#HunanProvincialChildren'sHospital# #长沙头头# After the annual high school and college entrance examinations, Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital welcomed a group of "older" children. After these children's bodies entered the rapid growth track of adolescence, their bodies underwen

2024/06/1806:59:33 regimen 1384

#HunanProvincialChildren'sHospital# #长沙头头# After the annual high school and college entrance examinations, Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital welcomed a group of

#HunanProvincialChildren'sHospital# #长沙头头# After the annual high school and college entrance examinations, Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital welcomed a group of

Zhang Kai, the attending physician at the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital, examined Yihui's body. Photo by Yao Jiaqi

html On the morning of July 13, at the cardiothoracic surgery ward of Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital, a 14-year-old boy Yihui (pseudonym) came for treatment during the summer vacation because his chest was "dented". Yihui said that when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school, he noticed that his chest was a little "different" and he didn't pay special attention to it at first. By the eighth grade, this "difference" became more and more obvious, and the bones were "growing in the opposite direction." Because of his physical abnormality, Yihui became estranged from his classmates. "I want to get better soon!" Yihui is looking forward to the new life that is about to begin.

In order to help more children, on the eve of summer vacation, Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital's cardiothoracic surgery team went to many schools in Wangcheng, Ningxiang, Yongzhou and other places to conduct free clinic screenings. Among the 5,000 children who received free clinics, thoracic deformities were found in ,116, of which 20 children suffered from severe pectus excavatum or pectus pectus pectus. Yihui's condition was discovered through screening.

"The onset of pectus excavatum has nothing to do with calcium deficiency." Zhang Kai, an attending physician at the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Hunan Children's Hospital, said that pectus excavatum is the most common congenital chest wall deformity in children, and the incidence rate in children aged 0-14 is generally 0.1%-0.4%. , the male-female incidence ratio is about 4-5:1. The main pathogenesis is that the ribs grow uncoordinated, and the lower part is faster than the upper part, squeezing the sternum backward. At the same time, the diaphragm fiber central tendon is too short, pushing the sternum and xiphoid process toward the Caused by posterior traction. The typical manifestation is that the sternum together with the ribs are sunken inward and backward, forming a scaphoid or funnel shape, with the deepest depression occurring at the junction of the sternum, body, and xiphoid process.

Zhang Kai, chief physician of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital, said that preschool children who are diagnosed early and have mild illness can choose non-invasive suction cup treatment. After using the suction cup, regular follow-up is carried out as directed by the doctor. Most children can avoid surgery. treat. However, many children do not receive timely treatment due to negligence or atypical early symptoms.

Once puberty is reached, the progression of skeletal deformities becomes very rapid as body development enters the "fast track". In adolescence, pectus excavatum has a wide thoracic depression, stiff ribs, and is often accompanied by body shapes such as chest hunchback and protruding abdomen. These children are often unwilling to interact with others and become increasingly withdrawn.

At the same time, deformed bones compress the chest cavity volume, resulting in significant heart compression, decreased lung capacity, and respiratory infections are more likely to occur, causing serious burden and psychological pressure on both children and parents. If you find that your child's thorax has abnormal shape, you should seek medical treatment promptly to avoid delaying treatment.

“Each operation is individually designed and implemented with precise treatment.” Zhang Kai, chief physician of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Hunan Children’s Hospital, said that the single and double plate NUSS surgeries currently carried out by the hospital can help patients with pectus excavatum through personalized and precise treatment. The child successfully got rid of the trouble of chest wall deformity.

Compared with the traditional thoracotomy , the NUSS surgery only opens a small hole of about 2cm in the left and right armpits of the child, and implants a predetermined arc-shaped steel plate to lift the indented bones back to the normal angle, which is less invasive. , has the advantages of fast recovery and maintaining the integrity and stability of the thorax. The arcuate steel plate is generally left in the body for 2 and a half to 3 years, and is removed after the bone is reshaped and stabilized. After the operation, the child can live and study normally like his peers.

At the same time, children undergoing surgery in the hospital can also enjoy charity funding. The hospital, together with China Birth Defects Intervention and Relief Foundation and charity organizations, launched a special public welfare project to target the out-of-pocket portion of children undergoing pectus excavatum surgery after medical insurance reimbursement. , providing a one-time subsidy ranging from 3,000 to 40,000, which can greatly alleviate the economic difficulties of poor children.

(Editor ZS.)

Hunan Medical Chat special author: Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital Yang Guihong

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