Having practiced medicine for many years, I have seen too many common problems among men, especially those who suffer from premature aging and physical weakness at a young age and suffer from functional decline. The type I am going to talk about today is Yang deficiency, but it i

2024/05/1905:30:33 regimen 1334

I have been practicing medicine for many years, and I have seen too many common problems in men, especially those who suffer from premature aging physical weakness and reduced function at a young age.

Having practiced medicine for many years, I have seen too many common problems among men, especially those who suffer from premature aging and physical weakness at a young age and suffer from functional decline. The type I am going to talk about today is Yang deficiency, but it i - DayDayNews

The category I want to talk about today is yang deficiency , but it is not simply kidney yang deficiency , but Mingmen fire deficiency, spleen and kidney yang deficiency . Many patients with functional impairment and increased gray hair are caused by severe Yang Qi deficiency. Speaking from experience, in this case, you cannot just nourish the kidneys, but warm the yang of the spleen and kidneys!

Typical medical records

Mr. Gao, 39 years old, has severe functional impairment, cold hands and feet, white hair and a lot of white hair. He said that he has used many kidney-yang warming medicines, but the effect is mediocre, and his digestion level has not been very good. I often have diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and bloating after eating anything.

Having practiced medicine for many years, I have seen too many common problems among men, especially those who suffer from premature aging and physical weakness at a young age and suffer from functional decline. The type I am going to talk about today is Yang deficiency, but it i - DayDayNews

Tongue appearance: The tongue is light and fat, with tooth marks and white and slippery tongue coating.

After further questioning, it turned out that the patient had had the experience of using his hands in his early years, and he had lived with it frequently. Now not only is the functional disorder severe, I am particularly afraid of cold, but my insomnia quality is extremely poor.

Dialectical Principle

It is obvious that long-term yang deficiency leads to the decline of Mingmen fire and spleen and kidney yang deficiency. Judging from the experience over the years, most of these patients have long-term experience of using their hands, and their diet is irregular.

Due to long-term bad habits, kidney yang is seriously depleted. The yang energy in the kidney is insufficient . Over time, it cannot nourish the whole body. The first thing to be damaged is the spleen and stomach.

Having practiced medicine for many years, I have seen too many common problems among men, especially those who suffer from premature aging and physical weakness at a young age and suffer from functional decline. The type I am going to talk about today is Yang deficiency, but it i - DayDayNews

Insufficient Yang Qi in the spleen and stomach will cause symptoms of indigestion, abdominal distension and pain, diarrhea, and unformed stools.

Insufficient kidney yang leads to the decline of Mingmen fire and serious imbalance of yin and yang in the kidney. The kidney governs the bones. If the kidney yang is insufficient, the bones of the whole body cannot be warmed and nourished, so the bones of the body become weaker and weaker;

The kidneys store essence , and the essence produces blood, thereby nourishing the hair. Once the yang deficiency lasts for a long time, it will affect the production of essence and blood, and white hair will appear on the head. Excessive hair loss and dryness;

In addition, the kidney governs reproduction, and if the kidney yang is replenished, can the dysfunction not be serious?

Therefore, for symptomatic treatment, it is necessary to replenish the fire of Mingmen and warm the yang of the spleen and kidneys.

Having practiced medicine for many years, I have seen too many common problems among men, especially those who suffer from premature aging and physical weakness at a young age and suffer from functional decline. The type I am going to talk about today is Yang deficiency, but it i - DayDayNews

Prescriptions: epimedium, actinolite , wolfberry, Shayuanzi , yam, astragalus , licorice , Achyranthes achyranthes , dodder , Atractylodes macrocephala, Costus , etc.

In addition, while conditioning, you must also get rid of bad habits.

Results After the first diagnosis, Mr. Gao's hands and feet became warm, new dark hair began to appear on the top of his head, and his bowel movements improved. Then I continued to adjust the medication according to his symptoms. After the second diagnosis, his function reached normal levels, his physical condition improved, and he was no longer Diarrhea again.

Principles of prescriptions

Having practiced medicine for many years, I have seen too many common problems among men, especially those who suffer from premature aging and physical weakness at a young age and suffer from functional decline. The type I am going to talk about today is Yang deficiency, but it i - DayDayNews

1. Epimedium, actinolite, and Shayuanzi - nourishing the kidneys and yang, dispelling wind and dampness, strengthening muscles and bones;

2. Lycium barbarum and dodder - nourishing yin, mediating dryness that warms yang, and nourishing the liver;

3 .Yam - strengthens the spleen and stomach, while warming and nourishing kidney yin;

4. Astragalus, licorice, and atractylodes - tonifying qi and strengthening the spleen, raising yang and strengthening the surface, helping to improve physical fitness;

5. Achyranthes achyranthes, Achyranthes sinensis - It relieves joint pain, assists in inducing fire downwards, relieves pain and stops diarrhea.

Over the years of practicing medicine, every experience and experience is a unique wealth. Compared with words in books, communication and practice are more rare. Okay, that’s all for today regarding experience and insights. I hope I can provide you with some help and encourage each other.

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