Kidney cancer is a common urinary tract tumor that can occur in all age groups, with the highest incidence being between 50 and 70 years old. Surveys show that currently more than 70% of kidney cancer patients have no symptoms in the early stage, and about 1/3 of the patients are

2024/06/1102:39:33 regimen 1262

Kidney cancer is a common urinary tract tumor that can occur in all age groups. The highest incidence age is 50-70 years old. Surveys show that currently more than 70% of kidney cancer patients have no symptoms in the early stage, and about 1/3 of the patients are already in the advanced stage or have distant metastasis when they are first diagnosed, losing the chance of radical cure. How to treat kidney cancer if it metastasizes?

Content points:

1. Common metastasis sites of kidney cancer

2. How to treat kidney cancer after metastasis?

3. How do kidney cancer patients supplement their nutrition?

Kidney cancer is a common urinary tract tumor that can occur in all age groups, with the highest incidence being between 50 and 70 years old. Surveys show that currently more than 70% of kidney cancer patients have no symptoms in the early stage, and about 1/3 of the patients are - DayDayNews


Common metastasis sites of renal cancer

1. Lung: Lung metastasis is relatively common in clinical practice, and half of patients with metastatic renal cancer may have lung metastasis. Patients may need chest CT examinations every six months after kidney cancer surgery. They will find nodules or masses in the lungs. Pathological biopsy can be further taken through puncture or bronchoscopy to diagnose lung metastasis of kidney cancer;

2 , Liver: Because the right kidney is above the liver, it is easier to transfer to the liver;

3, Adrenal gland: The adrenal gland is located at the top of the kidney, like a hat worn on the kidney, it is an organ closer to the kidney, and the blood supply is related to the kidney. Close, so kidney tumors may metastasize to the adrenal gland site through the bloodstream.

In addition, it also includes perirenal lymph node metastasis, bone metastasis , brain metastasis, etc., but they are relatively rare.

Kidney cancer is a common urinary tract tumor that can occur in all age groups, with the highest incidence being between 50 and 70 years old. Surveys show that currently more than 70% of kidney cancer patients have no symptoms in the early stage, and about 1/3 of the patients are - DayDayNews


How to treat kidney cancer after metastasis?

Generally speaking, if kidney cancer metastasizes and the tumor has developed to an advanced stage, its treatment mainly depends on the time, location, and focus of tumor metastasis.

1. If kidney cancer only metastasizes to one site or organ and the lesions are relatively small, in most cases, surgical treatment is recommended. Currently, surgery is the only way to cure kidney cancer.

2. If kidney cancer has multiple metastases and cannot be treated surgically, you can choose drug treatment, such as targeted drugs. Targeted drugs combined with immunological drugs are more effective.

3. If renal cancer metastasizes to the bone, pathological fractures and will easily occur. It is necessary to ask an orthopedic oncologist to assist in treatment, including bone cementing, lesion bone resection, steel nail fixation, etc.

4. If kidney cancer metastasizes to the brain, you need to ask doctors from neurosurgery and radiotherapy departments to assist in diagnosis and treatment.

Therefore, for metastatic renal cancer, multidisciplinary treatment (MDT) is currently used, that is, doctors from internal medicine, surgery, radiotherapy, imaging and other related disciplines work together to formulate the best treatment plan.


How do kidney cancer patients supplement their nutrition?

1. Appropriately increase the intake of high-quality protein, but other nutrients are also needed.

2. Eat foods that are easy to digest. Because the digestive ability of patients with advanced kidney cancer is poor, if the food they eat is not digested, they will lose their appetite. For example, rice noodles, chocolate red pigment, etc. are not easy to digest, so try not to eat them. For meat, you can choose fish that is easy to absorb. If you like to eat beef, you can grind the food more to facilitate digestion.

3. Appropriately choose the foods that patients like to eat. Everyone has their own unique taste. On the premise of ensuring balanced nutrition and easy absorption, the patient's taste can be appropriately biased.

4. The food should be as tasty and delicious as possible so that the patient has a certain appetite.

Kidney cancer is a common urinary tract tumor that can occur in all age groups, with the highest incidence being between 50 and 70 years old. Surveys show that currently more than 70% of kidney cancer patients have no symptoms in the early stage, and about 1/3 of the patients are - DayDayNews

The general principle is to eat as much as possible in the intestines and consume more high-quality protein with balanced nutrition.If the patient is really unable to eat by mouth, he may consider using a gastric tube for nasogastric feeding . If severe hypoalbuminemia occurs, intravenous supplementation of albumin is still required.

Kidney damage is not caused overnight. It is unrealistic to expect a quick recovery. Any treatment plan and nursing method require a certain period of time. In addition to psychology, exercise, diet, etc., the microbial flora also plays an important role in the patient's recovery. reached a crucial role. It is recommended to use microecological therapy and supplement Bacteroides fragilis BF839 to help the body alleviate the toxic side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, inhibit the growth of tumor cells, and reshape the autoimmune microcirculation.

I am Tan Taofeng, director of the Department of Nutrition. I focus on sharing knowledge about medicine and cancer rehabilitation. If you have any questions or need anti-cancer recipes, please follow and leave a message. I will answer all questions.

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