According to the WHO data report, there are currently 1.4 billion myopia patients in the world, of which 600 million are myopia patients in my country. Once myopia occurs, it is irreversible and will only get worse.

2024/05/2414:05:32 regimen 1565

According to the WHO data report, there are currently 1.4 billion myopia patients in the world, of which 600 million are myopia patients in my country. Once myopia occurs, it is irreversible and will only get worse. High myopia is the main cause of blindness. Therefore, whether you are a non-myopic patient or a friend who is already myopic, you must pay attention to eye hygiene to prevent the occurrence of myopia or the increase of your myopia.

There are many ways to protect eyes and prevent myopia. Xiaoduo believes that anyone who has a certain knowledge of eye health can count a few of them. But there is one thing that few people know, that is, doing more outdoor sports and spending more time in the sun can prevent myopia.

According to the WHO data report, there are currently 1.4 billion myopia patients in the world, of which 600 million are myopia patients in my country. Once myopia occurs, it is irreversible and will only get worse. - DayDayNews

Of course, those with small polydactyly spend more time in the sun and are not exposed to ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays cannot prevent myopia. On the contrary, after ultraviolet rays enter the eyes, they will only cause damage to the skin, cornea, conjunctiva, and the most important part of the eye, the macular area, which can range from photophobia, tearing, and inability to open eyes. Symptoms such as eye disease may lead to blindness in severe cases. Therefore, even if you want to engage in outdoor sports and get more sun exposure, you must avoid times when the sun is strong and ultraviolet rays are strong at noon and afternoon. If you must go out, remember to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

According to the WHO data report, there are currently 1.4 billion myopia patients in the world, of which 600 million are myopia patients in my country. Once myopia occurs, it is irreversible and will only get worse. - DayDayNews

So, can more outdoor exercise and more sun exposure prevent myopia?
1. Sunbathing can prompt the body to secrete more vitamin D. Vitamin D can also increase the body's calcium absorption. Calcium is an indispensable element for the human body. If it is lacking, it will cause increased neuromuscular excitability, putting extraocular muscles in a highly tense state, increasing the pressure of the extraocular muscles on the eyeball.

At the same time, it will also reduce the strength of the sclera, and under the long-term mechanical pressure of the extraocular muscles, the eyeball wall will gradually extend, causing the eyeball wall to change from a spherical shape to an oval shape, and the eye axis will become longer, thus leading to the occurrence of myopia. For the eyes only, calcium deficiency can easily weaken the elasticity and surface tension of the eyeball wall. When using the eyes at close range or lowering the head, the eye axis can easily be elongated, leading to the occurrence and development of myopia.

2. Spending more time in the sun can prompt the body to secrete more dopamine . Studies have found that dopamine not only helps control the eye development speed of adolescents and children, but also effectively inhibits the growth of the eyeball, thereby reducing the chance of myopia and controlling the speed of myopia development.

3. Outdoor sports can not only exercise your body, but also reduce the time of using your eyes at close range and increase the time of looking far away, thus relieving eye fatigue and preventing the occurrence of myopia.

4. When doing outdoor sports, your eyes will constantly switch between looking far and near, which exercises the eye muscles and relieves eye fatigue, thus reducing the chance of myopia.

Therefore, Xiaoduo recommends that children and teenagers should exercise outdoors for 2 hours a day and 10 hours a week. Especially during the summer vacation, many children are afraid of going out because of the heat. Staying at home every day blowing on the air conditioner and playing on the computer is very bad for their eyes. Parents should encourage their children to go out more.

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