opinions and cannot agree on what is right; fourth, the terminology is confusing, etc. . However, I think the biggest possibility is that people confuse the two terms "pointing" of acupuncture and "pointing" therapy of massage . Therefore, I read the "Encyclopedia of Unique Chinese and Foreign Massage Techniques" (edited by Fu Qiang), "A Research on Key Acupuncture Concepts and Terminology" (edited by Zhao Jingsheng), "Chinese Dictionary of Acupuncture" (edited by Zhang Daqian) and the " Acupuncture Encyclopedia" of different eras. ", " Acupuncture Juying ", "Qianjin Yifang", "Qianjin Essential Prescriptions", "Introduction to Medicine", "Acupuncture Questions", "Jingui Synopsis" and other books, as well as Guo Xiaozong, Liu Shoushan, Zang Fuke, Cao Ren With reference to the relevant discussions of modern people such as Fa and Dai Jianguo, the difference between acupuncture "pointing" and massage "pointing therapy" is as follows:

I had a misunderstanding recently, and I can't let it go without vomiting. When I was invited to give an online lecture on a continuing education topic, I mentioned in the treatment operation part of the acupuncture

1. Acupuncture "pointing"

Acupuncture "pointing" first appeared in Northern Song Dynasty Shen Kuo And "Su Chen Liangfang" written by Su Shi. The first volume of "Acupoint Selection Method" is used to select the Sihua acupoint. After determining the acupoints, "mark them with white circles. The white circles are moxibustion points. The above is the first time to point two acupoints. ... Mark them with white circles." , the white circle is the moxibustion point, and the above is the second point. "It can be seen that "pointing" means that the doctor uses the white circle to mark the acupoints selected for moxibustion. Later, " Shengji Zonglu " transcribed this method and changed it to "the red point is the moxibustion point". This usage is also commonly seen in literature such as "Moxibustion Cream Blind Acupoint Method", "Wei Ji Bao Shu", "Emergency Moxibustion Method. Bamboo Horse Riding Moxibustion Method", "Secret Biography of Master Dou").
In fact, the method of acupuncture was first seen in "Essential Prescriptions for Emergency Qianjin". Before applying moxibustion, mark the points at the selected points, and then use moxibustion, which is called "moxibustion method". For example, "Essential Prescriptions for Emergency Qianjin" "Moxibustion Examples Sixth" Volume 29: "All moxibustion methods must be straight, and the four limbs must not be tilted. The holes during moxibustion are not correct, which is of no use and will only damage the flesh and ears. If you sit on the spot, use sitting moxibustion. For example, if you use a lying point, you should perform lying moxibustion, and if you stand on a standing point, you will not be able to use the acupuncture point." For the method, please refer to Volume 28 of "Qian Jin Yi Fang. Acupuncture and Moxibustion Proper Tenth": "...it will be auspicious." , you should know the taboo points, use a rope to measure them, use the red points according to the diagram, and sparse the affected points and the number of strong points, and then treat them carefully, then all will be cured. "Volume 39 of "Waitai Mi Yao. Mingtang Preface" records: "...Now we do not record the "Acupuncture Classic", but only use moxibustion. Those with black spots on the acupuncture points are not suitable for moxibustion; those with red spots are good for moxibustion. It is noted in the Mingtang diagram, and everyone can read it. "It can be seen that the method of marking with ink and ink is also used in books and pictures. This method has been used to mark the cold and heat properties of medicines as early as in Tao Hongjing's "Compendium of Materia Medica. Preface", which states: "Also, the medicines...the taste of sweetness and bitterness can be ignored, and it is easy to know whether they are poisonous or not. Only the cold and heat must be clearly understood. Today, the red dots are hot, the ink dots are cold, and those without dots are flat, so as to save trouble. Notes." (Later generations believe that "the classics on Materia Medica are written in Zhu's and Yu Mo's books, and the examples were created by Hongjing." See Liu Shijue editor's "General Catalog of Siku and Continuing Siku Medical Books", China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House. Society, 2005: 67) Volume 1 of "Medical People. Acupuncture Methods for Miscellaneous Diseases" clearly records that before acupuncture, acupoints are selected and marked with ink: "When acupuncture is performed, (first compare the acupoints with the same body size, and mark with ink) remember)."

Yuan Dynasty Du Sijing "Excerpts from the Acupuncture Classic. The Method of Selecting Acupoints by Folding and Measuring" transcribed the content of "Acupuncture and Moxibustion" in "Essential Prescriptions for Emergencies" and changed it to "Acupoints", which is used for acupuncture and moxibustion , “When tapping acupuncture points, the body must be straight, the limbs must not be flexed, the sitting position must not be tilted, and the standing position must not be tilted. If you use a sitting position, you will need sitting acupuncture. If you use a lying position, you will use lying acupuncture. "Ming Dynasty Wangji "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Questions and Answers. Preface": "I am familiar with the acupuncture method. It is not necessary to press the acupoints. Even if the needle is separated from the clothes, it will hit the acupoint every time. ” shows that “pointing” has gradually become a general term for acupoint selection, and no longer specifically refers to marking the positions of acupoints . There are specific descriptions of the postures and techniques of acupuncture in the Ming Dynasty’s "Medical Humanity" and "Acupuncture Dacheng". For example, Volume 1 of "Forbidden Moxibustion Acupoints of Medical People" has "Acupoint-pointing method: any acupoint should be straight and stable, or it can be obtained by flexion and extension." Like jumping in a circle, stretch one foot and bend the other to get it. "The Great Accomplishment of Acupuncture. Sanqu Yang's Reinforcing and Reducing. Mysterious Secrets" Volume 4: "Look for it." Whenever you point an acupoint, feel it with your hands. If it is on the side of the muscles and bones of the yang, it is true. If it is between the yin and the popliteus, the arteries are corresponding. The flesh is thick or thin, stretched or bent, flat or straight. Use the method to take it, press and straighten it, cut and pinch the acupoints with your big fingers and claws, and then you can advance and retreat accurately. "Volume 86 of the Qing Dynasty's "Yi Zong Jin Jian. Essentials of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Heart Techniques. Fire Song for Moxibustion and Acupoint Pointing" also compiles the method of moxibustion after acupuncture into a song: "Sit down, stand up straight, and use Qi sticks to point acupoints. Ai Huo Zhu Liang, eight wood fire is taboo in ancient times for moxibustion treatment, but one stick of incense is popular nowadays. "It can be seen that later generations basically no longer emphasized the need for specific marking of acupuncture points, and "pointing" is just a term describing the process of accurately locating acupoints.
The word "pointing" initially refers to the special marking of acupoints after selecting and locating them. Later, It gradually changed to the meaning of acupoint positioning and is still used today.

I had a misunderstanding recently, and I can't let it go without vomiting. When I was invited to give an online lecture on a continuing education topic, I mentioned in the treatment operation part of the acupuncture

2. Massage "pointing"
Massage and acupoint therapy originated from Chinese martial arts, and as a treatment method, it is a contemporary thing. Acupoint therapy is based on the principle that doctors produce certain reactions on relevant acupoints on the human body based on the physiological and pathological changes in the meridians and organs. They use strong points on the bones such as fists, fingers, and elbows to press, pinch, rub, tap, and slap. A massage method used to treat diseases, it is guided by the theories of meridians, yin and yang, and five elements of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupoint tapping is also called acupoint tapping. There are seven types of acupoint tapping: pinching, poking, tapping, grabbing, grabbing, hitting, and closing. Among the acupuncture methods, pointing and pecking are the most common. There are also one-pointing, two-pointing, pinching, etc., which are similar to modern acupuncture "pointers".

Clinical practice has proved that massage and acupoint therapy can treat internal, gynecological, pediatric, external, and facial features. and other diseases in various disciplines, such as paralysis, concussion, colds, spermatorrhea, impotence, stomach problems, headaches, hysteria, epilepsy, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, threatened abortion, pregnancy obstruction , children's fever, vomiting and diarrhea, convulsions, poliomyelitis and its sequelae, cervical spondylosis, waist and leg pain shoulder rheumatism, soft tissue injury, stiff neck, cellulitis, addiction rash (urticaria), Tinnitus, chronic otitis media, otitis externa, toothache, pharyngitis, epistaxis, mouth and eye deviation, etc. Acupoint therapy is more popular in Northeast China, North China, Northwest, Southwest, and North of East China. It has It has the characteristics of simplicity, economy, and quick effect.

I had a misunderstanding recently, and I can't let it go without vomiting. When I was invited to give an online lecture on a continuing education topic, I mentioned in the treatment operation part of the acupuncture

To sum up, acupuncture “pointing” started as marks made when selecting acupoints for acupuncture, then evolved into a method of selecting acupoints, and then became a process of selecting acupoints. Finally, due to people's deeper understanding of the anatomy of human body acupoints and the continuous refinement of acupoint selection methods, acupuncture "pointing" has gradually been downplayed, while massage acupoint therapy has become more and more popular with the times. But even so, we still need to understand the two aspects. The difference between them is to prevent the bundle of pudding from becoming a trap and causing unexpected gaps


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