Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy.

2024/05/1806:22:33 regimen 1016

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. Recently, I felt that my nausea was getting worse, so I went to the gastroenterology clinic of the hospital for treatment.

The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was in his 60s and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy .

The examination results showed that there was inflammation in the digestive system. The doctor told him to review the magnifying gastroscopy, but Lao Wan did not take it to heart. A year and a half later, Lao Wan's discomfort became more and more serious, so he mustered up the courage to go to the hospital for a magnifying gastroscopy.

Regrettably, Lao Wan’s magnifying gastroscopy and pathology results showed that the lesion had developed into cancer , and the best opportunity for endoscopic treatment had been missed.

Lao Wan was frustrated and confused: He had never had any serious health problems for most of his life. Why was it that when it was time to enjoy the blessings, cancer was detected instead?

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews

1. The age of 60-64 is the period when cancer is most likely to occur. Why?

According to my country's latest "Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rate in China 2016", there were about 4.064 million new cancer cases and 2.4135 million new cancer deaths in my country in 2016. Among them, the peak number of new cancer cases in both men and women is between the ages of 60 and 79.

Modern science has discovered that after the age of 60, the body will enter a comprehensive aging stage, accompanied by a high incidence of various diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes , osteoarthritis, and tumors.

Among the pathogenic mechanisms of these diseases, the continuous accumulation of senescent cells in the body is one of the main causes.

In addition, according to the latest data from the National Cancer Center in 2020, it was found: The number of new cancer cases in men and women reaches a peak between the ages of 60 and 64. Why is this stage a high incidence period for cancer?

First of all, bad living habits are one of the culprits.

When you are young, you do not pay attention to your health and often smoke and drink, which is extremely harmful to the health of your lungs and stomach, and may also affect other organs and tissues. Therefore, when you get older and your body's resistance decreases, cancer may take advantage of it.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews

Secondly, after the age of 60, most people have retired and suddenly have nothing to do. The elderly will inevitably suffer from anxiety and depression. If it is not adjusted in time, long-term mood swings will also contribute to cancer.

In addition, as age increases, the various functions of the body continue to degrade, and various chronic diseases begin to take advantage of the situation. The elderly are already physically weak. Coupled with the constant consumption of chronic diseases, cancer can easily take advantage of the weakness.

2. After the age of 60, not only are cancers more likely to occur

In addition to facing the "cancer risk period" in old age, there are also many diseases that are more likely to occur at this stage. Especially the following three common high-incidence diseases:

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews, cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number one threat to people over 60 years old, with high prevalence, high disability and high mortality rates.

Experts remind that the key to preventing cardiovascular disease is to change a static lifestyle into active actions, adopt a Mediterranean diet high in fiber, low in fat, low in oil and salt, at the same time quit smoking and limit alcohol, and maintain a good attitude .

In addition, people over 50 years old and those who already have risk factors for cardiovascular disease should take medications to control their condition under the guidance of a doctor.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews, Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease generally refers to various dementia that occur after the age of 65, including Alzheimer's disease , vascular dementia and mixed dementia and other types.

To prevent Alzheimer's disease, experts advocate a balanced diet, balanced nutrition, and moderate exercise, especially brain exercise. Elderly people participate more in outdoor activities and group activities. Within your ability, doing some housework can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews. High risk of fractures

For the elderly, osteoporosis is the biggest threat to fractures. Once an elderly person suffers a fracture due to a fall, their quality of life will be severely reduced and it will also bring a heavy economic burden to individuals, families and society.

Preventing fractures and falls should be the first step. Older adults should reduce their risk of falls by making changes to their daily lifestyle and building muscle strength through physical exercise.

In addition, long-term adequate calcium and vitamin D supplement can help prevent and treat osteoporosis and build bone health.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews

3. The "golden decade" is ushering in after the age of 60. How to delay aging?

Although various body functions decline and various diseases begin to occur after the age of 60, this period also ushered in the "golden" decade.

According to happiness index research, there is a "U-shaped" relationship between age and happiness. Normally, people's happiness begins to decline as they age around 20 years old, reaches a nadir in middle age, and then rebounds and rises. After the age of 60, the happiness index increases significantly.

Therefore, elderly people in this age group should take better care of themselves and enjoy this golden years. So during this period, what methods can be used to delay aging?

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews. Quit smoking as soon as possible

A research report in "Internal Medicine Literature" pointed out that smoking is directly related to the increased mortality rate of elderly patients, and quitting smoking can effectively prevent and greatly reduce the risk of lung cancer, respiratory system, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system and other diseases. morbidity.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews. Pay attention to calcium supplement

When people enter old age, the absorption of calcium decreases, and the ability to utilize and store calcium also becomes worse. Elderly people can take daily dietary supplements, such as milk and dairy products, vitamin D, etc., which can help improve calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews. Think more

The elderly should think more and use their brains frequently. Just like exercising more, it can increase the flexibility of the brain and delay the decline of the brain.

. Regular exercise

Middle-aged and elderly people should do more physical exercise, such as walking, jogging, square dancing and other activities. This is helpful to increase blood circulation, increase blood supply to the brain, and delay the aging rate of organs.

Lao Wan is 63 years old and has been feeling sick since 2 years ago. The doctor who visited Lao Wan saw that Lao Wan was over 60 years old and had never had a comprehensive physical examination before, so he suggested that he undergo a gastroscopy. - DayDayNews

The aging process of the human body is a complex systemic change process. Birth, growth, strength, old age and death are the laws of life. Aging is inevitable, but we can slow its progression. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude towards life is the best anti-aging method.



[1] "Latest authoritative cancer data released: People aged 60-64 are most susceptible to cancer!" 》. Health Times .2021-02-28

[2]《The higher this indicator, the greater the risk of Alzheimer’s disease! Adhere to 4 good habits, early prevention and early benefits”. Popular Science China. 2022-02-20

[3] “For people who still insist on exercising at the age of 60, their bodies are rewarding them with four major benefits”. Public Health News. 2019-12- 19

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