Q&A with experts in the patient circle of the School of Health. Closely interactive doctor profile. Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital. Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province,

2024/05/2503:51:33 regimen 1531

Health College

Patient circle

Expert Q&A

Close interaction

Q&A with experts in the patient circle of the School of Health. Closely interactive doctor profile. Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital. Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, - DayDayNewsQ&A with experts in the patient circle of the School of Health. Closely interactive doctor profile. Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital. Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, - DayDayNews

Doctor profile

Q&A with experts in the patient circle of the School of Health. Closely interactive doctor profile. Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital. Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, - DayDayNews

Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital.

Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, member of the 1st Youth Committee of Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, deputy director of the Residency Training Committee of Liaoning Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.

Q&A with experts in the patient circle of the School of Health. Closely interactive doctor profile. Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital. Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, - DayDayNews

Sports Medicine Questions and Answers from Patient Circle


How to deal with an ankle sprain ? Why do some people often sprain their feet? Under what circumstances does surgery be necessary?

Expert Answers

After an ankle sprain, you must first rest, apply cold compress, elevate the affected limb, and temporarily immobilize it. The common cause of sprained ankle is instability of the ankle joint. Long-term instability can cause arthritis, so surgery is required.


why the knee joint snaps? How to treat?

Experts answer

The causes of knee joint snapping include patellar impact, meniscus tear, interlocking, synovial incarceration, cartilage stripping and dissociation, etc. Recurring episodes require arthroscopic surgery to eliminate the snapping.


Many patients have knee pain. I heard that minimally invasive knee arthroscopy surgery can solve questions ? Is it effective for osteoarthritis?

Expert Answers

Knee arthroscopy surgery is to visually inspect and repair the tissue structure in the joint through 2.3 small incisions! Arthroscopic surgery is effective for patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis and obvious meniscal interlocking symptoms, but is not recommended for patients with severe osteoarthritis.


What sports are likely to cause knee meniscus and ligament damage ? What is the effect of conservative treatment without surgery?

Expert answer

All competitive sports can easily cause damage to menisci and ligaments. They are important stable structures in joints and cannot regenerate and repair themselves. Conservative treatment can only temporarily improve the symptoms of swelling and pain, but cannot solve the fundamental problem. .


When is it appropriate for patients with knee joint problems to exercise, and what exercises can be used to reduce knee joint injuries ?

Expert Answers

Patients with poor knee joints can usually do some gradual slow walking or swimming exercises to strengthen the muscle strength of the lower limbs, delay the degeneration of joints, and enhance cardiopulmonary function.

Liaoshen Evening News Health College

has established more than 30 patient circles with nearly 10,000 friends. Liaoshen Youyi said that the circle of medical and patient friends includes weight management, knee arthritis , osteoarthritis, sleep diseases, thyroid disease, pre-treatment of diseases, orthopedics cervical spondylosis , ophthalmology, eczema, breast disease , hypertension , pleurisy , diabetes , tuberculosis , gynecological diseases, ear, nose and throat, maternal care, respiratory diseases, tumor diseases, oral diseases, traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics, pediatrics, rheumatism and immunity, pulmonary nodules , Common problems in life such as rheumatism and public welfare live lecture groups, the circle invites experts from major public hospitals to answer questions online regularly.

Q&A with experts in the patient circle of the School of Health. Closely interactive doctor profile. Gu Ming is the deputy director and chief physician of the Sports Medicine Department of Shenyang Orthopedic Hospital. Member of the 2nd Sports Medicine Branch of Liaoning Province, - DayDayNews

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