If you don’t know how much success you can achieve by working hard in your career, you might as well relax, analyze your own food, clothing, housing, transportation and eating habits, and just think of finding some comfort in the game.

If you are worried about the bleak future;

If you don’t know how bright your life will be;

If you don’t know how much success you can achieve by working hard;

If you can’t wait to know how much glory you will have What kind of answer can you give to your life...

You might as well relax a little, analyze your own food, clothing, housing, transportation and eating habits, and just think of finding some comfort in the game.

But it should be noted that the following quiz is indeed universal. It is a psychological test to judge your future based on your preference for food. Think of it as an adjustment to your stressful life.

Just imagine, occasionally I go to a sushi restaurant with my friends, and there are all kinds of sushi in front of me.

If a friend said: "Take whatever you like!"

Which one would you pick up first?

The order of sushi is as follows:

A shrimp

B tuna

C abalone

D flower branches

E seaweed

F egg

G fish roe

Selection analysis

1. Select A: Shrimp - Desire and Persistence Type

In order to realize your desires and wishes, you must sacrifice other things. No matter what. I usually have lofty ideals and hate ordinary things. In addition, if you have excellent career skills but poor interpersonal relationships, you are not suitable for a career in management.

2. Choice B: Tuna - the orthodox common sense type

has very common sense judgment and ability to act. People who value interpersonal relationships and can gain the trust and support of others are most suitable for office workers.

3. Choose C: Abalone - the type with insufficient endurance

has strong sexual expectations and rapid sexual exhaustion. He lacks endurance but wants to pursue excitement. He always gives up halfway in everything he does. He belongs to the type of "everything only lasts three minutes".

4. Choose D: Huazhi - the practical type

does not pay attention to appearance, has the character to put ideas into action immediately, and is a realist who pays great attention to money.

5. Choose E: Nori - Compromise type

The thoughts in the heart are often invisible and belong to the introverted type. Make frequent compromises in your daily life and tolerate even the annoying things. You will not have a very high position in your life, but your down-to-earth work attitude will make you valued.

6. Choose F: Egg - the emotional type

is easily affected by mood, cannot resist the temptation of the outside world, lacks self-confidence and subjectivity, and often takes the opinions of others as their opinions.

7. Choose G: Caviar - self-display type

are not satisfied with ordinary things, and strive to let people around them see their abilities. They are people who like to show off. Have a strong sense of resistance to bosses and authority, and are suitable for business work.