Why do people feel anxious? What is the root cause? Is there any good way to solve it? If we look for the causes of anxiety from the outside, we can find countless reasons, but in fact there is only one root cause. Anxiety is because we lack nutrition in our hearts. Medically, it

Why do people feel anxious? What is the root cause? Is there any good way to solve it?

If we look for the reasons for anxiety from the outside, we can find countless reasons, but in fact there is only one root cause. Anxiety is because we lack nutrition in our hearts. Medically, it is believed that the occurrence of anxiety is mostly related to genetic factors, personal personality and temperament characteristics, adverse life events, and long-term frustration.

I personally think that the best way to solve the problem of anxiety is to start from within ourselves. I can recommend a book here to two people. If we read this book and understand these two people, it will be of great help to us in alleviating our anxiety. The book is called "Living the Meaning of Life" and the author is the Jewish doctor Viktor Frankl. During World War II, his family was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp in Germany. His mother, wife, and brother all died in the concentration camp. He survived hell and pioneered logotherapy. I read this book many years ago. After reading this book, I will have a feeling that the author can survive in such purgatory-like pain while searching for the meaning of life. Then in real life, we What else can’t you face with all the setbacks and hardships you’ve encountered?

The other two people, one is Yan Hui of Confucian , and the other is Zhuangzi of Taoist . In fact, what we people strive for nowadays seems to be to achieve success. But if you take a look at Yan Hui, you will find that this person is completely opposite to those who pursue success. Most of us want to get rich and become officials. But Yan Hui seemed to have no feeling at all about these things. He seems to have truly achieved what Confucius said about being content with poverty and Mencius said about poverty and humbleness. Yan Hui died at the age of forty, and there is almost no trace of a successful person in him. But this did not hinder his happiness at all. Looking at Zhuangzi again, he was relatively poor throughout his life, but he could be carefree and at ease. Once the King of Chu sent someone to ask him to be an official. He asked the other party. A turtle, would it rather die and leave its bones to enjoy the incense that people worship, or live on in the world, wagging its tail and crawling in the mud?

Most of us may not be able to reach the state of Yinhui Zhuangzi, but Listening to their stories can also make our hearts relax, and our hearts seem to gain some nourishment all of a sudden.

Of course, what I am talking about here is just that we have some emotional problems with anxiety. If this anxiety has formed a disease, we think we should go to a professional hospital to see a psychologist. We can also understand it this way. If a person's hands or feet are injured, we must first go to the hospital for disinfection, hemostasis, and bandaging. After doing these things, we still have to cultivate ourselves after we go back, and then we can truly restore our body to health. Both of these are very important. There is also an old saying in China that doctors can cure diseases before they become ill. In our daily lives, if we all read similar books and get to know more similar people, it will also play an important role in preventing some mental diseases.