For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw.

2024/05/2007:08:33 regimen 1544

Introduction: Who will never leave you and stay with you for the rest of your life? Who will taste all the ups and downs for you and work hard without complaining? Of course it is your teeth. For many people, having healthy teeth is important.

1. The structure of teeth

A person has two sets of teeth in his life. One set is deciduous teeth . The deciduous teeth begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. There are

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews0 teeth in total, 10 each in the upper and lower jaws. The other set is 32 permanent teeth in total, 16 teeth each in the upper and lower jaws

teeth are It consists of three parts: crown , tooth root, and tooth neck: the tooth crown exposed in the oral cavity; the tooth root embedded in the

alveolus; the narrow part between the two is called the tooth neck. Teeth are mainly composed of dentin. In the crown of the tooth, there is also bright and hard enamel on the surface of the

dentin, and the surface of the tooth root is covered with adhesive. Enamel : Enamel is located on the surface of

tooth crown. It is a layer of hard, white and transparent tissue that protects the dentin and pulp group inside the tooth.

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews

The healthy growth of teeth is related to nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, vitamins A, C, D and thyroid hormone. In addition, chewing food is also beneficial to the growth of teeth.

2. The function of teeth

Teeth grow twice in a person's life. The first "deciduous teeth" grow out around the age of two, totaling twenty. Around the age of six, deciduous teeth gradually fall out and "permanent teeth" grow in, totaling thirty-two.

According to the shape, it can be divided into " incisors ", "canines" and " molars "

The function of the incisors is to cut off food, the bicuspids are used to mash food, and the molars can grind food.

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews

3. What are the things on the teeth

(1) Saliva---- Saliva constantly moisturizes the mouth and teeth. It can keep teeth and other oral tissues moist, flush away residual food debris, and keep the acidity in the mouth at a low level. At the same time, saliva contains immunoglobulin and other important immune substances, which can resist viruses and bacteria. infringement.

(2) Calcified film---- Certain proteins (glycoproteins) in saliva are absorbed by the tooth surface. An extremely thin transparent film is formed on the teeth, which is called "acquired calcification film". A calcified film will form immediately after brushing, giving the teeth a smooth feeling. The calcified film protects teeth from acidic substances and prevents tooth decay . However, the calcified film is also the preferred place for bacteria and other microorganisms to grow, so it can lead to the appearance of tooth stains.

(3) Teeth stains ----Tooth stains are a soft, sticky, colorless substance that sticks to the teeth, a bit like jam sticking to a spoon. Tooth stains are caused by bacteria, protozoa, mycoplasma, yeast and viruses coming together to form a gel-like organic material. The mixture also contains bacterial byproducts, white blood cells , food debris and dead body tissue. Teeth stains increase as bacteria increase. After cleaning the teeth, tooth stains begin to form immediately. After about an hour, the tooth stains can increase to a serious level. It takes about seven days for the tooth stains to fully form. As the tooth stains form, the microorganisms that appear will There are more and more types, and the gums start to become inflamed.

(4) Soft tartar/ Dental calculus ---- If left untreated for a long time, tooth stains will begin to harden and become calculus-like, also called tartar, sometimes also called tartar . The calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in saliva dissolve into the stains and form a crystal-like substance that hardens the stains. Teeth stains begin to mineralize within 24 hours and completely harden into dental calculus within 12 to 20 days. The most common sign is yellow or brown discoloration of the teeth or gums.

·Tatar: Tartar, commonly known as "tooth rust", is a mineralized or mineralizing plaque and soft scale deposited on the tooth surface or restoration surface. Once formed, it is difficult to remove.

(5) Dental plaque - is composed of a large number of harmful bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye. These bacteria live in the mouth and adhere to the tooth surface and gingival sulcus in the form of a sticky paste. Toxins and other harmful substances produced by bacteria in dental plaque directly irritate the gums (commonly known as gums), causing tooth root inflammation to form gingivitis . Plaque is often invisible to the naked eye and must be visualized using a plaque stain. If plaque is allowed to grow, you will see a layer of yellowish-white, slightly granular material accumulated on the surface of your teeth. This is a thick layer of plaque. Plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease .

Dental calculus is the parasite that dental plaque relies on to survive, and dental plaque is the main causative factor of dental caries and periodontal disease

(6) Bacteria---- There are various kinds of bacteria inside the oral cavity Different bacteria, some are beneficial bacteria and , which help to inhibit the reproduction of more harmful bacteria, while some are harmful bacteria and can cause various oral diseases.

4. What are the standards for dental health?

The teeth are clean, without cavities, cavities, and pain. The gums are of normal color and have no bleeding. The color of the gums is normal; the light yellow and translucent ivory color is the normal color of the teeth and a sign of healthy teeth.

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews

A person can retain at least 20 teeth when he is 80 years old (reference value of tooth life span)

5. The correct way to care for teeth

Dental care can start from daily dental care and regular oral examinations.

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews. Daily dental care: Eat less sweets and drink less carbonated drinks in your life. If conditions permit, you should brush your teeth after each meal; if conditions are not sufficient, brush your teeth at least twice a day, morning and evening, and brush your teeth for no less than 2 minutes each time.

recommends learning to use the improved version of Pasteur brushing method : Place the toothbrush bristles on the neck of the teeth, with the upper teeth upward and the lower teeth downward, gently vibrate and brush the tooth surface, and use 2 to 3 teeth as a group each time , every tooth should be brushed. Flossing can be used to clean between adjacent teeth.

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews. Regular oral examination: Adults should have their oral examination at least once a year at the dental department, and children should have their oral examination at the pediatric dental clinic every 3 to 6 months.

In addition, regular teeth cleaning 1 to 2 times a year can effectively remove tartar and bacteria, maintain periodontal health, and prevent tooth decay.

For many people, having healthy teeth is important. One set is deciduous teeth, which begin to erupt 7 to 8 months after birth. 20 teeth, 10 in each upper and lower jaw, and another set of permanent teeth, a total of 32 teeth, 16 in each upper and lower jaw. - DayDayNews

Finally, I wish you all have a pair of healthy teeth, eat delicious food, and be in good health~#dental health#

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