On the road of life, everyone will encounter several opportunities for promotion, and those who can seize and make good use of this opportunity are the masters. Can you seize the opportunity for promotion? Please pick up your pen and take the test below, simply answer "Yes" or "N

On the road of life, everyone will encounter several opportunities for promotion, and those who can seize and make good use of this opportunity are the masters. Can you seize the opportunity for promotion?

Please pick up your pen and take the test below. Simply answer "Yes" or "No".

1.I changed to a better job.

2.I have been assigned responsibility for certain things.

3.I am very satisfied with my physical health.

4. I achieved a personal fitness goal (such as running 3,000 meters within the time limit).

5.My colleagues began to respect my judgment.

6. Through my efforts, my professional ability is more recognized.

7. My investment has been profitable.

8.I am more satisfied with my sex life than ever.

9. I broke a bad habit.

10.I got rid of a friend who was dragging me down in everything.

11.I am better able to control my emotional reactions to difficult situations than before.

12. I am better able to retain my own ideas and accept opinions from others.

13.I got a raise.

14.I am becoming more and more comfortable in various social situations.

15.I bought a new car.

16.I am getting closer to my ideal weight.

17.My love life is quite stable, or my marriage is getting better.

18. I bought things I never thought I would own.

19.I feel more confident when giving opinions or opinions.

20. I use my time better than before.

21.I started wearing more expensive clothes.

22. I renovated and decorated my house (including rented ones).

23.I have a new hobby.

24. My boss’s attitude towards me is getting better and better recently.

25.I bought a personal computer.

26.I got some new clients.

27.I moved to a better neighborhood.

28.My opinions and ideas are increasingly valued by my boss.

29.My boss relies more on my professional skills.

30.I participated in overseas travel or study tours.

31. I have gained more fame and fortune than those who have always been considered role models.

32.I am saving better than I used to be.

33.I am somewhat famous among my peers.

34.I am more confident in the quality of my work.

35.I have taken control of my eating habits.

36.My tennis (or other sports) skills have improved significantly.

37. I successfully completed the biggest project in my life.

38.I made some good friends.

39.I read more books (except novels) than before.

40.I can control my emotions and stress better than before.

Score distribution

Any answer "yes" will get 1 point, answer "no" will not score, and the total score will be calculated.

score analysis

1.0~5 points

Your score is very low. Unless you have reached the top and do not need any promotion, otherwise, people with low scores need to improve their workplace abilities. If you are classified in this group, your workplace ability is worrying, or you lack direction or have no goals, and you have no purpose all day long. You should work hard to change the status quo, otherwise, you will not be able to seize the opportunity for promotion.

2.6~10 points

You have a lower score and have roughly the same problems as the former, but you will definitely be better than the former. What you need is not the opportunity for promotion, but to focus on your work and set clearer goals.

3.11~17 points

Your score is medium. In terms of the possibility of getting promoted, you have a greater chance than the previous two. You can combine abundant energy with clearer goals, and you also have a certain performance foundation. You should make full use of your workplace abilities, expand your horizons, and move towards your established goals.

4.18~22 points

You have a higher score. You are trying to increase your chances of success, but you need to concentrate your efforts. You're like holding a shotgun, trying to hit anything. There's nothing wrong with doing this as long as it doesn't create anxiety. But it is good to remember that the quality of your achievements is more important than the quantity of your achievements. If you can determine your direction well and seize the opportunity for promotion, it will not be difficult for you to achieve greater success.

5.23 points or above

You score very high, and your ability is very strong, but you are often very ambitious, so you are prone to disorganization.Trying to achieve various goals will cause you to miss opportunities for success due to being busy. You might as well talk to an expert. Maybe you have a strong motivation to achieve but lack the necessary knowledge and direction.