Many experts in modern medicine have pointed out that only about 1/3 of the diseases that drugs can cure are only about 1/3. So what are the diseases that cannot be cured by drugs? The key to the problem is that these diseases that cannot be cured by drugs have to be treated. Req

2024/05/1712:21:33 regimen 1230

Many experts in modern medicine have pointed out that only about 1/3 of the diseases that drugs can cure are only about 1/3. So what are the diseases that drugs cannot cure? In fact, it is a disease caused by lifestyle. That is, most cancers , diabetes , gout and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases etc.

The key to the problem is that these diseases cannot be treated well with drugs, but they have to take drugs for life to control them. As a result, they will lead to a whole body of complications , and sometimes aggravate the corresponding conditions. This sounds ridiculous. , but it is indeed a last resort. Pushed to the extreme, most people may not die from disease but from ignorance. This is just a conjecture.

Many experts in modern medicine have pointed out that only about 1/3 of the diseases that drugs can cure are only about 1/3. So what are the diseases that cannot be cured by drugs? The key to the problem is that these diseases that cannot be cured by drugs have to be treated. Req - DayDayNews

When you go to the hospital, the doctor will tell you: High blood pressure cannot be cured; diabetes cannot be cured; gout cannot be cured; cancer cannot be cured. The doctor is not wrong. It is indeed impossible to cure these diseases with drugs. Of course, there are cases where these diseases can be cured. But in the final analysis, it is not because of the drugs, but because your own immune system can cure it. This is the key. Once your facial system is not strong enough to fight It is basically a "death sentence", and drugs can only help you eliminate some of the reactions caused by the disease.

Although chemotherapy can effectively attack cancer cells, it will also cause the same damage to your own good cells. This is a bottleneck that cannot be identified by current medical methods. My personal suggestion is that if life is unfortunate for you and brings you this so-called terminal illness, you should start to let it go and do whatever you need to do for the rest of your life. Maybe a correct mentality can bring about a miracle. In a sense, lingering on is just a waste of time. Just trouble.

recommends learning the ideas of Taoism and . On the contrary, it teaches us to do subtraction, subtracting human factors. " is the way to lose , and it is damaged again." Loss means reduction, reducing human factors. For example, eating is necessary, but how to eat? The Taoist spirit tells you not to be biased towards eating good food. If you eat what seems precious, it will be mixed with artificial factors. Just eat ordinary food. Liezi once said, "The body cannot be preserved by nobleness, and the body cannot be enriched by love." We all value our lives, but if you don't give it the best according to what you want, that is what is called valuing it. It can be saved and thickened. Don't eat until you are very full. Eat when you are hungry and stop before you are full.

The troubles and distress in our lives all come from ourselves. If your mind is empty, everything will take care of itself naturally. This is a state of mind. Working hard in this direction may also have unexpected effects on those diseases. I wish those unfortunate people who are plagued by diseases can get rid of pain as soon as possible, as long as you look away from physical torture. Illness cannot cause you mental damage, and at the same time, you will find that physical pain is nothing.

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