We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early?

2024/05/2419:35:32 regimen 1579

We often hear that someone has uremia . We think uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early?

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

Actually, uremia does not mean that there are toxins in the urine. Our urine is a channel for excreting toxins. When the urine cannot be excreted due to some reasons, the toxins accumulate in the body. Over time, our kidneys Functional abnormalities, even failure, inability to excrete urine, and toxins irritating the body will cause skin itching, nausea, vomiting, etc. This is the so-called uremia.

What are the early symptoms of uremia?

’s body has the following symptoms, everyone should pay attention to them!

1. Low back pain - many patients with abnormal renal function will have low back pain and back pain. Since many diseases, such as lumbar disc herniation, strain, acute lumbar sprain, etc., can cause back pain and back pain, so uremia appears in the early stage. Backache and back pain are often easily ignored by everyone.

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

2. Edema - Edema is a very important symptom in the early stage of uremia. This kind of edema is called pitting edema. It means that when you press the swollen part with your hand, there will be a small pit, which will take a long time to return to its original appearance. Edema easily occurs on the eyelids and lower limbs. If edema of the eyelids and lower limbs occurs, accompanied by low back pain, everyone must pay attention to it and go to the hospital for a relevant examination in time.

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

3. Reduced urine volume - Reduced urine volume is also a typical manifestation of the early stage of uremia. Due to the weakened kidney function, the urine volume will gradually decrease until there is basically no urine. Without urine, water cannot be discharged, which will lead to People develop significant edema. How much urine is too little? The standard for oliguria is the disappearance of urine volume less than 400mL in 24 days. Let me teach you a simple measurement method. If you suspect that you have related problems, you can look at your urine volume throughout the day and night. If the urine volume collected is less than 1 ordinary mineral water bottle, you should highly suspect that you are oliguric.

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

4. Itchy skin - Itchy skin is also a common symptom of uremia. Because there is less urine, toxins cannot be metabolized and irritate our skin in the body, causing itchy skin.

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

5. Cough, Chest tightness - When coughing and chest tightness, you will first think of respiratory tract and lung problems. In fact, uremia will cause many complications , heart failure is an important manifestation, heart failure Patients will have symptoms of chest tightness, breathlessness, cough, and exertional dyspnea , which means they will have difficulty breathing after working. In severe cases, they will have difficulty breathing while walking.

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

Of course, there are many early manifestations of uremia, such as excessive foam in the urine, easy nausea, vomiting, etc. You can compare them. If you have long-term back pain and edema, you may wonder whether you have uremia. If you have lower back pain, edema, and decreased urination, you should highly suspect uremia.

I suspect that I have uremia, or I want to do a check-up. What should I do?

First of all, everyone should know that this disease is a nephrology disease. You should go to the nephrology hospital to see a doctor.

Secondly, you can do a urine routine . If there is obvious protein positivity in the urine routine, then combined with the symptoms, if there is any If you have backache, edema, or oliguria, you should check , creatinine, , and uric acid nitrogen. If these two indicators are significantly higher than the normal range, you can determine whether you have pre-uremia or even uremia.

We often hear that someone has uremia, and think that uremia is a terrible disease, but what exactly is uremia? What problems in the body prompt us to be more vigilant and prevent and treat them early? - DayDayNews

The last thing I want to say to you is that you must seek medical treatment in time if you have corresponding symptoms. You must not hide the disease and avoid medical treatment, so as not to delay the treatment of the condition.

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