/Journal of Trauma & DissociationJournal of Trauma & DissociationJournal of Trauma & Dissociation: The first issue was published in 2000. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD Publishing Company and publishes 5 issues every year.

/Journal of Trauma & Dissociation journal cover/

Journal of Trauma & Dissociation: The first issue was published in 2000. It is a hybrid journal published by Taylor & Francis LTD Publishing Company and publishes 5 issues per year. The ISSN number of this journal is 1529-9732, and the eISSN number is 1529-9740. The editor-in-chief of the journal is Professor Jennifer J. Freyd from the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon. In 2010, it obtained the first journal impact factor (0.778). In 2020, the impact factor is 2.754, and the latest partitions are PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI Q3 area, and PSYCHIATRY - SSCI Q3 area.

Database included

  • Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Social Sciences Citation Index ® /Social Scisearch
  • Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition (Thomson Reuters/ISI)
  • Acade mic Search Premier (EBSCO)
  • EMBASE Excerpta Medica
  • EMBASE.com (The Power of EMBASE + MEDLINE Combined)
  • Psychological Abstracts (PsycINFO)
  • PubMed

Publication topic

"Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" is the official scientific journal of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. The Journal of Trauma & Dissociation seeks manuscripts related to theory, basic science research, clinical treatment, and research related to interpersonal trauma and/or dissociation in children and adults. The journal welcomes contributions from a variety of approaches, including anthropological, cross-cultural, epidemiological, neurobiological, psychological, psychometric, psychotherapeutic, and social perspectives.

Publication column:

  • Article (Article)
  • Review (Review

The number of publications

"Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" has a stable number of publications of 40 to 40 per year from 2011 to 2020 More than 50 articles, 42 published in 2020 as of December 2021. On the 1st, WOS has entered the database of 53 articles published in the "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" in 2021. At present, the publication of articles in 2021 has not been completely completed; As of 2020, among the 609 articles that have been entered into the database of WOS, the number of articles published by Chinese people is 6 articles, accounting for 0.99%.

The number of articles published in "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" from 2011 to 2020 (the articles published in 2021 are not completely completed)

The number of articles published by Chinese authors in the "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" from 2011 to 2020 (the articles published in 2021 are not yet complete) Completely completed)

Publication type

As of November 2021, "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" publication type

Publication research direction

As of November 2021, "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" Article research direction

circulation TOP 10 countries

TOP 10 countries with publication volume of "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" in the past three years

Impact factor

"Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" The impact factor has been 1-2 in recent years, and the latest impact factor in 2020 is 2.754 .

2016~2020 "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" impact factor

Journal partition

According to the 2020 JCR report, "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation" is located in PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI Q3 area, PSYCHIATRY - S SCI Q3 area.

Submission link


Publication fee

The publication of this journal is divided into open access (Open Access) and subscription (Subscription). The open access type publication fee is 2 US$995, approximately RMB 20,965 Yuan, subscription-based free.

acceptance rate, review speed and publication speed:

Journal of Trauma & DissociationThe paper acceptance rate is about 62%, the acceptance period is about 62 days, and the publication period is about 22 days.


1. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wjtd20/current

2. Web of Science

3. Journal Citation Reports