It is predicted that if bone health cannot be protected in time, the number of people suffering from osteoporosis in my country is estimated to reach 212 million in 2050.

2024/06/1001:29:32 regimen 1072

According to "Osteoporosis China White Paper" relevant data 70 million people over the age of 50 in my country suffer from osteoporosis. It is predicted that if bone health cannot be protected in time, predicts that the number of people suffering from osteoporosis in my country will reach .212 billion in 2050.

Why are more and more people suffering from osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a common disease, especially for people over 50 years old. The reason why there are more and more people with osteoporosis in our country is that after people generally enter the aging stage as they age, their body functions will slowly decline, bones and bone density will also decline; in addition, , after reaching a certain age, the body's absorption capacity will also decrease. It is difficult to absorb all the calcium elements taken in every day . Over time, osteoporosis will occur.

It is predicted that if bone health cannot be protected in time, the number of people suffering from osteoporosis in my country is estimated to reach 212 million in 2050. - DayDayNews

In addition to these two physiological reasons , Daily bad living habits will also increase the probability of osteoporosis, such as: Smoking and drinking, liking to drink strong tea, not exercising, staying up late and other habits will accelerate the loss of calcium in the body and damage the health of the bones. , thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Although osteoporosis is a common disease among middle-aged and elderly people, mild osteoporosis does not cause other discomforts except cramps and back pain. But everyone must not underestimate osteoporosis. If it cannot be prevented in time, if it develops in the long term, it may also affect our life span.

What harm will osteoporosis bring to the body?

The quality of life will be reduced

If osteoporosis cannot be treated in time, it will affect the patient's quality of life. Because different degrees of osteoporosis will bring different feelings of pain, some patients may lose their mobility due to osteoporosis, affecting their most basic life instincts. In addition, osteoporosis does not require proper calcium supplementation like colds and fevers, and the bones can be restored to their original state. If osteoporosis develops more seriously, the treatment will be more expensive. For families who are already not well-off, it will undoubtedly make things worse and affect the patient's quality of life.

It is predicted that if bone health cannot be protected in time, the number of people suffering from osteoporosis in my country is estimated to reach 212 million in 2050. - DayDayNews

The risk of fractures will increase

The bones of patients with osteoporosis will become very fragile. If they accidentally fall or are hit by an external force during movement, fractures may occur, thus increasing the risk of fractures. Patient's pain.

Affects the patient's lifespan

"A hundred days of breaking the muscles and bones". For young and healthy people, a fracture requires long-term bed rest. For the elderly with poor physical fitness, after a fracture, You may not be able to get up because of this, and you will have to stay in bed.

However, for the elderly, staying in bed for a long time is not a good thing. For example, if ventilation is not paid attention to, will affect the health of the patient's respiratory tract, thus increasing the chance of pneumonia; in addition, the elderly When lying in bed for a long time, if hygiene and cleaning are not in place, it may cause damage to the human skin, increasing the risk of bedsores. These humble diseases can significantly shorten a patient's life.

In order to avoid the harm caused by osteoporosis, how should we protect bone health?

It is predicted that if bone health cannot be protected in time, the number of people suffering from osteoporosis in my country is estimated to reach 212 million in 2050. - DayDayNews

When it comes to preventing osteoporosis and protecting bone health, most people think of calcium supplements! Calcium supplements! Calcium supplements! But after After a while, you will find that the effect is not significant. However, according to relevant research papers in The Lancet, , if you want to reduce the probability of osteoporosis and protect bone health, you need to do the following three things, such as:

01 Pay attention to the supplement of nutrients

want To avoid the occurrence of osteoporosis and to have healthy bones, there is nothing wrong with supplementing calcium every day. However, for middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, as the body’s absorption capacity becomes worse, if they just supplement calcium blindly, , calcium loss may be greater than calcium absorption, thus affecting bone health.

Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people, if they want to avoid calcium deficiency, they not only need to supplement calcium but also need appropriate supplement vitamin D, vitamin D can promote the body's absorption of calcium. Of course, if you are a patient with severe calcium deficiency, dietary calcium supplementation alone is not enough. In addition to paying attention to dietary calcium supplementation, you also need to take calcium tablets that are suitable for you to achieve the effect of calcium supplementation.

02Insist on sunbathing for one hour

"Sun calcium, sun exposure" shows that proper exposure to the sun every day can also achieve the effect of calcium supplementation. Mainly because basking in the sun can promote the synthesis of vitamin D and indirectly achieve the effect of calcium supplementation. Of course, you cannot bask in the sun casually. Pay attention to the time of sunbathing, otherwise it may damage your skin health. It is generally recommended to sunbathe between 8 am and 9 am and between 4 pm and 6 pm.

03 Exercise appropriately for 30 minutes every day

"Life is endless, exercise is endless" Proper exercise can not only protect physical health, but also help the health of bones.

htmlAfter the age of 150, appropriate exercise can delay muscle atrophy, thereby protecting the health of bones. In addition, appropriate exercise can speed up the body's metabolism. Under normal metabolism, the body's absorption of calcium will also be improved. Thereby increasing bone mass and protecting bone health.

htmlAfter the age of 150, physical fitness will decline, so it is not recommended that you choose difficult sports, otherwise it may be counterproductive. It is generally recommended that when choosing projects, try to choose more moderate Tai Chi, yoga, walking, slow walking, etc., insist on 30 minutes a day, and exercise for about 150 minutes a week.

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