Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered

2024/06/1014:39:33 regimen 1043

Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered - DayDayNews

Alias ​​| Qinmu , Kongcao

Effect | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs

Tracheitis , a common disease in the Northeast, especially when winter comes, if you catch a cold accidentally, you will cough. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered minor ailments and I basically didn’t go to the hospital. The only way to treat them was to use folk remedies. At that time, every time I had a cough, my mother would buy back a few white pears, cut them into pieces, put rock sugar in them, add Fritillaria and steam them, eat one every day, and use it to clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Within three days, the cough was relieved. .

Steamed Fritillaria with White Pear For me as a child, that was a beautiful memory. And I never regard it as a prescription, but I regard it as a delicacy in the world. In the mountainous areas of childhood, children did not have snacks and had extravagant expectations for sugar or sweets. In order to be able to eat rock sugar, snow pear, Fritillaria, they deliberately went out to play without wearing a hat on cold days. Adults reminded them to wear a hat to avoid catching a cold, but they went against their will. The purpose of doing it is simple, just to make yourself catch a cold or cough, and to eat some sweets or sweet-related medicines that you can’t eat in daily life, even cough syrup . However, cough syrup needs to be purchased. Although the price is not high, it is still quite high for mountain people, which can be called a luxury. At this time, the mother could only use folk remedies, which not only saved money but also cured the disease.

From then on, I remembered the name of Fritillaria, and I had a longing and love in my heart.

Fritillaria, Liliaceae , is a perennial herbaceous plant whose bulbs and flowers can be used as medicine. Its bulbs are hidden in the soil, which is different from other plant roots. The shape of its bulbs is like gathered shells , so it is called Fritillaria.

Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered - DayDayNews

The origin of the name Fritillaria still needs to be interpreted by legend. According to legend, in the early Qing Dynasty, there was a woman named Li who had been suffering from tuberculosis for many years. She was pregnant with three children in a row, but none of her babies survived after delivery. The parents-in-law sought medical treatment for their daughter-in-law. After meeting a witch, the witch said: "Eat my Tiger Taming Peach Talisman. After the baby is born, keep the baby's mother away from her, so that the evil can be turned into good luck." The following year. , when Mrs. Li gave birth to a boy, her parents-in-law ordered their son to tie up their daughter-in-law and send her to the mountains and forests. By chance, she met an old man with white hair who went into the mountains to collect herbs, and rescued Ms. Li back home. He also dug out the bulbs of an herbal medicine from the mountain, decocted it and gave it to her. After more than half a year of treatment, Ms. Li's tuberculosis was cured. . When he returned home with the herbs that saved his life, his child had already died. The next year, Mrs. Li gave birth to another boy. He was chubby and cute, and the whole family was very happy. At this time, Mrs. Li remembered the bitter past when she was tied to the mountains and the child betrayed her mother, so she brought back the herbs she planted in the garden and named them "fritillary", which is a homonym for "shell".

Fritillaria is also listed as a "medium grade" medicine. It turns out that thousands of years ago, caladium has been closely related to people's lives. The tuberculosis epidemic was particularly severe during the Xianfeng period. At that time, when people fell ill, they were haggard, with dented flesh, fullness in the chest, and difficulty breathing. After death, they would infect their families and even wipe out their entire family. The plague is spreading everywhere, and the world is like hell. At this time, a folk doctor discovered that caladium can inhibit the plague, and caladium is also a good medicine for treating tuberculosis. So he picked caladium and made pills. He gave them to his family first. When he saw the effect, he distributed the pills to the survivors. When he met caladium, the survivors escaped the plague and were reborn and prosperous.

Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered - DayDayNews

The little mother-of-pearl, just like pearls, has relieved mankind from many illnesses. Without it, I'm afraid human history would be a different version. The old folk proverb: "A bag of caladium is worth a boat of grain", which fully shows the value of caladium.

In the long history, it is only natural that the valuable Fritillaria has performed many stories of miraculous curative effects. In the Tang Dynasty more than 1,300 years ago, there was a businessman who was engaged in business. One day he suffered a small injury on his left wrist, but he didn't mind at the time. A few days later, the small injury turned into a large sore. The arm was swollen as high as a child's face. The pain was unbearable, and pus and blood flowed from the open sore. The businessman sought medical advice, but the treatment showed no effect after many days. Due to the severe pain, his normal daily life was affected and his body became very weak.Sometimes, in order to relieve the pain, he asked others to pour some white wine on the wound to anesthetize it, and took advantage of the pain relief to eat some food. When the anesthesia wore off, the pain was still unbearable, and the businessman felt like his days were like years. On this day, he met a doctor who was practicing medicine everywhere. The doctor told him to try using herbs, metal minerals and other medicinal materials to observe the effects. So he bought various medicinal materials and patiently tried them all. The businessman tried dozens of medicinal materials, but still had no effect. When he tried Fritillaria, the sores converged and became smaller. The businessman was very happy. He found a reed stick and inserted it into the wound to drain the pus. The sore eventually scabbed over, and after a few days, the wound healed.

The legend is not groundless. At least it can be seen that caladium is effective in treating sores.

When it comes to Fritillaria, almost everyone knows its antitussive effect. However, Fritillaria has different origins and has similar names, but its effects are quite different. Fritillaria are widely distributed around the world. There are about one hundred varieties in the world, mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, especially in Central Asia, the Mediterranean coast and North America. There are about thirty species in our country. The Fritillary growing in Changbai Mountain is called Fritillary fritillary, also known as Pingbei and Fritillary fritillary. It belongs to the same genus as Fritillary fritillary Sichuan and Fritillaria Zhejiang, but has different medicinal uses.

Fritillaria fritillary is one of the important medicinal materials that can clear away heat and moisturize the lungs, resolve phlegm and relieve cough. Fritillary fritillary is distributed in the south of Changbai Mountains and Xiaoxing'an Mountains, Dunhua City and Jingyu County at the foot of Changbai Mountain. Fritillary is a geographic indication product and is also a valuable medicinal plant in Northeast China. Mawudian Village, Jiangyuan Town, Dunhua City is a pollution-free fritillary planting base in Jilin Province. Because my aunt’s family lives here, this village undoubtedly holds memories of my childhood. The seeds of caladium also brought rich benefits to my aunt. Using local materials, Jiangyuan Town became the processing base of Fritillaria, and Fritillaria was made into decoction pieces that sold well at home and abroad.

Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered - DayDayNews

In early spring, Fritillaria wakes up. Because its growth period is only two months, it is suitable for growing under mountain forests or on both sides of streams where there is sufficient water and fertilizer and is rich in humus. It is naturally afraid of heat and thrives in slightly cool and humid weather. It blooms in May, and by the beginning of June, it is the vigorous growth period of the plant. However, the Fritillary fritillary begins to wither, and the underground bulbs start dormant mode. After dormancy, they begin to sprout again in mid-to-late August, and Fritillaria begin to grow on the bulbs. In mid-September, there are many caladiums, and as the freezing season begins, the caladiums go dormant again and wait until the following spring to turn green and sprout. The growth process of

is short, but the wait is long. Fritillaria can withstand loneliness, stick to its pursuit, use time to accumulate medicinal properties, use quiet time to cultivate the Buddha's heart, and store the essence of nature within. If it sees someone who needs it, it will go through fire and water and be shattered into pieces. Its only purpose is to heal.

Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered - DayDayNews

In the Changbai Mountain area, Fritillaria is a well-known plant in our lives, and its medicinal value is well-known to every household. However, few people pay attention to Fritillary flower . The temperature in the mountainous area is slightly lower, and the flowering period of caladium is later. The season coincides with May, when the caladium flowers bloom gracefully. On the uphill slopes, the fragrance of caladium flowers floats far away, and the passion is burning. The petals of the Fritillaria are elegant purple-white, and the flowers droop in the shape of an upside-down golden clock. Under the blue sky, they look like "little lanterns" "looking into the head". Looking around, the Fritillaria flowers are dotted like lights in thousands of houses. , strange and charming. After artificially planted caladiums bud, all flower buds must be removed promptly in order not to waste nutrients, so that the growth and development of the bulbs will be more obvious. If you plan to save seeds, you can thin the buds appropriately, and do not leave them all to delay the growth. . In addition to its medicinal value, caladium is also a beautiful ornamental plant in our lives because of its rich and colorful flowers. It is deeply loved by flower lovers. Many ornamental potted varieties have been cultivated in gardens.

Alias ​​| Qinmu, Kongcao. Efficacy | Clear away heat and moisturize the lungs. Tracheitis is a common disease in the Northeast. Especially when winter comes, if you accidentally catch a cold, you will start coughing. Especially when I was a child, colds and coughs were considered - DayDayNews

As the old saying goes, good medicine tastes bitter but is good for the disease. Looking back at the ancient prescriptions, we found that it is understandable that the good medicine is bitter in taste, but it is beneficial to the disease but has targeted effects. Fritillaria should not be taken or should be taken with caution by those with cold spleen and stomach and cold phlegm or damp phlegm.There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching: The weak is stronger than the strong. Tuberculosis looks scary, and Fritillaria looks weak, but it can carry strong muscles and bones and defeat the disease with softness.

Just as Zhang Zai wrote in the poem: "There are hundreds of vines in front of the Fritillaria steps, and double paulownias are entwined. I am so strong that I am wasting my time, but sometimes my desire is soft and I am shocked."

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